

Ask @svspicion

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do you know that cops kxll more white people than blacks? but y’all not ready for this

by number, yes. but when you take into account the black population being only 13% and the white population being roughly 75%. cops are kxlling black people at a rate of over 25%. and kxlling white people at a rate of 8%.
but even without breaking it down for you like that - why are you not mad about police brutality against white people too
Liked by: moss

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did you see morgans dads post on fb abt everyone hating cops

no & idc what a cop has to say about how people feel about cops lmaooooo
Liked by: moss

why did you accept anden back then? did u miss her and her kids

why is this any of your business 🤔

you said anden has mental issues, is a liar and all your friends know it

i literally never said anden has mental issues because, well, that’s not even a phrase i say lmaoo.
i never called her a liar bc the incident that happened didn’t even involve lying 🤔
but ok

so cops shouldn't exist at all? rofl wild country without anyone enforcing laws

i don’t have the time or energy to sit and explain how there should be divisions of public servants for each specific crime & incident to you.

you need go grow up pls. publicly bashing anden all over social media, calling her a liar then now acting like nothing ever happened. yall act like you're in middle school ffs

i never publicly bashed anden lmaooooo. in fact, i gave such little insight as to what happened between us that people stayed asking me about it for almost a year. never not once did i say anything publicly about her lmaoooooo

how come you're friends with anden again lmaoo you keep friending unfriending grow up

how close do you actually lurk me to know that anden added me back on fb after an entire year of us not speaking lmao

You're crazy. When someone does wrong you don't go after their whole family. Stop with the BS.

what are you even talking about lmao ????

no i dont feel the need to argue everytime and prove myself to everyone. its exhausting to be that way. i dont care. id probably be like too bad what you think doesn't matter and block.

that was the first time i’d said something to her in four years. she got a MILD version of what should’ve been said to her

eh shes old with old values. you could have just ignored her or said too bad justin thinks otherwise and left it at that. i agree you were rude. id still respect someone's age. probably how i was raised 🤷

seems like you were raised to allow people to disrespect you and your kids while showing them respect, no matter what
respect is earned. it’s not given. especially when you’re an old bat with her foot in the grave, shit talking publicly on facebook
Liked by: emi Chicken wing moss

i live in alabama and my friends husband is a cop. in our community all the cops gathered WITH the protestors and protested against what happened. ALL cops arent bad just like ALL muslims aren't terrorists

i live in alabama and my friends husband is a cop  in our community all the cops

what did your husbands grandma say that was disrespectful

she kept calling me justins “little girlfriend”, said gavin and kendall and me would never be in her family, that he shouldn’t have married someone with kids (even tho he already had a son too lmao), and said i was a lazy parent lmfaooooooo

this picture is literally so badass and i love love love that sonG ASDFGHJKL when i saw that posted on your ig, i was like Y E S

those cops were so dumb to come stand next to me lmfaooooo
the other side said “when did protect and serve become comply or die”
and i held it above their heads the whole time :’) that way if they tried to get a photo-op of being at the protest in support that people would still know :’)
+5 answers in: “why you cut morgan off”

So you’d delete a friend of years over this????

idk how y’all do things but
i don’t just talk about it, i am about it. i’ll lose friends over differing political views because it’s not just an opinion. our morals are completely different so


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