
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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Do u know any of ur friends who did pre u locally in gov uni then degree im overseas? Or from matrics

Not that I can think off at the top of my head, @aixnr do have some from Matrikulasi who flew off, I believe.
@nadtella, however, was from STPM, if I'm not mistaken, and she's now studying in Scotland.

hey there! what's your opinion about auditing results? (at intec)

If you do it for one or two times and it's for a subject that you are really bad at and can't cope well, it's fine.
But if you do it every single semester just to maintain a 'good enough CGPA' so you can pass your sponsor's requirements and fly off, well, baik fikir balik la. Are you there to study or just to get the minimum requirements needed to go abroad?

Salam akak, kalau akak diberi soalan ; "kalau kami tak hantar ke Amerika, anda akan terima atau tak?" akak akn jwb mcm mne yer? terima ke tak? apa yg penemuduga tu expect bile dia tnye mcm tu ? Actually in my case, I want to study in Ireland.

Alyn Hyunnie
Maaf lambat balas soalan ni.
Most probably bila interviewer tanya soalan tu, dia (mereka?) nak tengok, sejauh mana kita betul-betul nak pergi belajar di sesuatu tempat itu.
Adakah kita nak ke luar negara semata-mata sebab kita nak 'belajar luar negara'?
Ataupun adakah kita nak ke luar negara sebenar-benarnya sebab kita nak program yang ada kat luar negara?
Kalau aku, aku akan cakap aku akan pertimbangkan dulu negara mana. Seboleh mungkin, aku nak ke United States, sebab peluang untuk belajar Actuarial Science itu sangat tinggi. Banyak sangat university yang offer program ini, dan ada banyak peluang kalau nak buat internships ke apa. Kalau di UK, ada beberapa universiti je yang ada program Actuarial Science. Limited sangat. Tempat lain pun sama je.
So jawab jujur. Kau nak ke luar negara tu kenapa sebenarnya? Kalau sebenarnya nak ke Ireland, kenapa mohon yang ke Amerika? Mereka mungkin akan mempersoalkan benda tu sebenarnya, dan mereka mungkin akan ingat kau orang yang tak berpendirian, sekadar nak ke luar negara sebab nak ada status 'pelajar luar negara'. So think back and carefully about your intentions sebenarnya. :)

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Kak syaza. Nak tanya pasal mara loan ni. So kalau study oversea mcm australia ke uk mahal, around brape amount nk kene bayar balik? Btw kalau result gempak just byr 25% kan?

Ikut perjanjian masing-masing dengan MARA macam mana. Kalau aku, keputusan CGPA 3.50+ bayar balik 10% je.

Malu la nk tanya kat twtupcampus, so sy tanya kat sini eh akak. Mara loan tu kalau nk minta study kat oversea biasanya kasi kat dakdak straight As ke? Yg cikai tak dapat eh? Ada kwn akak yg result cikai (7As and below) yg dpt mara loan and fly?

Entah, tengok la syarat program dia apa. Different program different syarat, kalau lepas, ada la peluang nak dapat. Kalau tak lepas, takde la peluang nak dapat.

assalamualaikum kak syaza. tak nak tanya apa-apa, cuma nak cakap i adore you hehe. macam sweet & kind, tapi ada pendirian cewah x3 xoxo

Aku? Sweet?
I thought I'm strict?

salam kak syaza! saya dapat 5a,besar ke kemungkinan saya dapat scholarship? thankyou kak syaza,have a nice day!

Bergantung kepada scholarship mana kau (awak?) nak apply la. Kalau tak apply, mana mungkin nak dapat scholarship. Dan kalau tak lepas syarat scholarship tersebut, mana mungkin nak apply. So tengok dulu syarat scholarship mana kau (awak?) nak apply tu dulu.

Have u sit any of actuarial professional exams before this? N which one would u recommend, SOA or CAA?

I sat for FM and failed it.
I don't know much about the CAA (never have heard of it before), unless you're talking about the CAS. I'm assuming you're a Malaysian, and if so, most Malaysian actuaries take either from SOA, CAS, IFoA or AI (link: http://actuaries.org.my/career/route-to-becoming-an-actuary/). Which one you want to take depends on what your end goal is.
As for me, the first few papers are the same for both SOA and CAS, so I haven't yet decided in which one to take just yet.

