

Ask @siobhanloveless

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Opinion motherfucker?

Megan Wardle
Well well well...look who it is you slag,
You're there for me whenever I need you, make me laugh so much, so open can talk to you about anything and everything such a beautiful girl! Amazing personality amazing figure!
Absolute beast at holding parties
Love you girl x

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We should all make a cake made out of rainbows and smiles, and we can all eat it and be happy x

Do you even go to this school?
No, I just have a lot of feelings...

Holly & Megan are pretty & do have some great things about them. But they don't have the inner beauty and as many great things you have x

Aww thank you!x

Megan is anorexic is she bet she'd rather have a lovely figure than look like a huge beach whale like you

i couldn't give a shit what she'd rather have, nice original insult there love top notch...
Liked by: Yuri Costello

Megan and holly are most definitely not prettier then you. Holly is a fucking ugly skank, huge nose, massive forehead, spotty as fuck, orange as fuck, weird smile and as for Megan her hair is yellow, she looks anorexic, wonky teeth and huge lips. They are both pathetic bitchy girls.

Hahahahahahahaha!! Whoever this is I fucking love you!
Liked by: Yuri Costello

Megan and holly are a lot prettier than you that's the honest fact, you walk round school thinking your gods gift and think your older than everyone so stop slagging Megan and holly of pure jealousy

Thinking I'm older than everyone? That's because i am older than most people you fucking mong Hahaha that has to be the shittest insult! This isn't a beauty contest I couldn't give a shit what they look like, me? Jealous of 2 pathetic, bitchy, petty girls? You trying to insult me has actually made me laugh, aw fucking idiot
Liked by: Yuri Costello

but she not ugly though and she not a bully so why don't you keep your opinion to your self oh btw who ever writing this to her did anyone ever tell you that your a MONG:)



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