
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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Hello sis! :) I'm applying to Wisconsin-Madison for the fall 2015 intake as a transfer student. I know that (if I'm not mistaken) your BF applied to the college as well. Could you perhaps like share with me about his academic or in general about int transfer student there? (Idk how to reach your BF)

Hello :)
Well, I won't disclose any specific information regarding Aiman's academic and all, but I can talk from the perspective of someone working in the Office of Admissions and Recruitment at UW-Madison.
International transfer students are generally a bit more complicated, but there's nothing much to worry about. We (as in the Office of Admissions) would require both your high school and pre-university transcripts, and TOEFL/IELTS score. SAT's recommended, though not required.
Typically, admitted transfer students have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 (out of 4.0). Most courses that you take will be able to transfer over, though we will not be able to pre-evaluate those courses. Typically, general (like introductory) courses will transfer over as it is (say, like, Introductory Microeconomics or Calculus 1 or something like that), but more specialized courses like Advanced Biology or something may not have a similar course on campus and will be transferred over as elective credits.
And, hmmmm, what else would you like to know about transferring to UW-Madison? :)
[p/s Aiman's Ask.fm is @aimanardani, by the way, but he never uses it, except to anonymously send random questions to me]

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Hi Syaza! I'm sorry if this question is a bit intruding; just wondering when do you usually get your MARA allowances. Is it always at the beginning of the month? Thanks for your time :)

Hello. I usually get them at the end of the month, :)

Did you ever apply to any Ive League? You surely are an Ivy League material.

Yes, I did. I applied to the University of Pennsylvania and was rejected.
And I don't think there's even an 'Ivy League material' status on a person. Every person has a different personality and talents, and every student has a different fit for different colleges. So even if I did applied to UPenn, after a while, I realized that even if I was admitted and attend UPenn, I wouldn't do as good as I should.

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To the anon that said Nazu tak sesuai with Dani and shits, dude, you have your own life. Takkan kau nak meroyan tk tentu pasal, and the fuck? Kau and Nazu?? At least show yourself la. She has her own right to be with whomever she wants to. Now shooh and don't be stupid, get a life or something.

Mohamad Ali

Halo. Do you have a sister or relatives study at intec Shah alam rn? Bcos i found someone who looks similar with your face. Also the way she talks. Lol

Nope, no sisters or relatives :)

Apa kau buat kalau kau patah hati sebab broke up with someone u loved for almost 3 years? Kau overcome macam mana?

Life goes on, my friend. Move on. :)
(Aku most probably akan nampak macam biasa to most people 'cause I'm heartless liddat lol)
Liked by: immafivers

apakah nasihat awak utk org yg suka touch-touch between lelaki n perempuan ni?

I prefer to stay out of people's business, and them out of mine. Aku rasa semua orang tahu je limit mereka, and it's between them and God. Melainkan aku betul2 rapat dengan dia and boleh tegur.
Liked by: Michael Warming

ape yg x best nye? bg 10 sbb.

Tak best sebab:
1) Mahal gila bapak.
2) Cari makanan halal mungkin susah, bergantung kat tempat.
3) Kena tahan dengan persepsi orang lain pasal Islam.
4) Mencabar (waktu solat, puasa masa summer, peer pressure, etc)
5) Studies kadang2 lagi susah (accent English berlainan ikut professor, grading susah, etc)
6) Pressure untuk score tinggi (kalau tak orang akan cakap, eleh, cakap study luar negara tapi keputusan teruk, baik tak payah)
7) Kena selalu keep up dengan law and regulations (takleh kerja off campus kat US, kena isi tax forms, kena selalu keep I20 up to date, kalau kerja kena bawah 20 hours, etc)
8) Nak balik rumah susah gila bapak.
9) Support system mungkin tak kuat, depending on tempat and kawan.
10) Panas dia panas gila bapak. Sejuk dia sejuk gila bapak.

best ke study luar negara ni? ape yg best die? bg 10 sbb.

Not as 'best' as how others think it is.
Best sebab:
1) Travel. Duhh.
2) Kawan non-Malaysians.
3) New perspective.
4) Challenge untuk hidup and survive di luar comfort zone.
5) New experiences.
6) Education system yang lain from Malaysia.
7) Dapat improve English.
8) Improve communication and networking and social skills
9) Improve confidence.
10) Independence.

Found the answer for my Q already. Thanks anyway and may God bless you and your loved ones :)

May God bless you too! :)

haha im just busy doing nothing. btw im spm leaver(: and its great to see how you answer questions very well. ouh i see. sorry for misunderstanding you bcz at first i thought you're a strict person ((by just referring to your "aku" "kau")) no hard feelings kakak bcs you are awesome. one of a kind:p

Hahaha nahhhhh I'm completely the opposite of 'strict'. Like really, come on, aku sangatlah tak strict kot. Hahahah.

hi ! :) how are you today? btw why do you prefer using "aku"-"kau" instead of saya awak anda dan lain lain?

Hello! :) I'm doing great today, surprisingly good for my first day of class. How are you? :)
And I prefer 'aku kau' instead of 'saya awak kita anda' 'cause it makes me feel closer to the people I'm talking to. It feels more, rapat, I guess? If I use 'saya awak and all that shit', it creates this space between me and the person I'm talking to, like I have a barrier between us.
Liked by: hazim zakariya

Thank you very much kak syaza nazura for being such an inspiration may allah bless you

And all thanks to Allah as well. All the greatness from Him, and the weakness is my own mistakes. :)

Terima kasih kak, i will be more confident at talking infront of people without feeling insecure. Alhamdulillah atas segala nikmat allah bagi and i should be more confident and grateful, allah bagi sikit kelemahan pon dh nk jadikan penghalang kpd sesuatu perkara.astaghfirullah..

Insecurity exists inside of everyone. Kalau orang pelat R, dia takut orang lain gelakkan. Entah2, orang lain tu, pelat S ke, ada tahi lalat besar kat muka ke, tak cukup anggota badan ke. Semua orang ada insecurity masing2. But the thing is, if you yourself tak terima benda tu and takut nak go ahead and show yourself, lagilah orang senang nak buat lawak and make fun of us. :)
Moga Allah permudahkan!
Liked by: Shila immafivers

Salam akak, macam mana nak confident bercakap walaupun pelat r? Sorry this a weird question sbb saya pon pelat r and I really adore your confidence and personality,

Wa'alaikumsalam. Entah. Kau pelat R, so what? Takkan sebab pelat R je dah takut nak bercakap depan orang. Ada orang cakap, kalau pelat R maknanya orang tu pandai. (Orang cakap la). Benda kecil je pun, bukannya kau takde tangan or kaki or muka buruk gila pun. Allah dah bagi yang sempurna segalanya kat kau, so be proud of it.


Language: English