
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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kak syaza, whts the diff btween local scholarship, overseas scholarship & sponsorship? Im actually filling in the maybank form & I'm planning to do a levels in intec so which one should I choose?

"For any assistance, kindly call our Scholarship Helpdesk at 03-2074 8966".
I believe calling that will help answer your question(s). :)
Liked by: Nur Hidayah Ayoep

Assalamualaikum kak. Saya berminat nak belajar undang-undang. Akak tahu mana-mana kawan akak ke yang tahu mengenai area itu yang ada ask.fm?

Wa'alaikumsalam. Akak tak sure if kawan akak yang belajar Law tu ada ask.fm or not. Tapi dia cakap if ada soalan apa-apa, boleh email dia at hafidzirazali (at) gmail (dot) com (use the proper symbols). His name is Hafidzi Razali and he's one of the best person I've met so far :D

salam kak, how do you handle when youre sincerely want to know this someone then he/she acted like "wehh siapa mamat/minah ni kampung gila" with a stare of annoyed and cepat la blah plus tak tanya pape pun tunggu kita blah je

Define 'sincerely want to know this person'. Entah, buat bodoh je la kot. It's their loss, not yours.
Liked by: Haziq Ghafar

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Saya x sgka anda se femes ini! :p soalan: sejak bila anda femes ekceli?

Zawir Amin
Mana ada saya femes Abang Zawir. Abang Boston kita ni lagi femes kot. Hiks :p

nak tanya. berapa mara bagi duit scholar untuk adfp/actp kat intec every month/per semester? after that, bila dah sambung degree, berapa mara bagi every month/per sem? adakah elaun/duit scholar tu sama untuk setiap uni kat us x kiralah dalam bandar atau luar bandar or ipta atau ipts(if kat sana ada

Elaun MARA bergantung kepada kolej dan uni dan berbeza ikut kadar. Masa INTEC aku rasa RM400 something kot sebulan. Now kadar uni aku $835 monthly.

Kak syaza, apa uni yang sesuai for dentistry and nak fly?

University untuk dentistry -> http://www.hotcourses.com.my/study/training-degrees/malaysia/dentistry-courses/loc/114/cgory/h2-3/sin/ct/programs.html. Takpun Google je Universities for Dentistry.
Kalau nak fly, kau tak perlukan universiti, kau perlukan passport & tiket flight. Nak beli tiket flight boleh tengok di -> www.kayak.com
[p/s. next time, tanya soalan betul-betul please kalau tak nak dapat jawapan sarcastic. harap maklum.]

Akak,how do you gain admission into KTJ sixth form privately? Because there are no application forms for Sixth Form on the page

Adam Rosli
Boleh tengok http://ktj.edu.my/504/admissions kot. And if takde jugak, try contacting the school. I got in pretty easily because I did my SPM there so it was just a matter of pergi office and cakap I wanted to stay for A-Levels. :3

salam akak.Saya dapat tawaran utp for march intake yg saya apply guna result trial.mendaftar bulan 3 ni.I got straight A's for my spm and saya rasa nak belajar oversea.Nak tanya akak pendapat UTP or fly?Saya memang minat course yg saya dapat kat utp tu.Mmg belum pasti nak fly but who knows kan? thx

Go for UTP, and start dulu foundation UTP. In the mean time, still try to apply for any scholarships, including Petronas's and stuff, and tengok rezeki. Kalau dapat scholarships for the course that you want, you have the option of quitting UTP and starting over (like my friend did). Kalau tak dapat, at least you're in UTP already :)

Kak syaza why aizan like that? I mean he loves to downgrade people i mean come on dont say its a stupid ques or what just simply delete it if u dont want to answer

It wouldn't be called as 'downgrading people'. To be honest, I would be like him as well. The thing is, there's a lot of sources out there available for people, including my Ask.fm profile, but still, there are, like he said, 'stupid and boring' questions in which a simple Google search can answer.
There's a limit to what type of questions one can ask. Even though we allow anonymous questions, and to a certain extend, I would still answer all the repetitive questions, there is still a limit to my patience. If you guys expect to get a scholarship or two to study abroad or something, at least have the initiative to look for things on your own instead of being spoon-fed everything by other people.
Peace no war (Y)

Haa nanti aku fikirkan. But it would be much better if you give me Amazon giftcard, like, $10 giftcard. I would really appreciate that. I'll let you know.

