
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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Assalamualaikum kak, kak ok tak kalau apply dekat mesir? Lebih-lebih lagi kita ni perempuan?

Wa'alaikumsalam. Wallahualam. Boleh tanya mereka yang sedang belajar di Middle East la untuk tahu keadaan belajar macam mana di sana. Saya budak US je, tak tahu the living environment in Mesir.

Sorry. And good luck for your exam. Aku tak patut tiba2 emo mcm tu cuma frust sbb result unexpected n nk minta pendapat. Minta maaf sgt2.

"Janganlah kamu bersikap lemah, dan janganlah pula kamu bersedih hati, padahal kamulah orang-orang yang paling tinggi darjatnya, jika kamu orang-orang yang beriman." (Surah Al-Imran,139)
Relax. Keputusan teruk untuk satu semester / satu tahun tak bermakna it's the end of the world. Kau masih ada masa untuk improve. There's always a way out of every problem.

Kak syaza, saya apply JPA then takde rezeki. Then, boleh buat rayuan ke kak? Kalau nak buat rayuan, boleh ke saya apply MARA pula? Ke kena JPA juga? -saya bukan orang kaya T.T-

MARA dah tutup dah pun kan, so bukannya boleh apply ke MARA jugak. Kalau nak buat rayuan, kena rayuan to pihak JPA la.
And kaya tak kaya itu different story. Kalau kau apply JPA tu maknanya kau nak ke luar negara la kan? So fikir balik kenapa kau nak ke luar negara in the first place. And kalau sememangnya kau nak ke luar negara, kau patutnya dah fikirkan backup plan(s) kalau tak dapat JPA / MARA. Tapi kalau kau sekadar nak JPA dan nak ke luar negara sebab nanti kau boleh war-warkan yang kau ni "budak JPA yang belajar kat UK/US/etc", then sila take a few minutes to rethink balik intentions dan niat kau sebenarnya.

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Akak tahu tak scholar apa lagi yang still buka? Akak, saya bukan orang senang, saya hidup susah, then saya risau pasal tanggungan pelajaran kat U nanti. Can you help me kak? Please kak. I'm very worried.

Boleh tengok kat http://afterschool.my/scholarship/ for the list of scholarships and their deadlines.
As for tanggungan masa kat University, there is an option of masuk program (Asasi, Matriks, etc) yang ada elaun from KPM, so boleh je start with that. And lepas pre-university baru apply for pinjaman or scholarship.

Hi kak syaza. Ada tips tak apa nak baca to prepare for scholarship interviews and cam mana nak attract attention the interviewers? :)

Hi :)
Boleh refer my previous answer on interview tips at : http://ask.fm/syazanazura/answer/109797458258
As for attracting the interviewers:
1) Your body language.
Watch this TED Talk for more information on this: http://www.ted.com/talks/amy_cuddy_your_body_language_shapes_who_you_are?language=en
2) Professionalism / charisma.
Sit up straight, look confident, BE confident, clear voice, firm handshake (kalau boleh).
3) Stand out, make an impact.
Be aware of what you say, 'cause a sentence or two that stands out (positively or negatively) can leave an impact on the interviewers. It can also be something you do (body language, etc) that helps them remember who you are.
A great example is like how Katniss shot the apple in the pig's mouth during her assessment in the first Hunger Games movie. It's bold, it's new, and it makes them remember her.
Hope this helps, good luck! :)

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Akak saya tak dpt mara-jpa tu so sad :( tp kalau mcm akak masuk kolej intec tu mmg under program tu ke? Kalau saye apply kolej intec okay ke tp saye takut yuran mahal.... Hmm

Yes, aku masuk INTEC under program MARA. Tapi ada je kawan aku yang masuk INTEC sebagai seorang private student, dan dengan results A-Levels dia, dia mohon pinjaman MARA untuk ke luar negara.
Bab yuran tu boleh call pihak INTEC dan tanya la berapa anggaran yuran setahun.

Saya x dpat Mara tpi saya mmg nk sgt sbb tu saya nk buat surat rayuan tdi..

Fikir balik kenapa kau 'nak sangat' pinjaman MARA tu.
Unless you can come up with a super good reason for it, and you can really sell your case, then I wouldn't bother.
Kalau aku jadi pegawai MARA, dan aku dapat surat rayuan yang sekadar alasan sebab "keluarga saya tak mampu nak hantar saya belajar ke luar negara", aku takkan layan. MARA ada beratus, if not beribu, orang yang cakap macam tu. So what? MARA takleh nak satisfy everyone's needs.
Kalau sekadar "Dari dulu saya berniat nak sambung belajar kat luar negara", aku takkan layan jugak. That not only YOUR dream, but almost everyone else's dreams as well. So what?
Kalau betul nak buat rayuan tu, make sure fikir balik reason kenapa kau nak MARA tu in the first place.

Kak,seelok-eloknya nk buat surat rasmi rayuan satu muka surat ke? Kalau lebih cena?

Taktahu. Kalau dia mintak satu page, satu page je la. Quality > quantity. Kalau tulis panjang tapi takde isi tak guna jugak.

