

Ask @siobhanloveless

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how do you say your name?

split it into 2 syllable's bloody hell it's like charades
1st syllable say shu like shove but just shu
2nd syllable say Vaughn
put them together you say it like shu-vaughn
Liked by: Kayleigh Ward

10 things you would change about yourself?

1. hair length
2. my skin
3. hips
4. figure
5. height
6. weight
7. legs
8. weight
9. weight
10. weight

which is more important, personality or looks?

I think there has to be a balance, I mean you would date someone who was really attractive but had the personality of a spoon it's the same if someone had a really good personality but you weren't attracted to them, you cant have one without the other

your hot!! are you single? i wouldnt mind getting to know you more

aw thank you, yes ahaha and mail me then?


Language: English