
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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How to apply for scholarships?

Applying for Scholarships 101:
1. Google up the scholarship.
2. Read requirements.
3. Apply.
4. Wait patiently for results.
5. Attend interview / EduCamp, wherever necessary.
6. Get scholarship, if lucky / chosen.

Hi. How are you? I want to ask? How we can stay focus in the class. I tend to lose my focus just for a few minutes during the lecture. Thank you for your kind words

Hello, I'm doing good, how about you?
You're asking me about how to focus in class? Like, seriously? You're asking the person who tweet and go on Facebook or 9gag or write emails or listen to music in class for tips to focus? Like, really?
LOL, okay, but seriously though. To stay focused in class, you'll have to have interest in the subject (figures that's the reason I lose focus in my Stats class -.-). Ask questions. Read up in advance and find out what you want to learn and make sure you understand them.

thanks for your advice... bukan senang nak bangun dari kejatuhan thanks kak...

No problem. Allah takkan mengubah nasib kaum melainkan kaum itu sendiri yang nak berubah. Kalau diri sendiri tak berusaha nak bangun lepas jatuh, sampai bila takkan berjaya.

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Syazaaa, I forgot about this so I wanna ask you again. Lol. Are you coming to London end of this year?

Will be arriving at Heathrow on Dec 21st. Spending a few days in London before going to Ireland for a while with family. January 1st ada tour Warner Bros, then malam tu tidur rumah Syaza Nadiah, since my family's flight is on the 2nd morning. January 2nd takde plan pape lagi so far. January 3rd most probably lepak with my British friends from school dulu, since I haven't met them since 2006. January 4th mungkin nak gi Arsenal stadium, tak sure lagi. January 4th malam tu nak stay kat Brunel University, and January 5th pergi airport to return to US :)
Hihi :)
Liked by: Haziq Ghafar

Hi k syaza :) um i wanna ask, should i still apply for any scholarships eventho i screwed up during trials?

Yes, you should.

kak syaza, kat blog you ada apa2 you cerita apa acturial science? if dont buat la satu.

Nope, tak ada, sorry. And not sure if I am the right person to write about that, considering the fact that I'm still not sure about doing that. :/

How to encourage ourself to love reading. I tend to skim and scan throughout the whole text/page. Rather than read one by one. Sometimes, i just read it from the first until at the middle of the text. But i know, knowledge is from what we read.

Make it more interesting as you challenge yourself. Before you start reading (if it's a textbook or an academic book), write down several questions that you would want to find out. It can be like the learning objectives from the start of the chapter or just Google up some random questions about the book/chapter. So when you read it, make sure you can answer those questions - to make you really read and not just skim.
Or you can just wing it like I do. Don't read, except when you have to, and focus more by listening in classes. :P

How you control your jealousy. Okay, if you're not jealous - how we can control our jealousy? Even tho we know it's just a simple thing. Thank you.

"You are everything to me. I need you. I really need you. Trust me, I would be messed up if you were not there for me for the past few years. You are the only one who can comfort me when I am down or sad. You are the first person I want to talk to if there is any good news or if I am happy. You are my life. I am not complete without you."
That, and the fact that he's put up with some of my hardest and most vulnerable moments help me to get through everything. Jealousy is always going to be an issue, and no matter how much you try to stop it, it will always be there. The only way to stop it from posing a problem to the relationship is trust. Trust the other person, and trust yourself. Know that you will always be strong enough to make it through until the end. Know that even though both of you are together, you guys will always have a separate life outside the 'Us'. Both of you will need personal time for other friends and all, so be open to that. Accept that. Give them space and time. It's not like they are yours forever and always, right?

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Kak syaza, macam mana you jadi known for your blog? And how do you get income through it?

To be honest, I have no idea on how that happened. ._. I don't think my blog's ever good enough to be known and all that. -.-
Oh, and I got the side income (not much though, since my aim's not to make any money from the blog) from Nuffnang.

hey, sister. i know it been too late but i like to thank you for giving us some advice and guide during the mock interview in ssp.It is really helpful though. remember me? i am the one who accidental find ur blog in google. if you don't remember it's okayy. i just want to say thank you to you :)

You're welcome :) Hope your SPM went well! Let me know in four months' time about your results, or your future plans! :)

i repeat paper need your motivasi for the coming sem :'(

(read below)
Sorry for the late reply. I'm on my Thanksgiving break and I don't go on Ask.fm that often.

i repeat paper... need your advice 4 the coming sem

Sorry to hear that :/ Some of the things you can do are:
1) Talk to your professor / lecturer about the area(s) that you can improve on. Ask them on their opinions about what your weakness(es) is/are and work on them. Get their advice(s) on how to tackle the questions better, how to score better, and how to improve on the subject.
2) Ask for your friend(s)'s help, especially those that got an A in the class. Learn from them. Read their notes and see how they studied for the subject.
3) Don't make the same mistakes that you did last semester. Do not procrastinate. Learn and read ahead of time to further improve your understanding of the materials.
4) Don't give up. Failing once doesn't mean that you're going to fail forever.

Since my principal is currently not available, boleh tak if i get my documents certified from the penolong kanan??


post high school education is?

Pre : before
Post : after
Post high school education : Education after high school (college, university, masters, etc)

If not?

Everyone's going to die, one way or another. Sleeping less hours doesn't really mean you're gonna die or anything. As long as you get sufficient sleep and know your limit, relax dah la.

What about all those theories saying that we MUST sleep for at least 8hours?

Well, that's the good option, and if you can get it, that's good.

I scared to sleep less than 5 hours bcos i felt worried that i might felt sleepy in the class. *eventhou i do feel sleepy most of the time*

I'd be happy if I can get 5 full hours of sleep ._.


Language: English