

Ask @svspicion

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I looked it up and buttons are only about 8$. So why are you trying to profit off someone’s death? It’s sick.

i literally said the 11$ covers the cost of button + shipping. meaning i’m paying for the button, it’s being shipped to me, and then i’m shipping it to others.
how much do you think shipping even costs lol. if i’m making a “profit” at all its pennies because i rounded the numbers & guessed shipping costs.
if you don’t want a button then don’t fxcking buy one but don’t accuse me of some sick shxt, thanks.
Liked by: Tal
+2 answers in: “Hey Ask Family:”

Hey Ask Family:

svspicion’s Profile Photomedusa
i have a vest that i wear a lot and on it, i have buttons of friends that have passed on. and i just finished making shawnie’s button. something i didn’t think id be doing so soon.
i normally just make one and done, but i figured since she’s touched the lives of so many and so many of us loved her dearly that some of you may want one too.
the button is 11$. that just covers cost of the button + shipping (to you).
let me know if you want one so you can carry her around with you too.
(i’m ordering them in the morning so you have about 12 hours to let me know + send the money in)
paypal is paypal.me/cadencejewell
venmo is @svspicion
Hey Ask Family
Liked by: Tal Toni Novia
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How are you holding up?

honestly not good. i had to facetime tori earlier bc i couldn’t get in control of my crying. we sat on the phone and cried together, trying to make sense of it all. for nearly two years now shawnie has been so honest about the outcome of her cancer. she’s tried to prepare us for de*th. made us repeat the words that she was going to d*e. we knew it was coming, but i never expected it to be so soon. i always thought that she’d see her boys graduate from high school. that she’d have a long hard road but would be there. be HERE. and i just feel sick over everything. ive read and listened to (via voice messages) our last conversation over and over and over. not even a week ago we were laughing and making jokes. i just feel fxcking sick. life is so unfair.
+7 answers in: “Anything new in your life?”

Anything new in your life?

my heart is shattered. she fought so hard. she was such a bright light in this world and her memory will live on forever.
yesterday, shawnie passed away. and as we all take our time to grieve and feel this pain, a pain she worked so hard to prepare us all for, let’s remember all the great things about shawnie. how she was an inspiration to everyone. how she kept a smile on her face for her young boys. all the things she did for them, her husband, and everyone who had the joy to know her.
if you can, please donate to her GFM. money will be redirected, now, to her boys and family. please keep her boys and husband in your thoughts/prayers etc as they move to a new life without shawnie.
i love you sweet girl. more than you’ll ever know.
(GFM: https://gf.me/u/y2sh7n)
Anything new in your life
+7 answers Read more

Would you vote for this to be enacted were it receiving a lot of support? Third time sex offenders (with 2 offenses underage related ) mandatory death sentence by hanging within 3 years of sentence?

why wait for a 3rd offense ? hang them the first time idgaf
Liked by: WayHaught trash


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