
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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Kak syaza, how does the payment work for nuffnang?

Bila dah sign up for Nuffnang and dah letak ads kat blog semua tu, after a while, you'd see things like this on your Dashboard. Note that there's two different types of ads under Nuffnang, CPUV (Cost per unique visit) and CPC (Cost per click) campaigns. Normally CPUV pays more than CPC.
So each campaign (every new line in the picture is a new campaign) will generate some sort of income. Some may be small (a couple of cents, etc), while others may be a bit more (>RM3), depending on which type of ad it is and how many people visit your blog / click on the ads.
Bila dah kumpul a minimum of RM50, boleh cashout a cek. Nuffnang akan tolak RM1 processing fee, and then dia akan hantar cek tu ke rumah. It'd take a minimum of a month or two for them to process the cek (if you cash out at any date in December, dia akan process throughout the month of January, and post in February).
So, yeah, tu la Nuffnang :)

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Kak syaza how does the payment work for nuffnang

besides English and Malay, what other languages do you speak?

Those are the only languages that I'm fluent in (as in I can speak and write and listen freely without any problems in understanding them). My French is a little rusted (been years since I last used it), and I've never really been good in Arabic.
Liked by: Michael Warming

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I'll be applying as a transfer student and some colleges stated that 'standardized tests are not required, but if you have previously taken them, you may send the results...' So, my question is - if i did take it, but I just don't feel like sending it in, what's the worst could happen?

(read below)

[Continuation] Would they actually go down the rabbit hole to bust you? Thank you!

Nah. If you don't send it in, they won't even care about it. They have thousands, if not tens of thousands, of applicants, and they can't waste their time tracking the scores that applicants don't want to send. Plus, they can't, anyway, since they can't access the scores from CollegeBoard / etc without your permission.
So no worries la. Worst case scenario, your admissions process would be based more heavily on the other parts of the application (essay, recommendation letters, etc)

kenapa jepun bijak?

Because Japanese people know the importance of capitalization.
"Kenapa Jepun bijak?"
(Lol. But seriously though. Tengok culture between Jepun and Malaysia pun boleh nampak la. Beza kot. And rezeki Allah.)
Liked by: Michael Warming

kak minta emailnya boleh? aku mau minta batuan kaka untuk ngedit college essay aku. nampaknya banyak grammar yang error

syazanazura@yahoo.co.uk. Aku tak jamin aku boleh edit. Terpulang kepada anda nak hantar ke tak. Sebab sekarang tengah sibuk sampai pertengahan bulan 1. Harap maklum. Kalau tak dapat balasan tu, maaf awal2.

Hi. How are you? If you dont mind, can you please share your everyday routines? Starting from when you wake up in the morning until you go to sleep. Thank you.

Hi, I'm doing fine, thank you. How are you? :)
So basically this is my class schedule for this semester: http://www.syazanazura.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Syaza-Nazura-Fall-2014-schedule.png
I make it to 80% (or so) of my classes. My Gen Bus class (Monday, 4pm) is now over, so I won't be having that class anymore. I (most of the time) skip my Stats discussion on Wednesday afternoon (1:20pm). But other than that, I typically make it to class.
In the morning, I'd typically wake up between half an hour to 45 minutes before class. (yes, I either sleep again after Subuh, or just got in bed after praying Subuh). I can get ready pretty fast, and, well, I head to my class(es).
My routine after classes differ each day:
(1) Monday: Sleep, since I've been up all night (Monday 12am - 8am), working at the library.
(2) Tuesday & Friday: Working at the Office of Admissions and recruitment until 4:30pm.
(3) Wednesday: Go home, lunch / study / nap until my 4pm class.
(4) Thursday: Lunch / study / sleep / play Xbox / advising / UHS appointment / attending talk / seminar (depending on what's on)
I'll be at home on most nights, since I no longer work the night shifts at the library this semester (other than the midnight - 8am shift on Mondays). Occasionally, I'll head over to the library after my 4pm class on Wednesdays and stay there until midnight or so to study / finish my homework (though I don't do this anymore lately since it gets dark out pretty quick)
So when I'm home, I'll either:
(1) Eat.
(2) Study.
(3) Watch TV.
(4) Watch anime / movies on my laptop.
(5) Finish off my homework.
(6) Watch any documentaries necessary for my Philosophy class.
(7) Skype with Mum / him / friends.
(8) Take a nap until late midnight.
(9) Blogging / silently reading and stalking others' blog.
(10) Stalking people on Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn / etc
(11) Eat again.
(12) Play Xbox / the Sims on my laptop
(13) Watch random videos on Youtube
(14) Survey internship opportunities on the internet / BuckyNet.
I don't actually have like a set schedule or routine that I follow. It's mostly depending on my mood of the day, if I feel like studying or not. Normally, I'd be awake until late at night (2am onwards). I usually sleep around 3/4am, or even after Subuh (yes, I'm nocturnal, and I know it's bad for my health). So while I'm up and not studying, I'd be either window shopping on Amazon / eBay or Youtube-ing or watching anime / movies or be on Facebook and do my part-time counseling thing :D
Lol, okay, so I guess that's basically my life = sleep, eat, sleep, study, sleep, eat. :P

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Liked by: qweentea_

Bisa tidak saya edit college essay saya pake onlinecorrection.com? tuk cek grammarnya je kak

Terpulang. Kalau kau rasa benda itu membantu, pakai la. Tapi lagi elok kalau edit sendiri or minta orang, bukannya robot ataupun program, untuk editkan.