Aizan Fahri
Giftcard itu boleh je. Mr K's birthday dulu dapat novel + giftcard kot. Haha. Giftcards = best gifts everrrrr.

Batch junior yang muda 2 tahun rasanya handle this event. Not too sure about the details though, but rasanya they're busy contacting seniors yg dah ke overseas, which country, what sponsor etc etc. Taktau kalau diorang open the speaker post for everyone, atau just nak within the alumni je

Ahh. Semangat. Junior dua tahun meaning SPM 2013. Hmm I like their spirit, thumbs up for that (Y). :D

Aku taktau lagi. Barangkali Organic Chemistry, David Klein 2nd Edition. Aku nak yang baru punya. Aku check harga kat Amazon mahal gila sampai nak mati. Heck, "mati" tak mahal macam tu.

Itu over sangat mahalnya tu ._. Gaji dua minggu aku weh.
Liked by: Nur

Nanti2 ah bila balik Malaysia ke, terserempak waktu cuti ke apa LOL. On another note, my school pun ada nak buat a post-spm info session kind of a program mcm the one that we did at your school. Tapi aku tak balik this year rasanya sobsob

Ahhhh. Siapa buat kat your school? Aku balik again summer ni, helping my mum out and balik INTEC for a while. Mungkin boleh menyibuk kat your school lol. :D

Syaza you did a great job here. Nanti sampai birthday ko aku increase limit hadiah buku from 3 to 5.

Yayyy thankz. Kau nak buku apa nanti?

Might reckon that you'd be bombarded with tons of questions about what to do after spm, jadi konsultan tak bertauliah in a sense. You're doing such a great cause, rock on makcik! heheh (here's a random cookie)

WHERE IZ DA COOKIEEEE? You owe me a cookie bruh. I will haunt you down until I get that cookie from you.
Thank you, by the way! :D

i mean pening apa yang beza dia... hehe sorry..

MARA pinjaman. JPA biasiswa. JPA-MARA biasiswa juga, kalau tak silap aku.

Akak syaza saya result spm semalam dapat 5 A's (mixed a) and saya rasa down gila sebab yg lain semua b and b+ .. Akak just nak tanya pendapat ,akak rasa result spm ni akan yang menentukan masa depan? Tolong kak down gila ni

Cuba bayangkanlah kan, kalau kau (read: awak) dapat 5A's tu kecewa, orang lain yang dapat 2A's semua tu, macam mana pulak?
Never let your SPM results define who you are. It is, after all, just a piece of paper. It is, after all, just a piece of paper with some numbers and letters on it. So what?
Read this: http://www.syazanazura.com/2013/02/its-just-piece-of-paper.html

okay! stay awesome syaza. you're inspirational you know.. in terms of your outlook in life. well wishes for you! :)

I've seen and met more inspirational people out there, and I'm not up to their level at the moment.
But anyhow, well wishes for you too! :)

Tapi yg macam masalah anon yang sciences c tu ,kalau pakai duit sendiri untuk buat any foundation and score result bagus dia ,esti ada chance untuk apply biasiswa

Boleh je. Terpulang kepada diri sendiri la.

Akak saya baru dapat result semalam. Kalau science subjects macam chemistry/biology/addmaths ada yang c dengan c+ and physics b saya still ada chance nak pergi oversea tak?

Kalau takat nak pergi overseas, tak perlukan keputusan SPM pun. Kau hanya perlukan passport antarabangsa & tiket flight untuk ke negara lain je.
Tapi kalau nak sambung belajar luar negara tu, bergantung kepada situasi la. Kalau nak cari sponsor, mungkin susah. Kalau private, okay je.


Language: English