
Shela Monica

Ask @shelmonn

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i'll set initial so you confuse no more hahahah so, i can assume you feel empty while alone isn't it? don't overthink miss :') - La

hahaha ini org yg sama atau beda lg ya? :) hmmm kadang pas rame jg bisa merasa kyk gtu :p gw tipe org yg ga gitu suka berada di tpt rame yg ga ada tmn2 dkt gw gtu hehe jd kyk gw ttp ngobrol sama bbrp org, tp pusing sama mrasa kyk beda aja krn mreka bukan tmn yg biasa breng gw, ya bisa di blg kesepian sih

can you tell more about why you feel empty? :( sad to read that.. :-[

hey thanks for ur emphaty and care :) hmm dunno why hehe just sometimes feel like that

I mean answered questions hahahah really curious eh? :D you got a lot of ppl asking you here :o

ahh gatau yg manaa wkwkwk ada byk quest dr lu :p sorry2 kasi tau aja yg mana tar gw apus :D hehe hmm gak byk kokk :p

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do you enjoy your current life ?

hmmm yaa, but not really :) too much activity then i feel like a part of my life just empty hehehe

Supposing you know what is xoxo, then I guess you really know who I am thenn. but just keep guessing ya :p how's ur english? Everything went as predicted? :D #anonymous

hahahaha then u must be aboy, am i right? :) not really good cause i didnt prepare it well :( i just made it 10mins b4 perform, last night i felt asleep :3 hihi

how is your college life ? 5 words to describe !

hmmm colege life:
- happy (classmate, friends)
- hectic (trafficjam, hw, activity)
- free (time, study, attendance)
- competition (score, IP, etc)
- softskill you must have (UKM or HMJ)

Mm. Hello? You do your best yesterday no matter how bad the situation keep changing! Keep strong facing the world!! Good luck with the presentation :pp #anonymous

thankyouuu, for who you are :D xoxo ♥ kyknya tau nih siapa :p LOL

why? hahhahahaa i will stop asking here when you know me in real :P yessss *woof woof*

hahaha so knp lbh suka nanya di sini sih? wkwk kan ga ada identitas nyaa :s add line aja, mau ga? hehe todayy :D tp kan uda liat lgsg; bwt ala fotonya? :p
why hahhahahaa i will stop asking here when you know me in real P yessss woof

oh yes yes, looks very awesome with dress, beatiful voice too !

so you come and see me? :D but i didnt see and know u :( btw thanks for coming :D

no need to know who I am hahahah yes, I'm sure now...will try to come to see you ms.beautiful as MC :P

hahahahaha who's thisss? aaaaa jahat lahh :( see you 2morrow if true :D

ga di hide kok ci, emg ga buat accountnya nih hehe, mau ngepoin cc aja :P

hahahaha kok iseng bgt sih dek... tidur tidurr uda mlm loh :p

ihh cc kok masi bangun jam segini, gag sehat loohhh... ak jarang kok nanya disini :P

hahaha iya dongg :p blm bisa bobo nich :( hah masa sih? kamu jgn di hide dong namanya :(

ih cc emank banyak itu yg nanya hihi, bukan ak smua kok :(

hihihi masa sih? coba sini kamu kasi tau kamu siapa, biar ga ketuker sama yg lain :p hihihi

cc cantik fansnya banyak yaaa hihihi

hihihi ga koks kamu mah bisaan doang, paling dr kmrn itu kamu semua :( wahahaha

daily visitor yang waktu itu pake bhs inggris :P kan ud blg waktu itu 'we're even on the same college" hehehe... di konfirm dong bener apa enggak :D

ehhehe tuh kan bnerr, jd slama ini yg manggil ms.beautiful jg slalu lu? hehehe ktnya mau dtg next week LOL :p hmm sriusan mau dtg tp? :p

hai hai haloo ms.beautiful.. denger2 jadi MC hari minggu yaa.. dateng ah :P and btw pic again pls LOL

hahahaha kok kamu sok tau???? :p siapa sih ini hikss gamau ah kasi fotonya kalo gamau ngaku ini siapa :pp

ci kalo ada cowo yang suka cici, apa yang akan cici lakuin?

gatau ya, aku kadang suka ga ngeh kalo cowo suka aku... jd yauda paling bbman biasa lah :p

ci kalo lagi suka sama cowo gmn biasanya?

biasanya? hmmm biasa aja.... suka yauda pling pendem pendem sndiri ato crita2 sama tmn, tp kalo emg uda bbman dr awal baru suka yauda ikut nyari topik, biar ga bosen dan keabisan topik wahahaha

uda ketagihan duluan kok :P hahahha just your daily visitor, ms.beautiful :)

but i still dunno who you are :( pelit yah, LOL :₩


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