
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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Salam kak syaza. Utk UW-Madison application system, do we need to invite counselors/recommenders like in the common app too? Because I plan on submitting my app a day before the deadline. So i just want to make sure that nothing additional is needed. :D thank you!

Wa'alaikumsalam. Nope, nothing like that. And I would suggest sending it earlier in case something goes wrong with the system, like it did during the first notification deadline.

Salam kak syaza, I've applied UW-madison (yay) but I'm confused with a part of the "student center" app. As an intec student, what should I fill in to the "self report midyear" section?

Wa'alaikumsalam. That would be your Fall 2014 grades.

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To the anon who told to 'mind ur own business' just now should really not interfere bcs people are just curious and tend to ask questions just let them be as long as you're fine with it

Dah sudah, korang ni -.-
Okay, let me clarify things here:
I don't mind people asking questions, even personal ones, but I do hope that people will understand if I choose not to answer them if I feel like it's too personal a question to be answered in public.
Alright? :)
Peace yaww, let's all go eat ice-cream and chocolate lava cakes :3

Those who keep on asking about your personal life should mind their own business. Peace. - balloon

On another topic, why Balloon? :)

what if someone says to you that he is just using you all over?

That would depend on what kind of 'using' he's doing. If it's for a good thing, then most of the time I wouldn't mind (heck, 'you guys' are even 'using' me as a mean to like get help and stuff and then you're just gone, like pooof!, but I don't mind that at all).
But if he's using me for personal pleasures or for reasons I can't accept, then screw him la.

akak. if someone you love seems to talking to you when he needed only and leave you when he not needed you. then what did u do? hny minta pendapat.

Wouldn't that be the same as how us human beings tend to look for Allah whenever we're sad or need His Help or in times of trouble but always forget to go to Him when things are going well or whenever we're happy?
Allah Loves us regardless, doesn't He? He Loves us unconditionally and He Knows that we know that, but that we are human beings and we forget things. And He Forgives us for it, for He is the Most Forgiving of all.
So why can't we extend the same gesture, albeit not as grand as Allah's gestures to us, to other people in this world? Help people when needed without asking for anything in return, and pray for them whenever and wherever they are. Even if they leave us for someone else or forget us once they're on top, never stop praying for their wellbeing. 'Cause we are all human beings, and we make mistakes, we forget things and do things that hurt other people, both intentionally and unintentionally.
But those who forgive and forget are the strongest of them all, so learn to just accept and forgive. :)
(I sincerely hope this makes sense to you lol 'cause if not, I can rephrase this in proper sentences, 'cause right now it's pretty all over the place)

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Liked by: Nur Anissa

Thanks syaza :) i wasn't in intec. Orait, you take good care over there! Senyum selalu hahaha

Ahh alright then. You take care of yourself too alright, :) If there's anything just hit me up! :)

Let's just say, I taknak ruin our friendship with this confession haha. Takleh bagi clues, nanti kesian orang lain kena tuduh, sobs. At times, I always wonder how are you doing over there and whether you're happy with your day or not tapi it's better to keep it silent :p

Ahaha, okay, understandable. Just one question though, were you in INTEC as well then? :)
And heck, if you ever want to ask or talk or just catch up about random stuff or anything, just message la. I am not the kind of person who sends a message first (mostly because of personal experiences back in the past that made me be like this), but I'd always reply (mostly enthusiasticly, depending on my level of stress) to messages that I get :)

Hahahaha you're so cute. Let's be frank, I like your cheery attitude, your style, your smile, your voice, the way you talk, the way you walk, your angry/geram face lol silly me. And the fact that you're brainy, i dunno why but that's like my heart crashes at the speed of beyond 180mph.

Okay lol this is funny :'D Ahahahaha thank you, I guess? Do I know you personally, though? If yes, any clues? :)

Bukan skrg la you, it was like 2,3 years ago. When you were still in Intec :)

Ahahahahah lol okay *tutup muka*. Why, though, may I ask?

Could you give me a random relationship advice? And another random relationship advice specifically for long distance relationships. Thanks in advance

Trust your heart, and trust your SO's heart. Distance may pose a problem or two in your relationship, but if you two trust each other and are willing to put in the extra work in it (ie sacrificing sleep time to Skype, sending something back home / to each other for special occassions, etc), it can work out well. :)

dengan ayat yang agak sentap akak kat saya haritu, saya berjaya memotivasikan diri and dpat score dlam final exam saya haritu. haha thanks :)

Congratulations! Tahniah tahniah! :)
Ni yang rasa nak hantar something dari US ni. Kalau nak postcard dari US, nanti hantar nama & alamat and I'll send something over to you, okay? :)

nama pun ask.fm..so for me,people can ask anything they want to know about the person.

If people can ask anything they want, then the person being asked has the rights to answer or not, am I right? :)
Nak bertanya boleh, tapi ada limitnya. Ada certain things you can't ask in public, and ada certain things that is off-limits.
If people are allowed to ask any questions they can possibly think of, rasanya macam logik tak kalau tetiba ada anonymous nak tanya soalan macam "Are you a virgin?" or "Are you gay?" in public? Mahu taknya, nanti ada orang tanya soalan-soalan yang lagi personal or gila macam tu, macam mana? Kau nak ke jawab?
Kalau ye la pun kan nak tanya soalan 'personal', at least take responsibility for it and don't be anonymous la. Aku tak setkan profile Ask.fm aku to be private sebab aku tahu ada certain people yang malu nak cakap depan-depan pasal keputusan akademik or like nak minta advice pasal stuff yang dyorang tak nak orang lain tahu. Tapi itu bukannya peluang untuk orang lain gunakan untuk provok or tanya soalan yang boleh menjatuhkan maruah diri aku or tanya soalan yang terlalu personal.
Kalau nak sangat tanya or bercakap pasal sesuatu yang personal, meh datang depan-depan, mesej kat Facebook ataupun email aku. Aku terima je semua, bukannya tak. Cuma setiap isu itu ada medium yang sepatutnya.

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Liked by: Mohamad Ali

akak, ada ke dalam dunia ni org yang perfect? just because i've a friend yang really beruntung. kaya cantik lawa pandai dan semuanya la.

Well, I'd say yes and no.
No, tak ada sesiapa yang 'perfect', sebab semua orang ada kelemahan dan kelebihan masing-masing. Masing-masing ada 'flaws' yang tersendiri, bezanya ada yang out in the public and ada yang hidden.
But also, yes, everyone is 'perfect' in the sense yang Allah dah ciptakan yang terbaik untuk kita semua. Apa yang kita ada, kelemahan, kekurangan, kelebihan, keistimewaan kita semua, itulah yang terbaik untuk kita, and we're perfect that way. Everyone's perfect in their own ways.
Liked by: Shila

And what about the things that I do independently? i.e. help to prepare food for flood victims in my neighborhood. Can this be considered as an 'activity' for the Common App?

Yes. Anything that you feel is worth something in your life (or important, etc) about is worth to be considered for an application.

Hi Syaza! You know how the activity section in the Common App is limited to involvements in the previous few years only, right? So what about significant things that I achieved waaay back then? Do I just tick any year or...?

Well, technically, if the thing you're listing is more than, say, three years back, I wouldn't suggest you to put in it, 'cause counselors want to see the latest activities that you've done and all. So like, for high school stuff, use the last couple years of high school. For university (and internship and job applications for your last year of university), you'd only use the things you've done in university, and none from high school, no matter how significant they are.


Language: English