
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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Yr cousin yg ambil civil engineering tu girl or boy? Okay ke?

Girl, and dia dah graduate from Diploma dah pun, and dah sambung degree dah pun. Okay je.
Liked by: Liyana Rahman

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Salam kak syaza. Nak tanya, do you still remember or have the topics and syllabus for adfp pre-calculus? I'll be starting my adfp this july, and kalau boleh nak prepare sikit2 sebelum masuk. Kalau ada, thanks in advance! All the best for your finals! :)

Sorry lambat balas, I forgot where I left the syllabus. Good thing my boyfriend still has the book with the syllabus from INTEC. xD
Here you go! Hope this helps :)
[p/s. See you around in INTEC! *hint hint*]
Salam kak syaza Nak tanya do you still remember or have the topics and syllabus
Liked by: nadiamanaf

Pernah amik ielts? Dpt berapa each component

7 each but an 8 in either Writing or Reading (can't actually remember and too lazy to go look it up). Overall 7.5

Ada kawan ambil course civil engineering?

Kawan not sure, I don't really remember. But cousin, yes.

Can u pls answer my question pasal actuarial science, fellow, associate semua tu??? Rasa cam dah lama tanya and tak dpt jwpn lagi :)

Chillllll I had like 20+ questions to go through, and I want to get my facts right first before answering yours so sabar ye.

did you take ADFP of ATCP?? how much is your monthly allowance in the states? and how long will u spend in the us for your first degree

I took ADFP. MARA's allowances range from $835 - 1035 per month, depending on the university. And my degree is a four-year program.

hi akak :) i really really want to study in uk but i got adfp for the jpa mara scholarship. do u kknow by any chance a way for me to change programs? is it possible? and has it happened before? thank u -lost kid

Hi :)
My 'change' from A-Levels to ADFP is not the same as what you're trying to do, since I was not under MARA when I did my A-Levels. I'd suggest asking JPA-MARA about it and if it's possible. :)

akak prnah tukar dr a-level ke ADFP kann... sy dpt twrn ADFP ke us dr jpamara... tp sy nak tukarkan ADFP ke a-level UK.. sbb sy nak ambik architecture... boleh ke? senang ke nak tukar?

Akak tukar from A-Levels to ADFP sebab masa A-Levels tu akak buat privately in another college, and ADFP tu under MARA. So technically bukan 'tukar' tapi quit and start over.
Boleh tak boleh nak tukar tu kena check dengan JPA-MARA la kalau dyorang bagi tukar ke tak.

salam akak, i just got the jpa mara results and i initially was hoping to get a-level program but instead i got adfp. in ur opinion what are the major differences between adfp and a levels? bcause i really dont know much abt adfp...thanks akak :)

Two major differences between A-Levels and ADP are the amount of classes you'd be taking, and the grading system.
For A-Levels, you're stuck with the same 3-5 subjects for two years, and your final grades are determined by how you do in the final examinations at the end of the year.
For ADP (or ADFP or ATP or ACTP or whatever version of ADP), you'd be taking 3-7 classes per semester, and each semester you'd be taking different classes. Your quizzes, tests, homework assignments, presentations, class participation and discussions, midterms and final exams all count for the final grade for a class, and the final grade for ADP is counted by taking into account all the classes throughout the whole year (or two). So like, your final grade is not determined by the final exam alone, and depends on all the other stuff as well.
So yeah, that's the two major differences between A-Levels and ADP :)

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Assalamualaikum kak. I know you will be late in answering my question. I'm very bad in English. Saya ada baca satu post ni. Cakap pasal untuk improve kan English, buat status in English or posting on the blog in English. But, I'm even worried about my grammar errors and keep thinking about people wi

Your question was too long so it was cut off, but I think I get it what you're worried about.
Just, remember this thing: If you really want to improve something, why the hell would you worry about what other people think or say about you?
Would you rather have people talk about how bad you are when you are improving, or would you rather stay bad for the rest of your life?
Think about it.
If you're worried about people commenting on how bad you are, tapi at the same time you're improving yourself, sooner or later you will get better and they will stop talking about it.
But if you don't do anything to improve yourself, you're going to stay bad, and people are going to keep on commenting and saying bad things.
Mana satu pilihan hati? :)
Liked by: Shila

Assalamualaikum.. Nk tanya sikit.. Katakan dapat 9A termasuk BI.. Boleh pergi luar negara ke... Tapi bi sebenarnya tak tahu apa tu verb, future tense, x reti speaking dan sebagainya.. Pandai sikit kt writing... Boleh pergi luar negara ke.. Sambung

Wa'alaikumsalam. Refer my last answer, thanks.

