

Ask @siobhanloveless

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Best way to open a conversation with someone you haven't spoke to in ages?

oh god, umm probably something funny, like hey you where you been? omg sounds so cheesy or something like hello stranger yeah probably use the second one!

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I would but i'd feel like a peado bear for some weird reason :L but have a nice day lovelace :3

awwwww please tell me:(?!

What do you believe happens to us after we die?

we go to a place identical to earth where people who are already dead, are so we can meet them
again in the after life

All i can think of when i see your name is the penguin from happy feet :L

Lovelace? hahaha I never thought about it like that!

What other reason other than she gets more dick than you , do you hate taonga banda?

I'd rather have some self respect and dignity then 'get more dicks' everything about her
the way she walks around school thinking she's god, when she said her name was peach or some kind of fruit and then it was Cheryl, what twat does that oh and her pink lipstick she looks like a twat
that enough reasons?

To all the people on this been tight to siobhan leave her the fuck alone and come of anoymous (:

aw thankyou! come off anon? x

Stop asking yourself questions about RY for popularity, he was obviously desperate when he went out with you, now because he's more popular you try get popular off him. Get over it you mug

AHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!!!! asking myself questions? oh hunny, you think I'd lower myself to that? I don't want anything to do with him anymore and oh really thank you for those kind words, okay I know so many people that hate him so much and that's what you call popularity? I'm trying to get popular off him? okay 1. LEARN HOW TO STRUCTURE A SENTENCE PROPERLLY and I don't want to be popular, most popular people just get hate, Get over what? the fact that you're sat behind a computer giving me hate? okay...done. Grow the fuck up love

Thoughts on Rhys Roberts?

used to be really close obviously then things changed, he changed I changed we both became new people, and if i'm honest I don't like who he's become, sometimes I feel sorry for him though, people hate him without even knowing him which is kind of harsh, but I don't even know him anymore, we don't talk, kind of shy in person, can't think of anything else to say really....

I heard you only met Rhys Roberts 6 days before you started going out true?

this is probably the same person asking me these questions go and ask him?

when was your last relationship? who was it with? who ended it? what happened when you or he ended it? how long was your relationship? would you ever get back with him? if yes why if no why? What date did it end? what happened on the day it ended? where you arguing? how did you meet?

AHAHAHA talk about interrogation although I did ask for it...
November 2011
Rhys Roberts
He did
he told me he couldn't handle my personality..
a month
no because we've both changed, don't know him anymore and well I don't like who he's become
a few days before Christmas
can't remember
I think so
can't really remember that either

10 things you look for in a boyfriend?

1. a cute smile
2. good bum
3. tall
4. Trustworthy
5. won't lie to me
6. Honest
7. can be immature yet be mature in serious situations
8. doesn't treat me differently infront of his friends
9. randomly kisses me and sends me long texts
10. protective
there's so many more why 10?! hahaha
Liked by: Solly Cox


Language: English