
Star Overlord (aka Abigail)

Ask @starstorm931

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Have you ever felt attacked because of your race/ethnicity?

I'm white, so not really (but I've never had the pleasure of talking to a SJW, so yeah).

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Have you ever pretended to be someone else online to see what people say about you when you're not around?

Not for that exact reason, but there was a short time where I pretended to ba a boy online. I think it was because I wanted to fit in and there weren't many girls that shared my interests. Eventually, I stopped caring about what other people thought and I started identifying as female online.

Did you enjoy Toonami last Saturday?

Definitley. Everything except for Naruto Shiboobaloo was great to watch. Plus, Mushroom Samba was on that night.

What's the longest you've gone without sleeping?

I pulled of the 6 1/2 hour run a few times during Toonami, so I guess that counts.

Why did you watch all of School Days if you hated it?

Because I like torturing myself. Plus, the ending was too good to miss.

Would you dye your hair blonde for $50?

No. I like having my brown hair and I'd rather spend $50 on a video game or something.


Language: English