Sambungngan tadi.. Penaja ada suruh buat preparation English ke? Mcm pergi kelas English belajar balik semua English ke atau kalau x pandai English x dapat pergi?

Kalau dapat tajaan (biasiswa, pinjaman MARA under SPC, etc), biasanya penaja akan hantar untuk buat preparation program (A-Levels, IB, ADP, etc) kat kolej2 dalam negara (INTEC, Taylor's, INTI, Sunway, KYUEM, KTJ, etc). Dan semasa program preparation ni, dah sah-sah akan ada kelas English untuk prep for any English tests (IELTS, TOEFL, etc).
And percayalah, tak ada orang akan check every thing that you say and make sure kau tahu beza 'verb' 'noun' semua tu. Leceh woih. Asalkan you make sense when you talk and write, and grammar-wise okay, lepas je nak survive overseas.

Explain your ever disastrous plan in academic?

I'm not sure what you meant by my 'ever disastrous plan in academic', but, yeah. Let's just say that I was supposed to be in a UK university and not in the US.
But all turns out well. Every 'disaster' turns out to be for the best, so Alhamdulillah for that. :)

Hi kak, can i start applying for mara loan once i finish adfp? or must i finish actp first, to apply for mara loan? tapi actp tu dah kira part of degree kan..

ACTP is part of a degree, technically speaking. But MARA EduLoan typically looks at a 'degree' from a 'university', and INTEC is not a university, so probably no.
I'd suggest you to call MARA and ask them personally, since they will have the answer for you.
Liked by: Faiz Othman torpe

What's your opinion about introverts and extraverts? What type are you?

I believe in the fact that an individual can have both 'introvert' and 'extrovert' personalities in him/her, depending on the situation.
For me, I am an extrovert most of the times. But during certain time periods (part of my holidays, exam seasons, just random times, etc) I can be an introvert and will want to be by myself and not go out and talk to people and all.

Assalamualaikum kak syaza just wanna thank you as i got a lot of info just by scrolling your askfm and btw im doing adp now and still struggling to fix my cgpa (still bawah 3.50) hmm pray for me dapat lepas ke state just like youuu

Wa'alaikumsalam. Awww you're welcome! I wish you all the best in all that you do, and may Allah ease your journey! InsyaAllah, you'll make it there someday! Good luck kiddo! :)

Is it worth for me untuk ambil Mathematics instead of Actuarial Science (for ADFP) since kat US punya universities pun mcm excel bahagian Actuarial Science, rather than Mathematics?

I don't really get your question, so you might want to try and rephrase it for me.
But whatever major you're planning on taking, whether it's 'worth it' or not depends on how you look at it and how you plan to use it in your future career :)

Assalamualaikum kak. Pernah ambil ielts? Is it that hard to score 6.5 and above?

Wa'alaikumsalam. Tak susah mana pun. Pernah je ambil dulu, wasn't that hard.

Kak , kalau adfp , bagi aliran sains , berapa tahun belajar ye ? Terima kasih atas keprihatinan akak

ADFP in INTEC setahun, no matter what program. ADP somewhere else depends on the college itself.

Kak sihat? Lama tak dengar khabar akak syaza. I'm like your stalker dah. Follow your IG, FB, twitter and now ask.fm. Haha. Have a nice day, kak. May Allah bless. And cepat2 kawin dgn abg Aiman. :')

Ahahahahahahaha Alhamdulillah sihat :') Hikhik. Hope you're well too! :) And doakan la jodoh tu sampai cepat, ni dah penat nak cucuk2 dia & parents ni sebenarnya xD hikhikhik. May Allah bless you too kiddo! :)

assalamualaikum. saye waitlisted UW Madison. selain hantar result spring semester, ape lg yg saye bleh buat? akak keje bahagian admission kn? tau x mcm mane dorng uruskn yg waitlisted ni. terime kasih.

Technically, spring semester results are not required, but if you're waitlisted, then yes, hantar Spring semester results can probably help. And if possible, send in a letter saying how you're still interested to come to UW-Madison, how you're still waiting patiently for the results, and the things you've been doing. If you have additional letters of recommendation, that would work well as well.
As for the process, now dyorang just tengok if ada space in the incoming class, then all waitlisted applicants akan di-review for the second time untuk tengok who will get admitted and who won't.


Language: English