
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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kak syaza, acturial sc is called Bachelor of Acturial sc? or just Bachelor of Science?

Depending on where you take it, it can either be Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Actuarial Science or Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Actuarial Science, or even Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Actuarial Science.
Jangan confused antara 'Bachelor of Arts / Science / Business Administration /etc' dengan major / course itu sendiri. Bachelor of _____ merupakan nama degree tersebut, dan 'in ________' merupakan program ataupun major/course yang anda buat. The same major or program can have different degree names, based on the universities themselves.
Sebagai contoh, Actuarial Science dikira sebagai a Business degree di University of Wisconsin-Madison, sebab tu dia dapat BBA in Actuarial Science. Tapi di universiti yang lain, mungkin dapat Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts, bergantung kepada fakulti apa yang menempatkan program tersebut.

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Ohh sebab when i sent my SAT scores to INTEC, the name of the recipient is american degree program. Same with toefl. The codes given in the commonapp is the same with INTEC's as well: 0005. But im still quite apprehensive about it. Sbb some of my friend terus pilih "cant find my college in the list"

If it's the same as SAT and TOEFL then it should be the same la. But you can choose the latter and fill it up yourself too, to be safe.

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Assalamualaikum kak syaza. I'd like to ask regarding the CommonApp. Is "American Degree Program, Selangor" (which is in the list of college look up given by CommonApp) another name for INTEC? Because I'm trying to look for INTEC but it's not in the list.

Wa'alaikumsalam. Ehhhhh tak ingat ._. I don't think that is INTEC though. Not sure what I put as INTEC dulu. Try look into my old CommonApp -> tinyurl.com/SyazaNazuraDossiers Should be in there, my UPenn CommonApp. Unless things have changed la.

wow thank you very much, I finally have solid answers to my questions - that was really helpful! :) okay one last question. If my sat scores couldn't make it on the UW-Madison deadline (1 feb), should I write an email to authenticate my late scores?

You can, but even if you do, I can let you know now that they wouldn't accept the scores you send over email (they'd note it as an unofficial score), and will still require the official scores from CB.
If the scores will be released around mid-February, you should be fine.

thank you again! Another question: I don't know if this is the right question to ask, but is a 1700 enough to get into Purdue (engineering)? I hope you have friends studying there with scores like mine. I don't know whether it's worth applying if my scores aren't that good :\ sorry for bugging!

I make it a personal point not to ask for anyone's SAT scores (or GPA or anything) unless they themselves want to share it with me. So I wouldn't know if any of my friends there have a score of 1700 or around that.
What I do know and can tell you is that, SAT score alone is not enough to tell whether you can or cannot be admitted to a university. Heck, UW-Madison is pretty strong for engineering as well, and I have friends with SAT of 1400 getting in.
Remember that the universities have a holistic admissions process and they will look at everything (application, high school grades, test scores, letters of rec, essays or statements, etc). So everything plays a part in the admissions process and not just one thing.
And ask yourself, would you rather take the easy way out, not apply and have absolutely 0% of getting in, or would you rather apply anyway and perhaps stand a chance of being admitted?
'Cause frankly, if rejection is what's stopping you and giving you doubts, I would highly suggest you stay for ACTP and rethink what you actually want in life. There's no satisfaction in life to just go for the easy way in life and avoid rejections wherever possible. :)

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the different between will and would....dah google but still tak faham lagi..

To be honest, aku pun tak reti nak explain. Bagi aku, as long as it sounds right on my tongue, betul la tu (and after a lot of practice, I found that my instinct on English grammar is around 95% correct, so yeah, I never actually understand the difference but I'd still get it right most of the time).
(Tapi aku rasa interchangeable je kot. Lol sorry can't be much of a help =( )

adding to the previous question - sorry I forgot to put in - I thought UW-Madison isn't accepting rushed scores? or is it okay for my case?

Did they say they won't accept 'rushed scores'? 'Cause I've never heard that at the Office.

Hi I'm the person who asked about "sending late scores to UW-Madison". Thanks for answering! I got a 1700 for my first sat - and I doubt I could get into UW-Madison. CB might start sending my 24 jan scores on 12 Feb (which is 2 weeks after the deadline yikes). IF it's okay to send late scores, shoul

Feb 12 should still be fine. For the spring application period, they allowed almost a month for applicants to send in materials, so you should be fine. Just send in your first score first, and resend the new one later.

hai kak nazu :) how can i improve my writing skills? saya suka menulis but i dont have any ideas apa yang nak ditulis.

