
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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pd pndangan akak. mne yg lgi ok? antara asasi sains fizikal um dgn program persediaan chem eng utp?

Tidak ada kes yang 'lagi okay', especially with this. Now that you have two options, fikir elok-elok which one yang akan prepare you for the future you want. Kalau you really want to do chemical engineering, then go to UTP. If you're not really sure yet, asasi sains fizikal will give you a more general and broad knowledge that can be applied in various disciplines. Whichever yang 'lagi okay' bergantung kepada what you want to do in your life later on.
Liked by: Michael Warming

Hahaha okay okay saya sbnrnye keliru akak pegi us by scholarship or by loan. :)

Then tanyalah betul-betul, bukan macam tu :)
Akak under pinjaman MARA.

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katakanlah theres a person who is studying abroad under mara, dah 3rd year there but something bad happen to him. let's say he cant continue his study anymoreee (comma,death etc). how about his loan? the family should pay for him or what? im just curious and unprepared(?) to accept loan. help

Okay, sorry this took a while for me to answer.
I tried looking through my perjanjian with MARA, but I could not find anything that answers this question.
I've also tried looking up similar cases on Google, and I get conflicting answers.
Some people say that in the case of death, the family will have to pay back MARA for the money that they've provided, since it is a loan, and a pinjaman is an amanah and hutang that needs to be paid back.
Some people say that MARA wouldn't ask for money from the family.
There was a case with a PTPTN student who passed away, and his family did not have to pay anything to PTPTN since PTPTN has this insurance thing that covers them in case anything happens to the student / loaner.
But for MARA, I am not aware of such things, so I really do not know the concrete answer to this (though I really would like to know).
[Okay, on second thought, I decided to call up Puan Hatifah, the director of MARA USA, for a more concrete answer.]
According to Puan Hatifah, that would depend on the cause/reason itself. In the case of a death, kalau the student die of natural causes and all, it should be fine and the family wouldn't have to pay back. But in the case in which the student participates in something that is against his/her perjanjian with MARA, then it gets more complicated.
i.e. in MARA's perjanjian, a student will have to inform MARA of their every move, whenever they go on holidays or trips or anything. This way, if something bad happens, MARA will be aware of it. But in the case that a MARA student goes on a trip somewhere without informing MARA, MARA couldn't really take responsibility for it, lagi2 since the student breaches the contract by not informing MARA of anything.
She also said that MARA also has the insurance to cover any loss that may occur in these rare cases of deaths or any situations in which a student is no longer capable of continuing their studies.
But her main point was: It all depends on what happened and how it happened, and whether or not it is informed to MARA or not.
Hope this helps :/
[very interesting question though, since I've never actually thought about it before]

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Liked by: Shila unknown

Mostly kawan akak yg pegi interview utk mara sama2 dgn akak, most of them dpt tawaran x?

Emmmmm, ada yang yes, ada yang tak. Sebab ramai sangat yang pergi interview, tak ingat exactly how much yang dapat. I think most dapat rasanya.

Akak pnah cakapkan yg akak tak pasti yg minat akak is actuarial science?So macam mana akak go on aje dgn apa yg akak belajar?And pnah tak akak menyesal dengan apa yg akak ambil?

Akak tak pasti yang Actuarial Science ni PASSION akak, yes.
So far, all the Actuarial Science classes yang akak ambil, mostly interesting la. It's fun and challenging, and I like it. Cumanya at this point akak just tak boleh nak nampak diri akak kerja as an Actuary. But hey, it's okay. Baru 21 tahun kot, still a long way to go. Ilmu is still ilmu, no matter what. So belajar je la. It's fun, it's interesting, and even if I don't end up in the Actuarial industry, the knowledge will still be useful in other industries, and the skills are definitely useful in other places as well.
And nope. Tak menyesal pun. Best apa belajar Actuarial Science ni. xD

hi sis! cmne u pakai shawl eh? ada ikut tutorial shawl mana2? nak tahu je hihi ^^

Err, main lilit je kot? Hahaha. Dulu pernah tengok tutorial kat YouTube but it never worked (or I just don't like how my face looks) so I macam main ikut suka tengok apa yang senang and nampak okay on my face. xD

i dont think that 'just being myself' is a good excuse for u to run away from having some manners among human beings, though.

This is not a case of me running away from having some manners.
This is me presenting the same amount of 'manners' that those people present to me.
If a person himself (or herself) can't take the effort to at least scroll down my Ask.fm page before asking the same questions that I have answered countless times, why should I take the effort to answer it with perfect manner and providing every single answer to them, when the answers are already there for them to find within a couple of scrolls?
Patience is one thing, and my friends would tell you that I am in fact being so nice and patient in answering these repetitive questions. My existence here is not to give out answers to all the questions, but to guide people to look for the answers themselves.
Peace (Y)
Liked by: Zarina Shila Adam Rosli

sokay you can change your attitude . you just need to take some time

I rather not change my attitude to please some people. If I find a good reason to change, I would. But if it's just irritating to some people who might not even know me personally, then I don't see why I should change it just to make them happy. My friends are fine with how I am, and I am happy with how I am, and that's all that matters.

kalau interviewer tanya knpa nk smbung blajar overseas, apa yg patut kita ungkapkan?

Kenapa kau tanya aku? Shouldn't it be why YOU want to go abroad, so why ask someone for the answers?
Ungkapkanlah apa-apa sahaja yang membuatkan kau nak sambung belajar overseas. Kalau kau tak jumpa any reasons, well, better think carefully about your choice. Kau betul nak belajar luar negara atau sekadar nak ikut orang sebab kau rasa belajar luar negara tu 'best'?
Liked by: ShuNaim

nak tanya psl ptptn boleh tak? :3

Sorry, tak tahu apa-apa pasal PTPTN. Sila bertanya kepada yang lebih mengetahui.

Kak nazu, dulu time apply mara kan, lepas submit application tu dia suruh print slip permohonan je kan? Ke ada dia suruh print borang permohonan sekali?

Slip permohonan je. Tu pun dia tak tengok sangat rasanya?

akak nazira nak plan study smpai degree je ke kat us or smpai master and phd? hiks

Akak Nazira takde kat sini, maaf. Akak Nazu je ada.
On a more serious note: Entah. We'll see how life goes in the next couple of years.

after finishing your degree, you can stay in the usa right? because you are not bonded to mara,only need to pay some percentage based on your result. If so, how do you obtain a job there? I mean, can we just attend interviews that might be relevant with our qualifications? Bcos, i just want to know

Yes, you can. You can apply for jobs wherever you want, but you'll have to have a work visa to be able to stay and work in the US. And not all companies or organizations will sponsor international students to work for them, so you'll have to look for those who do employ internationals.

Assalamualaikum akak, i was wondering if a matriculation student can apply to go overseas. is it possible or is it just for local universities only?

You can apply but the process is harder for Matriculation students as compared to STPM students.


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