

Ask @siobhanloveless

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What great quote would you like to share?

yesterday's history, tomorrow and mystery and today is a gift that's way it is called the present

If you could have any talent what would it be and why?x

have a photographic memory because then I could well on exams haha x

Most jelous of in your school and why?x

quite a number of people mostly for the same reason
Katherine Stanton-Brown, Charlie Chapple, Alex Laine, Katie Bounsall, Holly Clemens, Ellie Taylor
all for being stupidly pretty!!

http://ask.fm/ChildOfTheJago  is a self harmer and covered in scars harhar. She's suicidal too! Get her to kill herself yeah? She's gonna anyway, but speed up the process!

you're fucking sick! scum like you don't deserve anything I life! maybe if you grew some fucking balls and came off anon...but no you're a worthless piece of shit who sits behind a computer screen and say sick and twisted things like that! grow the fuck up you twat!

i like your hair short, i liked it long as well though haha x

aww thankyou, I'm growing it out though not long to go before i can have a bob x


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