
Star Overlord (aka Abigail)

Ask @starstorm931

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Today is World Environment Day! How do you plan to make a positive impact on our Earth?

No, it's National Donut Day. We already had Earth Day back in April.
Liked by: SquishyPastey

Post a selfie!

I would, but autobiographies take time to write. Plus, my life isn't all that interesting.

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If you could choose a different time period and place to be born, when and where would it be?

I'd probably still be born in 1998, but as for where I would be, then probably California.

I've been watching you closely for the past 30 years and I know everything about you every night I pray to the almighty Starstorm and every thing I do I do for Starstorm and I like you so much I know I must be the one to kill you because if I do that I will become immortal

Uh, how have you been watching me for longer than I've actually been alive?

Does Sinon die? Idec for spoilers cuz I hate sao soo fucking much. Jw tho

No. She lives to join Kirito's ever-growing harem.

Are you excited about Toonami's new shows?

Yes, I am. I watched Michiko & Hachin on FUNimation EVS earlier this year, and I thought it was a great show. I'm glad to see it get a shot to air on Toonami, and I'm also glad to see something that isn't aimed at 15 year old boys. Certainly excited to rewatch it on Toonami.
As far as AGK is concerned, I'm also looking forward to that. I've heard it's not very good, but it's something I haven't seen before, and it'll open the doors for more Sentai shows. Honestly, I'm more excited for the possibilities than the actual show itself.

I hate bleach but I just wanna know why you hate it?

I feel it starts off very strong and the pacing isn't too bad either, but once you get to episode 60-something (after the Soul Society arc), then that's where things start to go downhill. The filler episodes are way too frequent to the point that they make up less than half of the series (and trust me, I did the math for that), the cannon is filled with stupid plot twists (ALL PART OF MY PLAN!!!), and the characters aren't all that great either.
Honestly, if you want to watch a better version of Bleach, just watch Yu Yu Hakusho instead. It's pretty much the same concept, but with much better pacing, writing, characters, and much less bullcrap filler.

Worst bleach charecter?

Probably Orihime. There's not really much to say about her because she's probably the blandest character on the show (and that's saying something, since I find 98% of the characters to be bland)

Pretend you can declare your own national holiday. What would it be about?

Sword Art Online Dis-Appreciation Day. The day where we all drink heavilly and MST3K all of the Sword Art Online episodes.

Do you think we're living in a virtual world a la Matrix? Do you ever question "reality'?



Language: English