

Ask @siobhanloveless

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What do you loom for in lads?

going to assume you mean look but
good personality, someone who has the same humour, can act like a total idiot and not give a shit, nice bum, tall, dark hair, caring, protective, nice eyes
if you match these requirements...TALK TO ME

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Opinion on year 9??

get on well with some of them, really well with others and don't get on with a few

Nicest year 10's and prettiest year 10's at your school

Jasmine Thomas
Jenna Johnson
Jas Skinner
Courtney Alee
Molly Cable
Paige Evans
Olivia Trott
Amelia Sinclair
Summer Herbet
Liked by: Paige Evans

prettiest girls in the year above in your school

Abbie Holt
Megan Newport
Katie Hinchclife
Olivia Bull
Nat Mutton

Ignore the people who are sending you hate, cus you're beautiful and you're one of the loveliest people I know. They're just jealous because you're too sassy for them ly x

awww who is this?! thank you so much! hardly ever get this
ly2 x


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