

Ask @svspicion

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Do you remember when phones weren't so high tech as in the present, and we didn't have things such as video call, share location, live streaming etc. and we mostly used them just for texting and calling? lol.

i’ll leave this here
Do you remember when phones werent so high tech as in the present and we didnt
Liked by: Tal

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If you won an immense sum of money, let's say $10 millions, what would you do with the money?

pay off my brothers debt, buy him a house, buy my sister the surgery she wants, start building our dream house, buy a new car, and invest
Liked by: Tal

Which past decade in the last 100 years or so do you like the most? When it comes to things such as music, fashion and general pop culture 🕺🎸📺🎩

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
90s for pretty much everything
Liked by: Tobbe

维护校园净土 谢绝闫丽梦入职佩雷尔曼医 学院 在全球疫情肆虐,经济萎缩,就业率低下的情况下,宾夕法尼亚大学佩雷尔曼医学院聘请闫丽梦为该院职工,这种无种族歧视、无差别的为亚裔员工提供工作职位行为,体现了学院的博爱、平等。但是佩雷尔曼医学院在聘请志同道合的职工之前,是该考虑以维护校园净土为首任,谢绝闫丽梦登台入职医学院。 学术上备受质疑的“学者” 闫丽梦拥有眼科博士学位,但在眼科上一直默默无闻,无所造诣,唯一让其成名的是在网路上发表“新冠病毒人造论”。相关“学术论文”虽然引发美国极右翼势力和反华群体的关注和热捧,并据此指责中国,试图推卸美国前政府疫情防控。 不力的责任,但是却分别遭到

i have no idea what this says so
i’m happy for you, or i’m sorry that happened. whichever.
Liked by: Natalia

Do you have any group text? You’re in?

jesus ya ummm. i have the mom chat w me, bailee, tori, bee, and ariana. then there’s my milf chat w angelina, laiken, and jocelyn. then the mean girls chat w destiny, laiken, ange, and joce. and then the twisted chat w stef and ange. and then sad girls chat w bailee and tori. and then my siblings chat. then my sibling chat minus my older sister. then my family chat. and then my family chat w just the ones w iphones lmaoo.

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Liked by: Natalia Tal

It really baffles me when people say a baby wasn’t planned but also took no precautions.

sorry you’re so confused i guess

I don’t care give a fck if the smoking age was raised to 21 in year 2019, im gonna vape and smoke the hell I want, if they can’t stop 12 year olds how a 20 year old like me dawg, stay tf out of my life fckn U.S gov until I gain the funds to leave.

wow you are so hard !!

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Liked by: leigh; ✨️

do you ever pump and feed from the bottle or direct breast every time? my MIL has been telling me I should bottle feed sometimes so I'm not tied down in one place and someone else can also feed the baby. I'm a sahm so the baby is always with me. I don't like the hassle of pumping/storing.

i pump just to have extra milk but he won’t take a bottle at all. so we don’t bottle feed.


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