
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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Which branch of math do you use the most in your course? 'Cause from what I know engineering mostly use calculus

Actuarial Science is mostly Statistics. Like, probability and shits. We do use some advanced calculus (which is why we have to take Calculus 3).

Is math hard for you?

Sometimes. Most of the time, it's not that hard. It depends on which branch of Maths you're talking about though.

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hi sis.cemana nak study math ? hmm study then bila dalam exam hall lupa

Kalau your definition of studying means memorizing all the formulas, memang tak ah. Make sure faham dulu each formula untuk apa, faham dulu concept and definition. And do lots of practice. InsyaAllah okay la.

You said your mum paksa you keluar out of SSP to enroll you in KTJ. Kenapa your mum paksa? If you don't mind sharing, that is..

My mum doesn't like the system in SSP that's too strict and stuff. She wanted me to get a more international perspective, so she moved me to KTJ.

Best tak hostel life in KTJ?

If you enjoy seeing half naked boys with only towels wrapped around their waists, then yes.
Lol okay gurau. But it's alright, I guess.

Oooo. Fuiyooo. Yes, what a different perspective. Not gonna see it unless I'm in your shoes. Yes, syaza. I get it now. Still, congrats. And all the best for your future undertakings! :)

Ahaha, thank you :) To each his own, I suppose. I don't blame it if people want to feel happy for it and all, I mean, hey, you should be, since you've worked your asses off for that. But that's just not me, so yeah.
Thank you, and good luck for your future undertakings as well :)

hi I just wanna ask about the us visa application, do we need to bring additional things other than the i20, passport, sevis resit and ic fr the interview at the embassy? thankyou!!

Emm, if you're a scholar, bring along any FAS or proof of financial support and all. Bring your TOEFL and SAT results as well, just in case. And I think that's it kot.

Oooo. But I think you should be happy about it. That kind of results must come from your very sweats and blood. And I think you do have an A+ mentality. :)

I was happy, but it has been three years since, so I've moved on. It's no longer an important part of my life now. I have bigger and more important stuff to do, higher goals to achieve that would make "Getting a 9A+ for SPM" look like a microscopic organism in comparison.

Memang grade spm berubah setiap tahun. Aku setuju jugak spm tu xberkualiti sgt. Tp xde la serendah tu. Haha PAI tu 94 baru A+. Subjek lain maybe rendah sikit. Tp xde la sampai 50 dh A+. and I can't help but dreaming to get what u got. And seeing u've got it but not truly be happy with it,

I'm not saying that the grades are that low, I'm just saying that it is a possibility that it may be that low. Who knows, right? Kalau somehow LPM dapat setkan a grading system that is strict and consistent throughout the years, then yes, I would probably be proud of it. But as of now, sorry bro. I would not be proud of something so ambiguous.
Liked by: qweentea_

Aku macam pelik.. ofc it's your personal matter but I think u so deserve it! And you should pat yourself on the back for that. I believe u worked hard for that sbb aku percaya benda tu xdtg bergolek. Hehe. Personal view je. Aku rasa you're being too humble. And kau awesome.

Entahlah weh. I mean, yeah, I gave myself a pat in the back for it, and to be honest, that was the first time I made my mum cried of happiness so of course la rasa bangga and proud about it (sebab usually it's always a "You can do better" or "Asal tak dapat straight A+?" or "Kenapa dia lagi tinggi?") So bila dapat 9A+ dulu and dapat set record baru kat KTJ ( I was the first to get straight A+ in the school) and nampak cikgu aku semua happy for it, it felt good, yeah, but that's just it.
Time passed by and things changed. I think I worked my ass off for that 9A+ because a lot of people (family, friends and teachers alike) were expecting that from me. And I really didn't want to disappoint anyone, 'cause I hate not being able to live up to their expectations. But the thing is, it's just a number and a letter. I see no reason to continue to live in the "moment of happiness of getting a 9A+" for more than a month, at the very most. Things changed and you get to move on. And after a while, you'd realized that SPM doesn't really mean anything.

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kenapa tak rasa bangga with your spm result?