Hi :) Kalau aku, aku Google je random blog topics or random essay topic generator and tulis je about anything yang macam interesting. You can start a blog or a journal, or cari online penpal from a different country, and start writing to him or her (I used to have one in Germany, or Holland. Lol tak ingat). Tulis je pasal apa2. As long as you write, that's good enough.

Kak syaza, kerja acturial sc ni tak demand eh kat msia? Then if i ambil acturial sc akan susah dpt ke pekerjaan nnt?

Demand tak demand satu cerita. Lagi beberapa faktor budak Malaysia susah cari kerja sebab:
(1) Malas cari inisiatif. Asyik harap kerja datang bergolek kat kaki je. Malas nak cari openings sendiri.
(2) Lack of soft skills. Kalau English berterabur, tak reti nak tulis cover letter and resume yang gempak, tak peka hal2 semasa, siapa nak ambil kau kerja bro walaupun dapat GPA 4.0?
(3) Perangai macam hantu. Extremist sangat. (Yes, employers kadang2 stalk Facebook and semua laman sosial employees or future employees nak make sure mereka tak terlampau lantang / bias dan sebagainya).
(4) Harapkan gaji tinggi tanpa usaha. Ramai taknak start dari bawah. Semua harap nak terus jadi kat atas tanpa melalui selok belok orang bawahan dulu.
That being said, actuaries are in demand in Malaysia. But dapat ke tak kerja depends on a whole lot of other things.

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Assalamualaikum sis. can i apply intec based on my spm trial exam? or i must wait for spm result?

Waalaikumsalam. Yes you can.

Have you been to USAPPS before? How is it like? :) (Thinking of going to one of the workshops next year) :D

(Go scroll down to a similar question)

sis, do people treat muslim women differently in us? especially yang bertudung. is there any difficulties in adapting to the society and surroundings?

Nope. All has been well for my friends and I so far.
Liked by: Aizan Fahri

Akak,kalau tak silap akak amik actuarial science kan? Kenapa oxford list benda ni sebagai business? Saya macam tertarik kat benda ni jadi sebab tu saya tanya. Satu lagi, akak ada twitter tak?

Sebab Actuarial Science ni, walaupun ada nama 'Science', bukan subjek sains pun tapi subjek bisnes.
Twitter: @nazu2308 tapi maaf, tak aktif. Lagi2 kalau profile korang private and you mention me in a tweet, memang tak nampak. Kalau nak a guaranteed response (though a bit late sebab I'm travelling now), sila Fb message Syaza Nazura. Thanks :)
Liked by: DarkAngel_

Hi syaza! I wanna ask abt the app to UW-Madison. If the university's app deadline is on 1 Feb, may I sit for the 24 Jan SAT? Meaning to say that the scores might come over after the deadline - Will my app be terminated for that reason?

That depends on when your scores would be out. Typically UW-Madison would allow roughly 3-4 weeks for applicants to send in required and additional materials (test scores, transcripts, etc). So depending on when the SAT scores would be released, you may or may not have a chance to make it in. If you're retaking the SAT in January due to a low score you received previously, or if you wanted to retake it to get a higher score, I would suggest sending in an application with the first score that you have, and pay CollegeBoard to expedite your scores (rush scores, or whatever they call it when they ship your scores to universities ASAP) to UW-Madison.

hi kak! :) Have you been to USAPPS before? How is it like? Is it okay if I attend one of the workshops eventhough I'm just 16? Thanks for answering :D

I haven't been to any USAPPS workshop as a participant, but I was a volunteer at this year's USAPPS, and I suggest anyone, no matter how old you are, to attend at least one workshop if you are interested in studying in the US (and get your parents and teachers to attend the other session as well).

hi kak syaza! so, I'm a spm leaver waiting for my result and i need your help! I'm kinda confused to take either law or biotech because you see, my fav sub in high school is history, modern maths, english, & biology. I do some research but I'm still in dilemma. Give me your opinion! thanks! =)

I would suggest you to talk to someone studying in both Law and Biotech to learn more about what they actually study about. And to go on Youtube and watch 'Careers in Law/Biotech" to learn more.
For Law, email Hafidzi Razali at hafidzirazali (at) gmail (dot) com (use the proper symbols).
For Biotech, talk to Aizan at www.ask.fm/aixnr
Hope this helps:)


Language: English