

Ask @siobhanloveless

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opinion on lindsey hill?x

awww lindsey what can i say..
we've shared some funny and amazing memories from being at emma's to your birthday sleepover to CARAVAN! i can honestly say they were the best times i've ever had! just us girls!
we've always been close, we drifted at the start of this year and are getting closer! always up for a good chat about anything, can be 100% myself around you, i've confided in you quite a bit and you've always offered me help and advice when i've needed it. Gives the best hugs!
you're such a beautiful girl, i love your hair and your eyes! you need to start believing you are! any guy should feel privileged to have you! such a kind-hearted, calm, funny, polite and a joy to have around
i love you hun x
Liked by: Lindsey hill


emmahorex’s Profile PhotoEmma Hore
Emma, Em, Horebag, Cutest Kid, we were super close in year 7, we shared so many memories in year 7, from sleepovers at your house, to days out in Tamerton, to drinking at yours by ourselves and the time that lindsey was there! we started to drift in year 8, 9 and 10 but now were much closer again, and i feel like i can talk to you about anything and you won't be grossed out or be like, "what the fuck?"
we can relate so much to each other, i think sixth form has brought us a lot closer, i trust you with everything and you've never once let me down. The photos we take together are just the cutest, i love our friendship there's so much banter, we can be totally joking with each other minute and then have a full on heart to heart the next. We always have a good natter when you pop up for a hottie.
you're such a beautiful, strong, curvy, blondey, booby, kind-hearted, polite girl with a beautiful personality
you need to start believing the fact that you are so gorgeous! and any guy would be lucky to have you
Love you x

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Aw Siobhan! That's the cutest thing ever!! I love you with all my heart beauitful!

guessing this is meg... awww no worries chicken! I love you to gorgeous!
Liked by: Megan Wardle

opinion bitch tits?

meganwardle123’s Profile PhotoMegan Wardle
jesus where to start;
i love the fact you live like 10 minutes away and 3 years ago i never even knew you lived there, and yet every time i drove past your house i just used to stare at it don't ask me how i have no idea hahaha
we started getting close when i used to go in town with you, mel and the others but over the past year or so we've gotten so much closer, we don't talk or see each other 24/7 but that doesn't make a blind bit of difference, we've had so many memories together from your parties, camping, dancing with you and your mum to HSM and i hope there's many more to come! i feel like i can tell you anything and i know it won't go any further, the trust i have for you is sky high, such a beautiful girl with such an amazing personality, i want your figure so badly! i feel like i can be myself around you and i don't have to hide anything and whatever i tell you, you wont jump to conclusions, always around for when i'm feeling down or in need of a good girly chat. Some of the stuff you do just gets me so much and i cant help but laugh, such a cutie meg!
the fact my mum has started calling you Meggy!
You're kind-hearted, caring, trustworthy, fucking hilarious, kind, i love how honest you are with me, i love our friendship but more importantly i love you meg!xxxxxxx

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Liked by: Megan Wardle

who is your best friend and why

my group but if i had to choose one person is would be shan,
she's always there for me, offers me help when i need it, food, money, backies to the gym, even though we don't get to spend every minute with each other, we can still mess about and have such a laugh!
she's kind-hearted and wears her heart on her sleeve, deserves the fucking best, gets me to every crazy thing on the planet just so she can have a laugh
ly shan x
Liked by: CallMeKaff.

can't help but laugh at the way you look...you think your absolutley perfect, with the most perfect body and the most amazing looks ever, get over yourself you stuck up scum

if you actually knew me and not the front i put on you'd know that i think my body is awful and I hate everything about it, i don't think I'm attractive in the slightest.
Liked by: Mikeeeeee


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