
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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define 'best friend forever' . Thank you.

That depends on how you define 'Best Friends' in the first place. :)

who is your favourite singer or band?

I don't have a number one favorite artist, but some of my top favorite artists to listen to are: David Archie, N'Sync, Backstreet Boys, Westlife, Kelly Clarkson.

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Rank 5 of your most handsome guy friends.

In no specific order:
1. Aiman Shahbudin.
2. Syazrain Rahman.
3. Asyraf Najmie.
4. Raja Iskandar Zulkarnain.
5. Aiman Sanudin.
(Note: "friends", okay. And penat perah otak nak fikir siapa yang handsome sebenarnya)

if the interviewees ask abt ur blog, do u want to share with them or tell that u didn't hv one?

That's like the first thing I tell people: I blog.
(Oh, and it's interviewER. InterviewEEs are people who are being interviewed, which are us.)

when you are in a function where you dont know any one of people there, you were forced to attend the party. what would you do?

Look around for food.
Okay, serious answer.
Hmm. Look around at the people there, and find either someone who looks socially awkward like myself or a group of people who likes like I can be a fit in and strike up a random conversation (ie I like your dress, or have you tried this food? or Did Person A invite you here? or random questions).
Liked by: Shila

How do you manage yourself in a socially awkward situation?

Use a phone and act busy. Lol. Okay, just kidding. Give me an example of what you would call a socially awkward situation and I'll tell you my reaction or response to it.

salam kak syaza. kak syaza ada kenal siapa-siapa yg datang dari sekolah harian biasa tapi dpt fly tk? sebab kadang kadang rasa cam down je tngok ramai yg fly dari SBP dan MRSM. hurmm

Wa'alaikumsalam. Ramai je. Banyak je budak sekolah harian yang aku jumpa yang gempak, malahan ada je yang lagi gempak dari budak SBP dan MRSM. Tapi kalau dah korang sendiri rasa korang inferior dengan budak SBP and MRSM, memang susah la nak compete. Cuba hilangkan mindset tu and ingat yang semua pelajar sekolah semuanya sama je tak kira sekolah apa pun.

hi kak syaza! i heard that job interviewee nowadays dah start check their applicants' blog & social networks. So, I've a blog. i start blogging mse darjah 6 so ada la post childish tu tp ada la post matang hehe. so u think i shld private the blog or just leave the blog publicly? :s

Err, there's an option to delete those childish posts, so yeah, you could probably do that. I've done that multiple times, deleting old blog posts and Facebook statuses and stuff.

Org ckp org yg fly First year ni pandai pandai belaka sebab nl score 3.5/3.7 tu susah gila . Ssp rupanya . Actuarial science psl apa ?

Ada je budak yang score masa first year tapi tak nak fly, atas sebab2 tertentu. And ada je yang tak score more than 3.50 tapi dapat fly. Ikut rezeki masing-masing la bro.
Pi Google Actuarial Science. Berjuta blog posts ada yang dah tulis pasal ni. Takpun gi scroll down page Ask.fm aku and cari soalan2 sebelum ni.

Akak still belajar lagi ? Course apa ? Degree or master ? Ke saja duk sana ? Masuk intec ? First yeae ke second year fly ? Former secondary School ? Sorrt bnyak tanya .

Yes, still belajar. Actuarial Science, undergraduate degree, Class of 2017. ADFP INTEC July 2012-June 2013. Fly first year. Secondary schools, Sekolah Seri Puteri & Kolej Tuanku Ja'afar.

yes, actually, that's what i meant. involvement and achievement yang tinggi masa lower form tu relevant ke tak lagi nk tunjuk kt diorang? haha

Boleh la, tapi tak digalakkan sangat actually.

hullo, nk tanya, sijil-sijil involvement/achivement masa lower form tu relevant lagi ke nk guna utk scholarships application lepas spm? ke upper form je? thank you in advance. :)

Kalau boleh guna the latest ones je. Upper forms je. Unless achievements gempak lower forms then baru guna lower forms punya.

thank you for the suggestion. But i did click the link but it said that " the page is not found" and i dont have an ig XP

Oh wait, I think the link might have included the dot at the end of the sentence. Lol. Try this:
And her page's public so you don't need an Instagram account to view it :)

reflective journal? err theheee

Well, if you want, you can actually view my blog posts as 'reflective journals', only that they're more personal and informal. I mean, like, really, reflective journals are basically where you write about how you feel, what you've learnt, the people and things you see and all that shits. So basically, a personal blog is a general version of a reflective journal :)

I saw that you were studying actuarial science. I'm a junior in high school who is really interested in it. Can you tell me what steps you took to prepare for it, how you got into it, and what to expect?

This is what happened after my SPM: http://www.syazanazura.com/2014/12/my-post-spm-story.html.
What to expect? Hmm, probably a lot of Mathematics and Statistics and expect to stay up at night doing lots and lots and lots of past year questions and all.
Oh, also, perhaps this video would be interesting to you:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZC7pQb6ipfwsyazanazura’s Video 122527272018 ZC7pQb6ipfwsyazanazura’s Video 122527272018 ZC7pQb6ipfw

Em. i dont mind i guess? maybe a lil bit fantasy or motivational. actually i just want to read a lot and i choose to start by reading a novel. what do you think?

You should check out this Instagram page for book-lovers, http://instagram.com/bookloves_. It's by a friend of mine, and I'm sure you can find a good book that suits your taste in there somewhere :)
Liked by: Shila


Language: English