
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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Do you know where can I watch American TV series online for free?

For free, I'm not too sure. Sometimes I catch up on past episodes of Scandal and Vampire Diaries on WatchABC, but that's usually limited. I normally do Amazon Prime and Netflix here, so I can't help you much, sorry :/

As a presenter, would you include background music in the presentation? Do you find it somehow disturbing or it encourages the the audience?

It will depend on:
(1) What your topic is
(2) Who your audience are
(3) How you include/incorporate the music in the presentation itself
If done correctly, having background music or sound can help. But I prefer not to have it throughout the whole presentation, but instead at certain times or intervals during the presentation, if needed.
Liked by: Shila

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I think i might into translator thingy. rasa macam cool gila tau banyak language. sometimes i work on my french, tau basic je, arabic, and for jpn & hangul i can know lil bit when they talked. Acc to holland im between investgt & social.i want to pursue med, but i think my result nahh.Whadaya think?

I think I am confused. Please rephrase your question(s).

What are the good things about living in a university town anyway? :O (I was reading your description about UW-Madison and suddenly this question came to my mind)

(1) It's quiet.
(2) No need to commute to classes, except for the buses sometimes, when it's raining or whatnot. Everything's within walking distance.
(3) You can go back home in between classes (ie one morning class and a 3-hour gap before your next class). heck, if you live in a city like NY or Chicago, taking the subway or metro would take much longer.
Liked by: qweentea_

hai sis syaza :) do u have any friend who take software engineering or network engineering ?

Emm. To be honest, I taktahu :( Sorry :(

omg 40+ libraries = heaven hahahaahah. Are the libraries sorted according to majors and departments then???

Ahaha. Not all the libraries are huge libraries. Some of them are small and have only one floor. And yep. Different schools and departments have different libraries.

Sbb math intrigues me, especially add math (spm level) tp I takde la excellent tahap A+ every exam. I tak confident boleh bwk tak if I persue in it... :/

Then buatlah Mathematics. Or Statistics. Unless Business intrigues you as well then baru masuk Act Sci.

akak,saya cari tak jumpa la post akak on how to be good in english

Click "Likes" kat my Ask.fm profile page and scroll down ke bawah sikit. Should be ada kat situ.
Liked by: qweentea_

You said you're not sure with this path you're taking, so how are you dealing with that? I'm not sure about my future too and I am freaking out a bit about it. Your say? :/

I say just wing it. Lol. It's absurd how you have to choose a 'path' when you're 19/20 and you're still undecided about life and all. But you can always go anywhere you want with anything that you have, if you want to, that is. A degree in something doesn't necessarily mean that you'll have to work in that field forever and ever, you can always change :)
Oh. And pray. Pray a lot. It helps :)

Syazaaaa I macam interested jugak nk belajar actuarial science tp I tak sure..... :/

Ahaha. Why interested and why tak sure? :)

UW-Madison punya library bukak 24 jam eh??

24/5 (Tutup Jumaat malam Sabtu and Sabtu malam Ahad). This is only one of them though, the one I work at. UW-Madison ada dalam 40+ libraries.

hi sis. if you dont mind, could you please share your personal tips about how to attract the audience for the demo speech?

Well, your audience is your friends anyway, so you'd know how to attract their attention better than I do. Some of the things that you can do include:
(1) Choose a topic that is relatable to you and / or your audience.
(2) Make it more conversational instead of you demonstrating something throughout the whole speech (i.e. "You guys might want to pay attention to this, who knows if you'll need to use this one day", etc).
(3) Eye contact. Body language. Jangan kaku je. Kalau tak, semua tahu you're not comfortable with it.
(4) Make jokes (whenever possible).
(5) Be really excited about the topic. If you yourself tak excited about the topic you're talking about, how can you expect them to be? :)
Good luck :D
Liked by: Shila qweentea_

Suggest Ted Talks good presenters pls. I want to know how they captivate their audience.

I won't say that I'm familiar with every single TED Talks presenters, but the latest TED Talk video that I've watched was Julian Treasure's talk (Link: http://www.ted.com/talks/julian_treasure_5_ways_to_listen_better?language=en). Not only that I like the way he presented his topic (albeit he can improve on some), the topic itself is interesting enough :)
Or you can just scroll through the videos on TED's website. What I perceive as 'good presenters' may not be the same as yours, since both of us have different perspectives. Everyone will have different ways of captivating their audience, so go watch a bunch and find out what works for you and what don't. :)
Liked by: qweentea_

hi syaza. i want to ask, if there's any way i can contact your friend, amalina taib. because i want to ask her about her course, english literature. do your have her email? and if your don't mind, can you ask her if she minds if i want to email her. thanks in advance. :)

She said okay :) Her email is theamalinataib (at) gmail.com :)

Assalamualaikum.. i've just read your latest post and you had inspired me a lot since i've just finished spm last year.. keep it up sis! May Allah shower you happiness in this world and hereafter. Aminnn..

Wa'alaikumsalam. Aww, thank you! Amin, and may Allah bless you always too! :)

What do you find special in ted talks? I mean, i've seen better.

I didn't say they were the best, only that some of the TED Talks have some really good presenters and the way the present the topic(s) can be really interesting to look at. And of course there are better presentations out there. TED Talks are just a small portion of them :)

wahh thanks for the good words about my insecurity and whatnot in applying to uwisc madison. and turned out that they extended the deadline. it was kinda a sign for me to continue the application. but i still...*sigh*...anyway thanks again. i really appreciate that

Oh wow. I did not know that the Office extended the deadline. They must've did it last night or so. Lol. Well, good luck in figuring things out. Hope you do the right choice for yourself! :)

hello. thank you for the suggestions. ill try my best for the next presentation !

You're welcome, and if you need examples like on good presentations and all, I suggest looking at TED Talks :)

Dont you get tired of answering the same questions?

A little bit. But then again, Prophet doesn't get tired despite everything that he did, so I shouldn't be as well.
Liked by: Michael Warming


Language: English