
Syaza Nazura

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Salam, kak saya baru tengok google hangout 1.1 dan korang ada cakap pasal resume semua. kat mana boleh tengok tuuu? X) -t

Waalaikumsalam. Google je resume and banyak contoh keluar.

Yep i knoww. He's the one yg jadi backup singer xp. May i know what was the assignment all about?

Technically, each group was given a song, and we have to record a music video. That was basically it. Lol. So our group ended up with I Swear :)

How do you end up working at the Admission Office though? Did you apply for it? Cause I would love to work as the officer too if I ended up as a UW-Madison's student InsyaAllah xD

Technically, I'm not an officer at the office, I'm just a student assistant at the Office. Meaning, I take care of the phone calls that we get, answer the hundreds of emails each day and attend to the guests that come into the Office with questions and all.
So if you ever emailed the Admissions Office, there's a chance that I was the one who replied to your email, lol. And yes, I applied for it. They posted an opening and I sent in my resume.

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hi. was you nervous during your demo speech? and why you chose that topic.

Nervous is an understatement, I was wayyyy beyond nervous. And I don't know, just a random topic that comes to mind, I guess.

hello sis. thank you for your wise thoughts regarding the presentation thingy. however, the major problem that I'm facing right now is, my hands tend to shake a lot. It's getting obvious if I was holding my notes/flash cards (used it as my guideline) so what should i do to avoid that? thank you agai

I would suggest to try not to hold any flashcards, but if it is really necessary, than don't use it all the time (ie only write points on it and use explanation from your memory). That way, you only need to look at it for a few seconds each time, and then use your hands while talking (body language thing).
You can't really like hide the fact that your hands are shaking (mine do too, if you look carefully), but if you use your body and move them around (I kinda like to walk around the stage or use my hands to like emphasize my points and stuff, then it becomes less noticeable to the audience.

Assalamualaikum Akak, what are the chances of MARA sponsoring a student to the US if she intends to get a BA and not a BSc?

Wa'alaikumsalam. There's a lot of students who aren't Science students doing a BA in the US, so no worries la.

may i know what was the purpose for the video - "I SWEAR"? It is funny thou. haha. especially when i spotted you and him.

Well, technically the main guy in the video was not him (he was just some random dude in the background). Lol. It was for a class work back in INTEC :)

ok dah tengok your demo speech. Best nya you have 11 minutes to present. Kitorang, idk why, lecturer kasi 7 minutes je. T.T thank you btw! p/s: I think your lisp is really cute haha.

Ahaha I tak rasa la like 11 mins, dia bagi 7-10 je kot or something like that, tak ingat. Ahahaha. :')

Srsly i really wanted to get into UW-Madison's Engineering. Seeing you enjoying there makes me feel envious and excited. My dad had been to madison; he told me about how quiet and serene the place is. Im instantly hooked. I just hope my SAT score (17+) wont become the barrier for me to go there T.T

I've seen students with SAT score lower than 1700 and still managed to get a place in UW-Madison. Like, seriously, SAT scores is not the only thing that the admissions counselors look at. They look at the whole application, your scores, your GPAs, your letters of recommendation, your statements and anything else that you submit in. And relax, if it's meant to be, it shall be it. :)
(Pehhhhhhhhh I sound like an admissions counselor bro, padah kerja kat Admissions Office la ni, jawapan dah jadi macam robot lol)

Your description about Madison is just..... omg, I can already picture myself being there. It makes me feel so excited about finishing the last bit of my application. I just hope I can get accepted. Pray for me ye, kak syaza! Would love to meet you in person! :D

InsyaAllah, good luck! All the best bro / sis / kiddo! :D Ada rezeki we'll meet in person! If takde rezeki nak meet on campus here in Madison, boleh je jumpa anywhere else :D

Hi. Could you please share your experiences when you're having a presentations? I tend to feel nervous and shaking evntho I've done the presentations quite a lots tq

Alright, I was originally saving this to write a better answer and all, so I apologize for the long wait.
But then, I realized something. I've wrote a little something about this on my blog before, so here you go (http://www.syazanazura.com/2013/07/overcoming-stage-fright.html).
I guess one thing that really help with presentations is practice. Thousands and thousands of practice. I can't recall in which book or website that I read this thing (I think it was in my Speech Communication class back in INTEC), that usually, the first three minutes or so are the most horrifying part of the speech or presentation. If you can pass the first three minutes, then you should be all set to present a good presentation. Reach out to your audience, make acquaintances with them so you'd be more at ease when presenting (presenting to friends >>>>>>>> presenting to strangers, since strangers will be like "Who the $%^@ am I listening to? Why do I have to listen to her?", whereas friends will be, "Hey, it's my friend, let's see what she has to say!").
And last: Relax and have fun! It's not always that you can get the attention of a whole room / hall / theater, so enjoy it! :D It'd be so much easier if you're actually enjoying it instead of being forced to do so :)

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Liked by: Shila NajibSuib

Nasihat anda kpd remaja yg kecelaruan utk mngejar impian and tk mudah ptus asa ? Share please

