
Star Overlord (aka Abigail)

Ask @starstorm931

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Do you post on any forus?

Mostly ASMB, but I'm kinda taking a break from there after what happened recently on a certain thread.

What was so special about the School Days ending?

Let's look at Makoto's character throughout the entire show. He's a selfish, lustful, arrogant, sociopathic dickweed for no good reason. So after watching him act that way after 11 episodes, seeing him finally get his comeuppance at the end is rather satisfying.

Have you ever said you liked someone when you really didn't just to spare their feelings?

No. If I don't like something, I'm gonna be honest about it.

Have you ever lost your temper and physically attacked someone?

Quite a few times when people have insulted me or tried to attack me.

What is the most common thing people tell you about yourself?

In order:
1. I'm ugly
2. I have acne
3. I'm retarded
Yeah, there's a reason I try to avoid people in real life. :\

What are some qualities you look for in a friend? Both online and irl.

I like someone who is nice and has a great sense of humor.


Language: English