Salam. Akak, saya ada mohon tajaan Mara baru-baru ni dan dgn keluar pun result, bad news saya xdpt. Tapi boleh buat rayuan tak lebih 200 patah perkataan. Boleh tak kak bgi sedikit tips utk sya buat rayuan tu. Perhaps, akk punya tips utk dikongsi.

Wa'alaikumsalam. Tengok soalan kat bawah.

Salam kak...saya sedih x dpat biasiswa huhu. Kak klau buat surat rayuan nk express cena kak? Tolong saya kak:) May Allah bless you always

1. Tak payah sedih sangat. It just shows that you're better off somewhere. Mungkin Allah tahu you're not strong enough now to carry the burden and responsibility of having a scholarship. Mungkin Allah tahu yang you're not ready for it yet. Be happy and relieved that you're not carrying a huge burden on your shoulders. Having a scholarship is NOT a privilege, it is a RESPONSIBILITY.
2. Kalau nak sangat buat surat rayuan tu, focus la on why you think you DESERVED the scholarship in the first place. What makes you special, why they should reconsider you and stuff. Don't talk about why you WANT the scholarship, 'cause EVERYONE wants a scholarship. So find something that makes you special.
Liked by: Shila

Sis, I did quite a lot of research to the extent that I feel like puking with all the scrolling and stuff but yet i didn't get the offer for the mara interview, I feel numb, I've done everything, my friends semua satu satu nikmat mereka dpt, I feel that I selalu diuji hm help me sis

"Apakah manusia itu mengira bahawa mereka dibiarkan saja mengatakan: Kami telah beriman(I am full of faith to Allah), sedangkan mereka tidak diuji? Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah menguji orang-orang yang sebelum mereka, maka sesungguhnya Allah mengetahui orang-orang yang benar dan, sesungguhnya Dia mengetahui orang-orang yang dusta." (Surah Al-Ankabut, 2-3)
"..dan janganlah kamu berputus asa dari rahmat Allah. Sesungguhnya tiada berputus asa dari rahmat Allah melainkan kaum yang kafir." (Surah Yusuf ayat 87)
Not getting the offer for interview does not mean that you're not good enough for it, but perhaps because Allah wants to show you that you are better off somewhere else. You may feel like you know what's the best option for you, but trust in Allah, 'cause He Knows best. And not getting an offer for the MARA interview now does not mean you've lost out in the option of studying abroad. Go on and take the less conventional way of studying abroad. Do foundation or matrikulasi or STPM, and apply for scholarships with your pre-university results. There's tons of options out there that's available for you, if you really want it.

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Kalau minta FIST-Science in UniKL, still dapat pinjaman MARA tak? And, tu boleh nak sambung degree medic kan?

1. Boleh call MARA and tanya kalau mereka bagi pinjaman kat sana. Should be boleh.
2. Boleh tanya advisor kat UniKL or tanya seniors. Aku tak pernah dengar program tu so aku tak tahu boleh sambung medicine ke tak.
Untuk no. 2:
Google up FIST-Science UniKL.
Some of the results from the first page: http://shidahnyehidup.blogspot.com/2012/05/kolej-mara-kuala-nerang.html or http://deyawanny.blogspot.com/2014/04/foundation-in-science-and-technology.html or http://haruno-hana.blogspot.com/2013/03/365ai-no-kotoba-foundation-in-sci-tech.html.

kak syaza, nak tanya,kiranya waktu apply mara dulu, kak syaza kena reject. pastu buat rayuan dekat website mara eh

Our appeal process was different, in which we only had to fill up an appeal form and choose a different program. Last year's appeal process was sending an email or calling the office, I think. So aku tak tahu this year korang punya macam mana.

Hai Kak Syaza. Tenang-tenang kak Syaza. Kak Syaza cool yo!

Kak Syaza tengah tenanglah ni. Kalau tak tenang dah mencarut dah. :3

salam kak, sy sekarang tgah study dalam bidang yg profesional jugak(medik/farmasi/dental). tknak mention yg mna. sy baru je first year. mungkin sy tkdapat sesuaikan diri lg. first sem sy result sgt truk. kos sy ni banyak sangat program campur dengan kolej lagi. any advice tak on hows to balance it?

Kenapa tak nak mention program yang mana satu? At least nanti aku boleh la forwardkan kau kat kawan-kawan aku yang tengah buat program tu. Sebagai pelajar Actuarial Science, I won't be able to help out specifically in how to cope with programs macam tu.
If you know that you can't balance studies and other activities happening around the college / campus, you should know your priority and say no to the extracurricular activities. Focus more on your classes first. Make sure you have a solid foundation on it, and that you are comfortable with the level of hardness (?) before you decide to participate in anything else other than your studies.
This does not mean that you can't participate in anything. Just that, try not to take any important roles or extensive responsibilities that would steal a lot of your time from studying. You can take up minor roles or volunteer to help out on site, but try not to do a lot of the work unless you have a solid foundation and understanding of your academics.
Get a peer mentor. Either a senior or your friends who are doing better than you are. Get help and advice on how to better prepare for the classes, how to effectively study and all that stuff. Looking and asking for help do not mean that you are weak, but it means that you are willing to learn and improve.

