
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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kak. nak tanya ni. contoh je ni. saya dapat offer letter dari uni oversea, saya apply direct lah ni. pastu baru saya mohon pinjaman mara. pastu lepas dapat pinjaman mara. pastu mara urus semua ke?? i mean mcm penginapan?and others? ke kene urus sendiri. mara kasi duit je. kita urus sendiri? takutnye

Urus sendiri bro. MARA ada beribu students dia nak handle, bab housing semua kena sendiri2 la urus. Cari rumah sendiri semua. MARA bagi elaun je & bayar tuition fees semua.

Prayer time intervals in US sama ke like in Malaysia?

Tak. Berbeza ikut musim. Musim sejuk cepat gelap so masuk waktu awal (well, Subuh lewat sebab lambat terang). Musim panas cepat terang (and lama) so lambat sikit masuk waktu.

kak, mcm mana ni kak.....saya plan nak amik medik tp takut bila tgk ada org yg buat separuh jln je.....saya rasa saya blh buat.......tapi hmm

So, kalau kau rasa kau boleh buat, go on je la.

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*scrolling your ask.fm* wow, takyah tanye takpe dah banyak dah tahu. kebanyakanya org tanye mnde same, mesti sbb malas nak scroll. lol.

Tahu takpe -.-

those yg study abroad ke uk pakai result matriks tu nnti kena ambil IELTS jgk ke sblm fly?

Most probably yes.

Kak syaza whos ur friend under YPPB? May i know how can i contact him / her

Boleh try cari Hazita Azmi or 'Ariff Zuhaili on Facebook. If you do contact them, tell them you know about them from me.

akak sll tgk anime jepun kan, akak tahu tak apa apa anime yg jalan cerita dia ada mcm ada medic-related skit? kalau ada, bagi tajuk kak :)

Aku tahu Black Jack je :/

Sis. What do u think about form 6 ?

I don't know much about it so all I can say is that it's a good program.

Sis I just read your answer, I'm really sorry if it burdens you, I promise I won't be judging your actions and all because I really adore you in any ways :)

Haha. No la, it's totally up to you on what you want to do. Just, bear in mind that I am human, just like everyone else, and I have flaws and mistakes. :)

Assalamualaikum akak...saya rase mcm dilema bila ada org sekeliling saya ckp kalau saya nak ambik course AS saya kena ada biasiswa nnt sng dpt kerja..kalau tak dpt biasiswa or hanya ambik loan mara je better tak payah ambik sbb takut susah dpt kerja...hmmm your opinion?

Ambil loan MARA -> Kerja kat luar negara -> Lagi banyak options -> Lagi tinggi gaji.
End of story.
Loan MARA tak limitkan kau untuk balik Malaysia, so pergi la kerja luar negara dulu kalau boleh.

Kenapa Malaysia benci Indonesia ? Kenapa Malaysia mengklaim budaya milik bangsa Indonesia ? Apakah Malaysia tidak mempunyai budayanya sendiri ?

Mana aku tahu. Pergi tanya 'Malaysia' sendiri.

How do u train yourself to be systematic? Bc I cam really see that in you :)

What makes you feel that way? 'Cause I don't see myself that way xD

What about those yang mengada ngada tweet dok adore you la apa semua?

Everyone ada hak untuk look up to anyone they want, no? Though I'm flattered, it gives more burden to me as well since people will be looking up to me and judging my every move. So that wouldn't be fun.

tak rindu ke kat pets tu? ada bela lain tak kat us?

Rindu jaaa. Sebab tu selalu Skype dengan dyorang. And nope, tak bela kat sini. Apartment tak bagi.

Syaza you tak rasa those people yang sibuk duk tweet about you tu penyibuk ke?

They have the rights to talk about anything they want. Idgaf :3 My life's awesome enough that I don't need to care about what people talk about me :)


Language: English