
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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hai akak.. saya nak tanye, akak ingat lagi x mase isi borang upu lps spm, option 1 sampai 8, akak isi ape? if u don't mind can u tell me? kalau x ingat sume, sikit pun jadi la. hehe. i love your blog! bile nak ade post baru? keep writing.. may Allah bless you :)

Hello :) Maaf, tak apply UPU dulu la so can't help :( And post baru tu, emm, this weekend insyaAllah! Busy exams minggu ni:(

Ayah doktor tak bermakna anak pandai. Ayah imam tak bermakna anak alim. Mak lawa tak bermakna anak cantik I LOVE THIS. ( Maaf sebab ni bukan soalan hehe)

Semua yang baik daripada Allah, yang buruk itu kekurangan diri ini :)

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intec ni private kan ? tak blh apply thru upu, right? how to apply intec? tqvm :)

Yes, private. Yes, takleh apply through UPU. Apply through website INTEC sendiri.

skrg study uni mana? major apa?

BBA in Actuarial Science & Certificate in Education & Educational Services, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Kak syaza dulu masa tunggu result you memang expect you dapat straight As ke....

Not really. I wasn't feeling good about my Biology paper.

sis, kalau sambung belajar kat luar negara tp dlm kawasan asia je mcm japan or korea, kena amik a-level? btw bagus ke kalau nk amik engineering at korea and japan? tq :)

Ramai je ambil Engineering kat sana. Ultimately, it depends on you. Yang penting, asalkan universiti tu diiktiraf and degree tu boleh digunapakai di Malaysia sudah. Pastu pandai2 diri sendiri la nak buktikan bahawa you are a good candidate for a job or anything.
And nak ambil A-Levels or not depends on your university. Most probably tak sebab A-Levels mostly to European countries.

Boleh ke amik psychology if tak amik pure science?

Mungkin. Mungkin tak. Tengok syarat kat uni mana nak sambung la.

u ambik Act Sci kan. masa ADP tu u memang tgh foundation utk course tu ke? and there's no chance of changing the course?

Nama pun foundation. It's not really confirmed. Unless you're a sponsored student, then you're free to choose whatever major/course you want to do. Kalau sponsored, susah la nak tukar, even during foundation year(s) pun, sebab sponsor dah setkan course/major apa kena buat.

Tahu bombastic word atau sentence? Mana nk belajar? Ada buku ke? Bombastik bm ada ke?

I do not 'memorize' bombastic words or sentences. It feels stupid if you're trying to show off as being smart when in reality, you'd never even use those in your conversation.

SPM -> ADP (1-3 years) -> USA (1-4 years) Akak buat adp setahun kan? kenapa ada tempoh yg berbeza?

Yes, I did it setahun je.
Tempoh berbeza ikut pelajar itu sendiri.
Generally speaking, American Degree Program (ADP) ada banyak cabang. Ada American Degree Foundation Program (ADFP), like the one I did. Ada juga American Credit Transfer Program (ACTP) or American Transfer Program (ATP) or even American Degree Transfer Program (ADTP). Nama berbeza tapi essentially semuanya program yang sama - yakni nak persiapkan pelajar untuk sambung pelajaran di Amerika Syarikat.
Memandangkan tempoh persekolahan di Malaysia hanyalah untuk 11 tahun (6 tahun sekolah rendah, 5 tahun sekolah menengah), dan tempoh persekolahan di US ada 12 tahun (4 years of grade school, 4 years of middle school and 4 years of high school), biasanya the first year of ADP is equal to the 12th grade of high school in the US.
Therefore, siapa yang buat setahun ADP lepas SPM akan masuk US universities as a freshman (pelajar tahun satu), dan ada tempoh 4 tahun di US.
Untuk yang buat 2 tahun ADP, akan masuk US as a transfer student, dan ada 3 tahun di US.
Kalau 2+ tahun ADP (ataupun 1 tahun ADP & 1+ tahun degree di universiti di Malaysia), akan masuk US university as a transfer student juga dan ada 1-3 tahun, bergantung kepada jumlah 'credits' yang berjaya ditransfer ke US university.

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Liked by: Faizatul

Oh really? Same goes to student who's flying for the second year? Cause I heard lot of people talking that sat is not an indicator or compulsory to get placement for the transfer credit student

Well, that would actually depend on the university that you are applying to.
Some universities, like UW-Madison, may not require transfer applicants to take the SAT / ACT Plus Writing. However, they may recommend you to send in those scores, as they will also review them along with the application.
Other universities may require the SAT as a part of the application, like UPenn does.
So yeah, ultimately it depends on your choice of universities.

Is it possible for me to get a placement in any top 100 univeristies in engineering with a toefl score of 80? I'm planning to retake btw

Well, technically TOEFL's only to assess your English language requirement, and is not looked upon as highly as your SAT scores. So yeah. Possible je.


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