
Syaza Nazura

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Saya suka akak punya statement dalam blog akak..blog ke..entahlah..hahaha,tapi topic ask,but ask a rightque something. Thumb up.!


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I took science stream, but I'm interested in actuarial science. It's okay for me to change??

Heck, do whatever you want man, what you took in high school is not a problem.

Assalamualaikum sis. So i checked your commonapp application form yesterday. I was wondering why in the middle name section you put "Binti"? Because beforr this you said we dont have middle name. :o

Waalaikumsalam. Entah. Lol. I do random stuff and decide not to go back and edit it if I feel like it won't affect anything at all. But yeah, I hold my words. Your first name will be everything in your name up to Binti or Bin, and your last name is your father's name :) Ignore what I did on my CommonApp, I was a tad bit lazy to change it last time.

Assalamualaikum kak syaza. May I know what chapters are covered in Calculus 1, specifically in INTEC? :)

Waalaikumsalam. Sorry kiddo, tak ingat la :(

kak , nanti kn kalu dh isi upu .. kena print out tk ?

Taktahu. Kalau dia suruh print, print je la.
(< budak tak isi UPU langsung)

kak syaza, i would like to ask you something. i want to take actuary too just same like you since im waiting for my spm result. so i what should i do now? i mean what link should i looking for any scholarship that relateable or what? seriously i just need your advises and guidelines also. thanks

Common scholarships / loans for Actuarial Science are: Bank Negara Malaysia, JPA, MARA, Yayasan Khazanah (mungkin? I'm not too sure), Petronas, Maybank, any corporate scholarships, Yayasan Terengganu, YPPB, etc.
You can start by googling up these scholarships and looking at their requirements (requirements typically do not change over the years so you can look at previous years' postings).

Assalamualaikum kak, I have problems.. I'm waiting for my spm result but I still don't know what course I want or where I want to further my study.. Can you help me?

I would suggest you to find out what you want to do in life first. You can figure this out by:
1) Taking Career Tests / Personality Tests. You can just Google this up and take some free tests to roughly see what is suitable for you.
2) Finding out what you like and dislike. You can do this by taking a piece of A4 (or bigger) paper, diving it in half, and writing down all the things you like to do on one side, and those things you hate on the other. (aka Mathematics on one side, Writing on the other, etc).
3) Talk to your parents and teachers. They should know what you are good at and what you'd do well in.
4) Talk to your seniors (and cousins and aunts and uncles) to learn more about what they do.
Once you've narrowed it down to a couple of courses (or majors or programs), figure out where you'll need to go to study those. Find the requirements for it, and go from there.

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Liked by: immafivers Shila

Mas, ada benar jika ranking universiti dunia itu penting untuk future kelak?

Tak jugak.
(By the way, 'mas' tu bukan untuk lelaki ke? Ke aku yang salah?)

So does that mean you are one of the UW-Madison's admission officers that will be reviewing our applications? :O

Lol, nah. I'm just helping out at the front desk & call center. But the admissions counselors are the ones who will be reviewing the applications :)

Assalamualaikum sis syaza! Sis tau tak mana2 university yang menawarkan peluang pekerjaan lepas tamat belajar?

Wa'alaikumsalam. Offer peluang pekerjaan like how? Some universities ada je like career fairs and all, and ada career services, di mana mereka bantu kita cari tempat kerja lepas graduate semua, tapi common sense la, kerja cari sendiri atas inisiatif sendiri jugak la :)

When are you gonna come back to malaysia?

I'm not sure :( I may not be going back home next summer since he wants to stay here in the States. So I'm not sure when I'll be back home again.

Wait a minute, does that mean that our high school need to send our transcript to the unis too? I thought intec has it all covered (since our transcript is in the dossier)?

Well, you can, but it won't be necessary. :)

How close are you with him? What do you think about him? Do you know whether he's single or not? Sorry for asking too many questions in one blow.