Untuk part 'kecelaruan untuk mengejar impian' tu:
"Pilihlah masa hadapan anda untuk diri anda sendiri, dan bukannya untuk orang lain. Jangan pilih masa hadapan semata-mata untuk mengikut kawan, ataupun mengikut membuta tuli pilihan ibu bapa, ataupun sekadar mengikut 'flow' society. Buatlah pilihan mengikut kelebihan dan kekurangan diri sendiri, dan buatlah pilihan mengikut minat dan kebolehan diri sendiri. Buatlah pilihan yang bijak, tanyalah pendapat senior dan ibu bapa serta kaunselor/guru. Dan jangan lupa untuk minta pertolongan dari Tuhan. "
Untuk part 'tidak mudah putus asa' tu:
" Ingat ayat ini: 'Janganlah kamu bersikap lemah, dan janganlah (pula) kamu bersedih hati, padahal kamulah orang-orang yang paling tinggi (derajatnya), jika kamu orang-orang yang beriman.' [3:139]. "

It's about the interesting stuff which happens in your college :)

Ahaha, you'd have to be specific about that. There's a bunch of stuff happening on campus almost every day, and to write about all of them might be a bit too much :)

Would you like to write about your university experience :)

For what, exactly? :) And about what, specifically? :)

Assalamualaikum kak. In madison, paticularly around UW-madison's area, what kind of attraction yang ada eh? Like facilities and geographical features dia. I've seen your pictures at ig and the place is wonderful. So just nak tanya based on your observation and all. Is the environment convenient? :D

If you're a person like me (who likes quiet places and doesn't like big cities and busy streets and having to commute to class everyday), then a place like UW-Madison fits right in. You don't have to take the subway to class each day (heck, you can walk to classes everyday, it's not that far off), and it's quiet and it's a super duper 'university town' kind of place. Facilities-wise are good, lots of libraries to study at and, hey, a 24/5 library just by the lake! So if you're like me, a night owl, you can catch a super duper beautiful sunrise as you cram your brain with lots of equations and facts and all. And then there's Bascom Hill, a place where you can lie down on the grass to study, talk, eat and sleep in between classes (other than during winter, of course). And yes, you can sleep there too, if you want to (trust me, I've done it myself countless of times).
There's Lake Mendota and Lake Monona, and there's Picnic Point, and you can always wake up early to drive to Devil's Lake State Park for an early morning hike to see a beautiful sunrise.There's the arboretum and the Henry Vilas Zoo down south from the campus (but I've never been to both), and I've been told that the arboretum is beauuuuutiful during Autumn time.
And Chicago's not that far off, just about 2-3 hours drive away, which is just nice for a day trip if you want.
So yeah, I think it's just perfect for students :D

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Liked by: Nur

Im considering to apply to uwisc madison. But somehow i feel like i dont want to. It just that since it is not my top choice after all but i still feel insecure for my uni placement. What do u think? Should i continue applying while theres still time left or just let it go?

Firstly, ask yourself this super duper important question:
"Why am I even applying for universities?"
Next, ask the second super duper important question:
"Am I ready and prepared enough for this?"
And third, ask another question: "Have I eaten my dinner?" (lol okay this is a joke, ignore me)
But seriously, though, you have to realize the reason to why you're even applying to any universities. Is it just for the sake of getting a placement, or is it because you really super duper want to get into that school?
Trust me, I've made that mistake when I first applied. The only school that I (at that time) really wanted to go to was UPenn, and all the other three schools (UW-Madison, Purdue and Iowa) were my safe schools. But I got lucky. I was rejected by UPenn and decided to go ahead with UW-Madison, which, luckily enough for me, turns out to be one of the best choices I've made. It's been a great school and I couldn't imagine being anywhere else but here. I got lucky.
Some people may not be lucky enough. They might get a placement at a top university, but it may not be the right 'fit' for them. So people might congratulate them for getting into a top school and all, but they might not be too happy for it because they know that it's not the university they want or like they don't feel like they belong there, so it doesn't feel 'right'.
I suggest, if you're still contemplating on whether or not to apply, you can take a moment to pray to God. Ask Him for Guidance, and ask Him for Help in choosing your path. He Knows what's best for you, so turn to Him :)
Hope this helps a bit :/

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Would you mind sharing some of the things that you don't like about studying in Wisconsin Madison.

Every. F*. Day. In. Winter.
Would you mind sharing some of the things that you dont like about studying in

im down and hurt. kak syaza what should i do?

"So do not weaken and do not grieve, and you will be superior if you are [true] believers." [3:139]

Hello sis :) I was just wondering, how was the international transfer students acceptance rate at Wisconsin - Madison? Do you know anyone from Intec who got into Wisconsin - Madison as a transfer? Thank you :)

There wasn't anyone from INTEC who came in as a transfer student last year (Fall 2014). There were two freshmen (one from ADFP, one from ALUK) who got in. The previous year, there were three students from ACTP who transferred to UW-Madison.

Sebelum ni, your friend ada tak apply UW-Madison? Did a lot of them got accepted? Im quite curious because from what i see, UW prefer to admit in state students than international students :/

Ada je. Ada yang dapat, ada yang tak. And UW-Madison don't have preferences over in-state or international students. It all depends on the student and whether or not they are a right 'fit' for the university, and if the university is a right 'fit' for the student :)


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