1) Sistem pemarkahan SPM yang tidak konsisten setiap tahun. Kalau setiap tahun markah untuk dapat A boleh berubah-ubah mengikut keadaan politik di Malaysia, what is there to be proud of? Entah2 markah 50 or 60 pun dah A+, nak bangga apanya?
2) Selepas kau masuk alam kolej dan universiti, kau akan sedar betapa tak bergunanya keputusan SPM yang gempak kalau diri sendiri tak gempak. Aku dah jumpa ramai budak 9A yang in real life takde ah gempak mana, sembang kencang je lebih tapi cakap English pun berterabur, nak eja betul-betul pun tak reti, nak research "Apa itu dossier" kat Google pun tak pandai. Padahal bukan main lagi nak bangga dengan slip SPM yang bertulis 9A+ tu tapi hampeh.
3) Sebab aku tahu aku tak berusaha sebaik mungkin untuk dapatkan keputusan sebaik itu, dan aku tahu ada je kawan aku yang belajar lagi banyak dan lagi kuat dari aku tapi tak dapat keputusan yang sama. Frankly, I don't think I deserved it.
4) Additional pesanan khidmat masyarakat daripada si dia: Ramai lagi pelajar yang tak dapat straight A yang lagi hebat dan bagus dan berdikari di kolej berbanding pelajar yang dapat straight A's.
Ultimately, your SPM results is just a piece of paper. As long as you have the mentality of an A+ student, that's good enough for me.

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Nak tanya, for wisconsin fall 2015 application perlukan berapa reccendation letter?

*recommendation letter.
And none. It is not required. If nak hantar juga, maximum dua.

My unique views average 50 above everyday. Hm ok. Tq kak syaza

Nuffnang selalu takes some time for blogs to get earnings. Nanti lama2 ada la tu. Just be patient and keep writing :)

Kak syaza, nuffnang update earnings bila je? Dia macam tak update langsung je and dah dapat glitterati pun. Views pun banyak.

Entah. Macam selalu je update. And ingat jugak, views banyak pun, if unique views tak banyak takde jugak earnings tu. Ikut rezeki jugak la :)

kalau ambik diploma, degree lama jugak ke? 2-3 years too? kalau dalam pasaran kerja, antara budak diploma or asasi+degree, mana dapat chance higher?

Degree still two-four years jugak, depending on what you're studying. And kalau nak cakap pasal chances of getting a job after studying, belajar lah apa2 pun, kalau tak reti cari kerja, tak ada skill sets ataupun communication skills ataupun kau memang jenis yang suka cari kerja yang elok tanpa berusaha untuk dapatkan kerja tu, takkan ke mana jugak bro. Different people ada different preferences, and kalau kau ada degree and masters and PhD pun, tapi skillset kosong, you won't get anywhere.
Additional pesanan khidmat masyarakat daripada si dia: Itu semua rezeki dik, kalau takde rezeki, tak ke mana jugak.
Liked by: Raziq Khirudin

Why must it been called actuarial science? Are there about science too?

How should I know that? You can opt to take science classes if you want.

what's the difference between asasi & diploma? which one is better?

Asasi pendek, kebiasaannya setahun. Diploma relatively lama sikit, dalam 2-3 tahun. Lepasan asasi biasanya susah nak cari kerja (tanpa degree), lepasan diploma kadang2 boleh cari kerja kalau tak nak sambung degree.
Yang mana better depends on you, and what your learning style and preferences are.

hi kak, how to fix a messed up sleeping pattern? :(

And you're asking someone who sleeps at 4/5am in the morning almost every single day. Bijak. :3

assalamualaikum akak kalau saya berminat nak ambik actuarial science tapi maths saya teruk boleh ke saya survive nanti?i'm not so good with numbers tapi saya jenis yang suka menghafal.thanks akak

Waalaikumsalam. Kalau Maths teruk and suka menghafal, silalah buat benda lain yang tak banyak guna Maths. Hafal la sejuta formula Maths pun, kalau tak faham macam mana nak guna, tak ke mana juga nanti.
Sekian, pesanan khidmat masyarakat daripada si dia.

actually ape subjek2 utk amik course actuarial science ni ? hmm maths or what ? ^^

Maths, Statistics, Insurance, Accounting, Business, Finance, Probabilities, Theory of Interest, etc.


Language: English