(I'm assuming you were the one who asked about Hifni before?)
On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being strangers and 10 being super duper close best friends, I'd say probably around a 6 or 7, so yeah, pretty close to talk and gossip about random stuff but not too close that I try to pry much into his personal life and know things about his past and stuff like that (well, I do, a bit, but not too much).
He's a pretty good friend. A bit shy and quiet and awkward at first, but he can be exceptionally crazy and loud at times. I knew him from Twitter, and we met for the first time in INTEC when I was going to pass him my old SAT book. We don't really meet up or hang out a lot in person, but we do occasionally talk and chat in Facebook / Twitter / Skype / Whatsapp.
He can be kind of a sweet friend. I remembered last year when I was about to fly to the States, he sent me a farewell email with a sweet appreciation and some motivation for me. I was taken aback by that gesture, since I wasn't really that close to him before coming to the States, but it really touched me. He really do care about his friends, and that's one of the things I like about him.
He's also a reliable friend. I lost count of how many times I had to ask him to call me and wake me up either in the morning for class or whenever I take a short nap from studying. Heck, he understands me so well, that whenever I text him, "Hif, what are you doing in 1 hour or two?", he'd straight away reply, "Sure, I'll wake you up." (though I feel kinda awkward asking him to wake me up but who cares lol)
So, yeah, he's a great friend. It's weird how I can suddenly get this close to him, but he's been a great friend so far, and I appreciate all that he's done for me (listening to me rambling on and on about my boyfriend and my intention of changing majors and yada yada yada).
And yes, he's single.

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Hi kak syazaaaaaa. How are you doing?

Hello :) I'm doing good (apart from the sadness and heartache of failing my first Actuarial paper), thank you. How are you? :)

Hi kak syaza! :D i'd like to say thank you for inspiring me to work hard for my fall semester. Seeing you post about your mid sem grade really motivated me a lot. Alhamdulillah i managed to score 3.5+ for my final Fall sem grade. Im applying to uw-madison too as a freshman in chem eng! Hopefully we'

Firstly, sorry your 'question' got cut off, I never really liked how Ask.fm limits the length of the questions people can ask -.-
Anyhow, congratulations on your >3.50 GPA for first semester! See, told ya the bad mid-sem grades wouldn't affect your final GPA for the semester :)
And sure thing, good luck in your application! If you ever need to ask anything, just let me know! Or you can just email the Office of Admissions at UW-Madison, and who knows, if you're lucky enough, you'd get a reply from someone with an initial of 'SN'! :p (Really though, I get so excited whenever I see a Malaysian emailing us and I'm dying from the temptation of replying with a 'Assalamualaikum!' or 'Selamat pagi!' lol)
Good luck! :)

Sorry for interrupting you again. So in your opinion, which name should i put in the section? My real counselor or my teacher? Since theres report that needs to be fill, i think its better for my real counselor to do it. But idk, really. Im just afraid that my teacher has her own job to settle. What

Try asking your English teacher if she wouldn't mind filling them up for you. She'll just need to get the report from your counselor and fill them up. (though I'm not sure what exactly will be asked from the counselor on CommonApp). :)

Assalamualaikum kak syaza, hi! :) Um ive been thinking&thinking, but i still cnt decide which one i shld choose - A-levels/IB/etc?

Wa'alaikumsalam, hi :) Well, that depends on you and how you like to study :)
A-Levels is super duper exams-based. Meaning your final grades depend on how you do on the AS and A-Levels exams. Pretty hard if you're someone like me who hated how the SPM system is and all, but if you find motivation in this (like some people do), go ahead.
IB is perhaps what would work best with me, but I have no idea why I didn't choose this in the first place. Your final grades depend on both the classes and exams, and other extra curriculum (volunteering / research paper, etc). This is good if you're the type who likes to do other things as well instead of focusing on your studies all the time.
ADFP is, well, pretty fun and flexible, I guess? If you're in INTEC, then it might not be as flexible as it should be, since INTEC pretty much tells you which classes to take, but elsewhere, you can choose (for most of the time) the classes that you want to take (well, I assume so, if not most, then perhaps some of them). And the fact that your grades not only depend on the final exams, but include your mid-sem exams, participation in class, presentations, extra-credits, and all that stuff. So if you feel like you rather have the marks spread out throughout the semester instead of at the end of the semester, this would probably work for you.
That's just three of the many pre-university programs that you can choose. Note that for A-Levels and IB, your classes for the 1-2 years would be the same. But for ADP / ADFP / ADTP, your classes will change every single semester (unless you fail and have to repeat it of course).
Make sure you choose the program that suits your studying habits. I knew I wouldn't do well in A-Levels, which is why I dropped it halfway. And I'm not even sorry I did that, 'cause I felt like I did so much better in ADFP. :)
Good luck in choosing! And remember to always pray to Allah for His guidance in choosing the best path for yourself :)

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Liked by: Pawica

So that means the name i provided in the counselor section (eg: my english teacher) in the common app must be in tally with the person who writes my recommendation letter la kan?

If you're using CommonApp, yeah. But it doesn't really matter much though. I mean, you can send in lots of recommendation letters if you want (though remember that quality > quantity). But for CommonApp, I remember that the name you put in the counselor section will be prompted to go online and fill up a report or something, so make sure your teacher knows about that.


Language: English