
Shela Monica

Ask @shelmonn

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aku anak 2013 ka, klo 3 facts about ka daren?

wogh haha siapa yaa? :p
kak darren:
- lucunya kelewat bates
- males banget, nyonteknya pro
- ada campuran dr mana gtu lupa :p anak k3 dr 3 bersaudara dan cowo smua

kalo 3 fakta tentang kak eca?

wahahaha salah ya brarti td yg nanya bukan gio...
kak eca:
- baik bingitsss sabar keterlaluan wakaka
- punya mango face, cuteness
- pinter kyk dewa, IPA, ex-ketos, ex-ketua paskib, ex-kiper dlm sxgus :p

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kak shela sbutin 3 fakta tentang kak gio dong..

huahaha kak gio:
- cantikk pake banget!
- jujur banget, saking jujurnya di kira awalnya judes, org2 pada takut; apalg kalo lg paskib :( huahaha
- galak tapi baik bangett ♥♡
pasti ini jayo deh :*

ci shela cita2nya mau jadi ap?

jadi apa yaa hehehe hmm sbnrnya cita2nya sih pngen jd psikolog, cuma krn kuliah ga ambil itu jd gajauh2 dlu de sama jurusan, pgen jd MC ato presenter hihi

What are your hobbies?

terlalu banyak :p
- kuliner makanan
- jalan2 hangout nongkrong
- tidur dan begadang
- ngumpulin bungkusan makanan
- nyobain hal2 baru
- dengerin lagu, nyanyi, joget LOL
- kerjain tugas *ehhh*

tebak aja siapa wakakaka temen jogja kan cuma 3.. dari bahasanya juga ketauan koo {}

haiii aku tau ni, pendra de pasti yaaa? hihihi eh upendd uda samle jogja lg? ihh ga bilang2, kita bahkan blm smpet jln :(

Hey you, how're u? I hope everything is going well ^^ btw, I got a question for u. Would u rather live in a large urban city, a small town or in the countryside? Why?

hey heloo :) really fine, thanks :) you? hmm i rather in a small town, cause i dont like noise, i like pure nature, forest, big garden, fresh air and the view :D village is the best, family number one, togetherness :D

What will u do if u cant fall asleep at night?

hmmm listen to music, play games, chatting, watch DVD, make scrap book, or anything that can make me sleepy :p

"if 2 people already love each other, distance means nothing. trust, honesty and love are the keys." that's just for an ideal case but we live in the world tht isnt perfect! ^^

hahaha yaa so true, so that with human :D

Can You Tell If Someone Is Lying To You?

hmmmm depends on what he/she was lying :) if for goods, it's okay. if not and i know the truth, i will tell to them :)

I think u should try to watch 500 Days of Summer. It's a good movie haha u r missing out a lot of good movies out there :P

yaaaa ofcourse :( if you have something else that good please tell me hehehe okay i will, thanks yaaa! :D


Language: English