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Alhamdullilah I'm glad to hear that!!! Thank you so much akak. ( inti - biasiswa MARA question) hehehehe

You're welcome, and good luck! :)

Salam Kak Syaza, saya ada apply INTI untuk 3 course yang berlainan and I tried to google about biasiswa if dapat offer letter from inti but no avail. Jadi, MARA\JPA akan bagi tak utk private uni..... Thanks :)

Wa'alaikumsalam. Should be boleh apply for MARA, sebab INTI pun ada je dalam list colleges yang MARA akan hantar budak for pre-university program before fly. And MARA memang untuk IPTS je pun so boleh je insyaAllah.

Hey akak,saya dapat offer buat alevels 15 months ,tapi cam x yakin kat diri la.akak pernah tak rasa x yakin dgn diri sendiri and apa akak akan buat utk atasi ketidakyakinan

(Akak jawab pakai aku kau tau, sebab tak biasa guna akak awak).
Aku dulu masuk program A-Levels yang fast track punya. January 2012 dah masuk A-Levels, dan patutnya July 2013 dah habis A-Levels, dan September 2013 dah boleh fly ke UK.
Tiga bulan pertama dalam A-Levels tu, aku suka. Aku rasa tercabar. Aku betul-betul suka dan rasa yang insyaAllah aku boleh lepas A-Levels with flying colors. Like, aku kot, lagi susah benda tu, lagi semangat aku jadi.
March 2012. Keputusan SPM keluar. Dengan keputusan aku tu pun, aku tak dapat offer apa-apa (melainkan bursary yang aku reject sebab dia tak bagi aku sambung kat kolej aku masa tu). Dalam masa itu juga aku kena buat personal statement untuk permohonan UCAS (untuk mohon university di UK). Masa tu, otak aku kosong. Aku tak yakin dengan diri aku. Aku tak tahu kenapa aku ambil A-Levels. Aku tak tahu apa yang aku nak buat dengan hidup aku. Aku tak tahu kenapa aku nak belajar Actuarial Science. Aku tak tahu kenapa aku ada kat situ masa tu.
Pastu keputusan rayuan MARA keluar, dan aku dapat offer program ADFP setahun di INTEC sebelum sambung di US. Disebabkan masa tu aku dah memang hilang keyakinan kat diri aku, aku pujuk mak ayah aku untuk bagi aku start over anew. And they said yes (after some negotiations that is).
So yeah.
Bagi aku, if you ever feel like you're not worth it, or if rasa tak yakin dengan diri sendiri, it's not wrong to take a step back and analyze the situation from far. Take a few minutes or hours off, think about it. Doa banyak-banyak. Sometimes Allah gives us all these challenges, all these 'ke-tidak-yakin-an', to make us think about what we actually want in life. So that we know what we are actually doing at that time.
For me, I realized that the reason aku sambung A-Levels is because that was what was expected of me. The top student in the school, alang2 dah ada kat KTJ, sambung je la A-Levels. But I didn't give myself ample time to really think about it, about what I want.
That being said, just remember this:
"Life's no fun if you stay within your comfort zone."
Kalau asyik ambil jalan mudah, tak pernah nak challenge yourself, how will you ever learn and grow? :)
Doa & istikharah banyak2. Moga Allah permudahkan! :)

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kalau sya tanya orang yg berjaya kan. dorang semua cakap dorang slalu doa yg terbaik. x doa pun nk straight A' s plus. tp dorang dapat. saya pulak takut nk doa yg terbaik sbb takut yg terbaik untuk saya bukan yg itu

"Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu padahal ia amat baik bagimu dan boleh jadi pula kamu menyukai sesuatu padahal ia amat buruk bagimu, Allah mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui." (2:216)
Percaya kepada Allah. :)
Liked by: Shila

akak kalau IB dip tu apa?

"The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) is a two-year educational programme primarily aimed at students aged 16–19. The program is one that provides an internationally accepted qualification for entry into higher education, and is accepted by many universities worldwide." (Source: Wikipedia)
In simpler words: An international version of a diploma that allows you to further your tertiary studies in universities abroad.

Kak nak tanya. Tau tak any university in uk yang terima foundation besides Alevel Dgn IB ?

Boleh tengok sini -> http://www.reddit.com/r/INTEC/comments/2qwwyn/overseas_universities_that_do_recognize_kpm/ (Tapi ini untuk Matrikulasi and some STPM).
Kalau you're talking about Asasi, kebiasaannya susah, sebab Asasi itu biasanya dah specifically for a certain university, so susah nak sambung degree di universiti lain. But, that being said, boleh je tengok kat website university di UK tu kalau ada yang terima. I wouldn't know necessarily of any specific one, tapi mungkin ada.

My addmath get an A- in spm. Layak tak amik sains aktuari??

Should be layak je. Bergantung kepada program kat mana and program apa nak ambil la.


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