Assalamualaikum , kak nak tanya course actuarial science ni tough ke tak ?

Semua program susah dan semua program senang. Bergantung kepada usaha yang diberikan.

Oh so meanning before u went to UW. You dh dapat offer letter from UW then baru you minta loan mara? Sorry if i mistaken

I was already under MARA when I was in INTEC. Unless you're already under a tajaan during your pre-uni, you'll have to apply to universities first before applying for tajaan.

Kak syaza so if i applied for intec then if i got the offer letter then i can apply for mara or what? Bcs i ws rejected by mara due to didnt meet the qualifications for their programs

For pre-university programs, I'm not too sure. Probably can try calling up MARA and ask them if it's possible :)

Assalamualaikum Kak! I just wonder kalau kalau akak tahu lah kan, ada ke biasiswa for undergraduate ke overseas untuk lepasan asasi? And kalau ada, asasi apa je eh? Ke semua asasi?

Sebelum tanya pasal biasiswa, do note that even if you dapat biasiswa ke luar negara, lepasan apa-apa pun la, biasiswa tu most probably tak akan datang dengan offer dari luar negara. So you yourself kena apply sendiri to universities abroad.
So kalau dah dapat offer tu baru fikir nak apply scholarships mana2 untuk sambung belajar luar negara tu.

Better amik ielts/toefl sementara tengah menganggur ni ke after dah dpt offer study luar negara ? And kalau sempat ke nak amik ielts/toefl after dah dot offer letter from u luar negara ?

Kalau nak apply university luar negara pun dyorang dah mintak keputusan IELTS / TOEFL tu sebenarnya so ambil before you actually apply to them.

oooo thank you. patut la. eh really murah? murah bnyk ke?

Kalau beli postpaid plan, dapat la jugak iPhone 6 for $199 or so. Kalau without a plan, $650 macam tu.

Whts the point to say when we were asked to introduce ourself for scholarship iv?

Personally, I'd mention something from all three Past, Present and Future.
Past: previous school, one or two things you did in school, etc
Present: what you're doing now, what you're planning on doing, etc
Future: what you plan to study and where, and why, and what you want to be after graduating, etc.
(And of course can mention basic info like name, some family info, interests - this one especially if it links to one of your achievements in school or out of school).

hi, u xdpt soalan sy pasal americans guna imessage tu ke u put on hold dulu? huhu. sorry sy curious. but take your time kalau u nk put on hold dulu. :)

Baru je jawab bro. Lekkkk.

Hello kak Nazu. Kak Nazu rasa boleh tak STPM leaver yg dapat result bagus like 3.5 ke 4.0 ke during all 3 sems and keluar apply study luar negara under any sponsorship mara or JPA? Mcm mna process dia ek?

One thing though if you would like to get sponsorship after your pre-university program: You'll have to apply for the universities yourself. Having an offer (or a conditional offer) might make it easier for you to get a MARA loan or any other scholarships. :)

hi syaza, american tak guna whatsapp ke? most of them guna iMessage ke? bcs kalau tgk american screenshot their text, jarang from ws haha. semua pakai iphone eh kat sana?

Ada this joke on campus on how girls in Madison usually are: Pakai coat North Face, leggings and Ugg boot and tangan pegang iPhone and Starbucks. :'D
And yeah. Most pakai iPhones sebab murah. And dyorang jarang pakai WhatsApp sebab unlimited text mostly dah included in the phone plan.

Susah tak nak masuk WM mad ni.. Sbb rsau jgk ni.. Pointer oke.. Tp IELTS dpt 6 je.. Email admission dia suruh apply sebab WM mad tgk keseluruhan.. Boleh bagi pendapat sikit tak..

IELTS takde faktor sangat pun sebab it's only there to show that you are proficient enough in English. Nanti kalau masuk, ada je lagi placement test yang betul2 bagitahu which ESL class you'll have to take, so it doesn't really matter. What matter most are your GPA, essays, SAT scores (freshmen) and the application itself.
Relax. If it's meant to be, it will be :)


Language: English