

Ask @siobhanloveless

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are you the Siobhan who has 'Loveless' written on the back of your leavers hoodie?

do you know any other Siobhan Loveless'?

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Describe each of your group individually?

Shan - Funniest Girl, so pretty, lovely figure, my bestfriend love you
Katherine - Again funniest chick, so pretty, lovely hair! lovely figure!
Megan - BEST FIGURE EVER! throws the best house parties! so pretty!
Vick - Known this chic since I was 4, been through thick and thin with here! prettiest gal! amazing bum!
Emma- CUTEST KID I KNOW! so funny, loud, pretty blonde gal
Catherine - CROCRINO STEVENS! don't know what I would have done if I didn't have this chic with on work experience! lovely girl so pretty
Lindsey - best memories down caravan so funny, really pretty!
Maz - My Biggest Fan! love this chic to pieces!
Liv - such a funny girl, some of the stuff she comes out with...amazing at slut drops!
don't know what I do without these girls love them all to pieces!
Liked by: Maz Megan Wardle

closest people?

Shan, Katherine, Meg, Vick, Em, Catherine, Linds, Liv, Maz, Alex, Holly, Charlotte, Katie and Alana

If you could live anyone's life for a day, who would it be?

Obama or Kim Kardashian or Beyoncé or Justin Beiber or The Queen or Bill Gates or Christian Bale or Johnny Depp or Robert Downey Jr.

have you ever been on omegle? for what ever reason

nope, it's always interested me as to what it is..might google it, why?

best girls?

if i forget anyone im sorry
shan, Katherine, megan, vick, emm, Catherine, maz, liv, Lindsey, alex, charlotte, holly, Katie, Alana, beth umm cant think of any more

people you'll miss when we leave notre dame?

Charlotte Martin, Alex Laine, Megan Wardle, Kayleigh Ward! pretty much everyone who is going to college

1 thing you're looking forward to?

there's a few things
Catherine's Tomorrow!
Meg's Party!

how long does it take you to read a book?

depends on how long the book is and if i like it or not


Language: English