
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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Kebiasaanya kaalau dh buat prep untuk ke luar negara and dapat placing mara akan taja la selalunya..pls share untuk anon tadi

Given that you pass their requirements la, that is.

I plan nak study pharmacy tapi ada 10 years bond(if i'm not mistaken...) dgn JPA. You rasa 10 years tu lama tak kalau i nak jadi pharmacist? Should I take Mara loan instead?

To be honest, kalau aku, bond 2 tahun pun lama lols. Ikut diri kau la. Sebab kalau JPA, kalau dia tak panggil, you don't have to work with them. So boleh kerja somewhere else if tak dipanggil.

kak syaza, ada kawan yg ambik dentistry tak? nk mintak dia punya advises boleh?

Ada je. Nak Facebook or Twitter or email? Nak lelaki or perempuan?

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syazaaa. xpyh ke nk cope dgn imperial system kt states? i nk study states tp yg imperial system tu i allergy sikit lah.. tp kalau kena pergi jugak.. insya Allah i'll brave it. how about you?

There's always Google. Lol.

Hi, do you have any friends (yang ada ask.fm or anything yang allow me to ask some questions) yang ambil finance, accountancy, and business? I'm applying for a scholarship & I'm quite confused nak pilih course mana satu.

Hi Anon, meet Abang @haziqghafar. Hi Abang Haziq, meet Anon.
Liked by: Haziq Ghafar

Salam kak,contoh kalau saya buat a levels pastu nak fly pegi uk urusan permohonan uni kat uk tu takde interview semua kan ,cuma hantar macam cv je kan? Or still ada interview

UK universities apply through UCAS most probably. So bukan takat CV tapi ada personal statement and stuff. And ada je universities yang ada interview. Most tak ada.

akak tau tak mane2 scholarship utk vet?

Not that I can recall at the top of my head. Sorry.
MARA do offer Biotech though, and aku ada kawan yang berjaya appeal mintak tukar veterinar, if that helps

Akak betol ke ada kawan saya kata ,kalau buat foundation macam ausmat private then apply uni kat australia ,bila dh dapat placing apply mara berkemungkinan akan dapat pinjaman.tq

Most probably. Depends on MARA punya kuota jugak la.

Syaza ,saya ni english nk tulis essay memang tak bagus ,and diorang kata alevels banyak tulis essays,just nak tahu bab tulis essay tu based on kita baca or idea sendiri thanks

Depending on the question(s) la. Ada yang minta our thoughts and opinions. Ada yang minta facts. Kalau facts, memang based on what we read la. :)

Hey akak syaza ,sis nak tanya ada tak kawan akak yg buat alevels sekarang buat accountancy.kalau ada dia ada ask.fn or fb or twitter tak sebab saya ada soalan sikkit nak tanya thanks

Calling @haziqghafar, boleh tolong anon ni tak Abang Haziq? :)
Liked by: Haziq Ghafar

assalamualaikum. hi sis! how r you? first of all, i want to thank you sebab actually, your post about spm results few years ago motivated me a lot! eventhough my results r not a 9A+,but somehow i got straight As. thanks a lot sebab since i read that post, i really worked my ass off x) tq tq tq!

Wa'alaikumsalam. Hello :) I'm doing fine, thank you. How are you? :)
Congratulations for your results! I wish you all the best in your future endeavors :) Do keep me updated or hit me up if you need anything :) Now go out and treat yourself to something 'cause you've done your best and you deserve a treat! :)

salam. boleh tak saya tau kenapa akak pilih untuk blog on wordpress instead of blogger? ada apa2 pros tentang wordpress yg org lain tak tau ke. rasa nak jadi blogger and share kisah kehidupan saya lah. (sorry soalan tak penting) thanks kak

Wa'alaikumsalam. Technically, I'm more of a Blogger fan. Aku start kat Blogger in June 2008, and in August 2014, aku pindah to WordPress.
Takde la any compelling reasons whatsoever, aku just nak try benda baru je sebenarnya. Nak cuba host sendiri blog tu, nak rasa something untuk 'push' diri sendiri to actually blog (even though blog masih lagi terbengkalai and shits). Sebab kat Blogger dulu free je. And bayar pun takat untuk pakai domain tu je. So bila pindah WordPress, kena bayar for domain & hosting and all, so macam lagi responsible for the blog itself la. Itu je sebab sebenarnya.
(Oh, lagi satu sebab is because aku rasa blog lama aku serabut dengan posts2 yang entah merapu apa entah so macam nak start over fresh somewhere new)

what made u chose wisconsin? other than wisconsin, what were other unis u applied for? and how about malaysian community in wisconsin? thanks in advance.

I applied to four universities (University of Wisconsin-Madison, Purdue University, University of Iowa and University of Pennsylvania). Got rejected by UPenn, accepted by the other three, decided to commit to Madison.
Why Wisconsin / What's nice about Wisconsin -> http://ask.fm/syazanazura/answer/123153792850
Why I hate Wisconsin -> http://ask.fm/syazanazura/answer/123206081362
Other link that may help -> http://ask.fm/syazanazura/answer/123294364242
Malaysian community in Wisconsin? Okay la. I'm not a fan of really big Malaysian communities where people breathe, live, talk and eat Malaysian every single day, so UW-Madison's a good place for that. There's roughly 100 Malaysians here, more or less, with about 30-40 Malays. Occassional halaqahs / usrahs (not compulsory), some random events here and there.

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engineering mmg semua ada association yg banyak dgn subjek matematik and fizik ke? ke ada yg lebih pd sastera?

Entah. Cuba tanya abang aku -> @Lkmnazmi. Takpun tanya Raziq -> @raziqkhirudin or Sarah -> @sarahanes or even Safarin -> @RajaSafarin56.
Semua orang kat atas tu budak Engineering (ada Chemical, ada electrical, ada mechanical), so tanya la dyorang. Mungkin dyorang lagi boleh membantu daripada aku yang bukan budak Engineering.
Oh, and if kau decide untuk tanya abang aku (Lukman), jangan lupa wish dia Happy Birthday. Hari ni (March 5th, 2015) birthday dia yang ke 23. Hihi :3

assalamualaikum akak. blh tak explain knp akak pilih belajar luar negara? and akak nak pilih utk kerja kat malaysia ke sana nanti bila dh graduate? gracias

Why US -> http://www.syazanazura.com/2013/11/why-study-in-usa.html
Soalan pasal kerja tu, Wallahualam. Sekarang ni takat nak survive empat tahun dulu kat universiti. Nak fikir internship pun dah naik pening, apakan lagi nak fikir kerja. Lama lagi bro. Hahaha. Tapi plan either stay sini for a few years, timba pengalaman dulu pastu baru balik. Takpun balik kahwin then buat Teach For Malaysia for two years. Tak sure lagi :)

masuk intec boleh pinjam ptptn ke? ptptn ni mcm untuk semua org ke kena pegi interview etc etc? pening laa

Tak tahu pasal PTPTN, sorry. Boleh try tanya mereka yang lebih memahami.

Hi akak , saya nak tanya kan ada peluang ke english A- nak pergi overseas bcs my sc subject semua A solid , i dont think i can get any scholarship based on my english result :(

Ada budak dapat B English pun boleh je belajar luar negara.


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