My dad said to get scholarship or to be accepted in certain unis, we have to attend walk in interviews...?

"Walk-in interviews" refer to the activity of you coming to a place at a random time and day and straight away attend an interview on the spot.
Scholarships do not have "walk-in interviews". Nor do most colleges or universities, as far as I know. Some private universities might have 'Open Days' in which prospective applicants can come in for walk-in interview sessions and all, but most do not have this kind of interview. They do, however, schedule interviews. They'll review all applications, and from the pool of applicants that they have, choose a certain number of people to interview. This is the most common way of having interviews, and I'm pretty sure this is what your father meant when he mentioned 'walk-in interviews'.
As for interview tips in general, please do visit this post: http://www.syazanazura.com/2014/04/askfm-faqs-2-scholarships-interviews.html.
Thank you :)

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Requirement tinggi jugak rupanya. Kalau course engineering nk further dkt UK lepasan diploma boleh ke?

Boleh tu boleh. Requirements kena check dengan MARA la kalau lepasan Diploma sebab I'm not too sure on that, sorry.

Requirement utk study loan MARA & JPA utk study abroad apa ye? Sbb scholarship requirement dia tinggi so study loan perhaps tak setinggi scholarship?

MARA pinjaman. JPA biasiswa. Dua2 requirement tinggi. Requirements depend on course apa di mana dan lepasan apa.

yg unikl tu .. diorg ckp under mara kn ? tp mcm mana nk mohon unikl ?

Pergi website UniKL and tengok macam mana nak mohon.

biasiswa mara ? kena mohon online kan ? boleh isi lagi tk ? ke tarikh dh tutup ? blh bgi link mara untuk isi biasiswa tk ?

MARA bukan biasiswa. MARA itu pinjaman. And lek. Tunggu results bro.

Asalam, Kak syaza. I'm wondering, what are the questions they are going to ask us during walk in interview? As I'm very weak in general knowledge... And are we going to communicate in bahasa or english?

Wa'alaikumsalam. Walk-in interview for what, exactly?

Assalmualaikum kak syaza. I have a question regarding the dossier. Lets say that one of the unis that im applying has a deadline on january, do i need to notify encik din about it so that it can be send and received on time? And how long does it take for those scripts to reach the universities? :o

Wa'alaikumsalam. You can let Encik Din know about it, but generally he would keep track of all the deadlines for the universities students are applying to, and he will make sure that the dossiers are sent in time for the deadlines. Normally it'd take a week or two for the dossiers to reach the US, depending on what services OSSP uses to send them.

Kak syaza, im a spm leaver too. Sy nak tanya act sy nak ambik medic tp tetiba rasa cam tak hebat sgt bio so idecide nak ambik architecture since i love to draw. But at the saame time i'd love to be a doctor too. Maybeu could help me? sorry fr bothering u

Apa-apa hal pun, tunggu results dulu bro/sis. Kalau results tak mengizinkan, nak buat apa-apa pun tak lepas. Lek lu.
Liked by: haziq Iffah Syahfina

Salam, kak. I'm a spm leaver. I know I should know this kind of things, but I have no idea what to do after this. I'm clueless... Since I'm going to go for my plkn in 5 days time, I want to ask you, let's say I want to take medic or engineering after this, what should I do after plkn?

Wa'alaikumsalam. Since you're going for PLKN, there's nothing much that you'd miss anyway. Your SPM results will be out either on your last few days in PLKN or after you're done with PLKN, so you can always start by applying for UPU / scholarships, whichever that your results allow you to.
Liked by: Iffah Syahfina

My midterm aint that good and sekarang dah mcm hmm lose hope utk final padahal tahu je peluang tu ada lagi. I aim high at the early sem and i dont want to quick in the middle :/ Any advice?

Don't lose hope. If you work hard at it, you'll make it to the end, insyaAllah. Meet up with your teachers / lecturers / professors and ask for their advice on how to improve. Look at your weaknesses and work on them. Talk to a friend or two who scored higher than you and ask for their help. Never let a small thing like that set you back. Heck, I aimed for a GPA of 3.8 when I first started my ADFP in INTEC, and suddenly received a GPA of 2.90 for my first mid-semester grade. Hell I was devastated. But that never stopped me from getting a GPA of 3.59 at the end of semester. So whatever yours is, don't let it stop you. Use it as a fuel to boost your motivation to strive for success.
Liked by: anas


Language: English