
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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Things that you anticipate the most every morning you wake up?

Right now? Seeing the leaves turn yellow/orange/red.

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If you were to receive a gift from your special someone, what would you expect it to be the most?

I don't know. Knowing him, he's not much of a gift-giver. So to get any surprise, no matter how big or small, it would be nice.
(plus it's no fun to expect any gifts, 'cause then you'd get disappointed. Trust me, I know.)

Are you the kind of person who wants to be the big fish in a little pond or the little fish in the big pond?

I want to be the big fish in the big pond.

Ok. Tukar soalan. Akak banyak makan tak? Like, kalau boleh, nak makan banyak je tiap masa.

Depends makanan apa. I'm a picky eater. Kalau bagi tomyam or nasi ayam, memang boleh berpinggan-pinggan tambah.
Takpun. Masa study confirm lapar. Or kalau stay up malam-malam. Mesti makan snacks or cereal or roti kosong. Dalam kelas pun, aku la one of the few people yang selalu bawak snacks or biscuits.

Has anyone ever told you that you have such a great/warm/mesmerizing smile? If no, let me be the first. You have such a wonderful smile! Keep your smiling face everywhere because I'm sure it will brighten someone's day. :)

*hide behind a pillow*

CGPA for diploma, I'll be graduating soon. Hmm for University of Reading, Heriott-Watt, Northumbria, Loughborough. So, it's hard to know if my result is good enough to apply. And semua uni ke conduct interview before accepting?

I know that only certain UK universities will hold interviews for their applicants, mostly those competitive ones like OxBridge. As for post-Diploma students applying to UK universities, I am not sure if you will be considered as undergrads or post-graduates, 'cause Diploma is a little bit like a degree, but a little bit less, so I'm not pretty sure how it goes through UCAS.
Your best bet to know this is to actually talk to a counselor in those universities, or try asking an agency that is well-versed in this matter (MABECS, probably?). They can definitely help you more than I could, considering I would only know things that I've been through or read up on, and this is completely out of my degree of 'expertise', if I may say so.
Sorry bro/sis :(

Mcm mana nak tengok entry requirements in UK universities? Sbb CGPA punya was not stated. I mean, mcm mana nk tgk yg CGPA kita compatible with the requirement?

CGPA untuk apa? 'Cause I know that most universities would prefer you to have A-Levels, especially if you'll be applying through CUAs, so having A-Levels is definitely so much easier to apply to UK universities. And A-Levels don't have CGPA, as far as I know. So what CGPA are you referring to? And for which universities, specifically?

salam kak syaza :) for the SAT registration, is it okay if my home address that I stated in it is different from the one in my IC? thank you!

Wa'alaikumsalam. Yep, it's all okay. Tak kisah.

Is there any possibilities to score 3.5 for the adfp fall semester if my mod semester result is around 2.8? Thanks!

If you work hard for it, boleh jeeee.

akak,macam mane nk motivasikan diri untuk tak memain. sya ntahla. suka memain bila nk study. tp sya kesian parents saya jugak. dh bnyak hbis duit

Kalau kau betul-betul kesiankan parents kau tu, that should be enough motivation for you to study. Sebab if kau still main-main, meaning kau still take it for granted that they are paying for your education.
So if kau betul-betul sayang parents kau lah kan, you wouldn't be messing around.

Boleh tak sis share pengalaman masa jadi jpkca dulu?

Hmm. Nak cerita apa ek?
FULET Training at the end of 2012 kat INTEC. Yes, kiteorang buat FULET kat Cemara je. Tapi best sebab dapat jumpa other people as well. Masa tu sikit gila orang. So after FULET tu, kiteorang semua scout orang baru nak jadi JPKCA. Semangat jugak la. Masa tu la kenal-kenal ramai bebudak A-Levels, memandangkan budak A-Levels merangkumi more than half of us JPKCA 2012/13.
Then come 2013, tetiba je kena bagi talk masa MDS bebudak fast-track. Mak aih terkejut kau, hahaha. But Adri handled it well, so it was fun.
Then ada Kem Menggapai Bintang (?) dengan bebudak Darjah 6 kat SK Kalumpang. Duduk sana over the weekend, ala-ala kem motivasi. Best gila sebab masa tu yang start rapat dengan Adilah Soleh. Masa tu ada this one 'Amazing Race' or something macam tu, and aku jadi 'hantu'. Bebudak tu semua kena bawak cawan berisi air to every checkpoint, and aku sebagai 'hantu' kena kejar dyorang sampai air tu tertumpah. Rasa kejam juga la sebab semua tension asyik2 kena isi air, tapi, oh well, siapa suruh tak boleh larikan diri dari aku. Lol. Pastu ada gak la main baling2 tepung dengan orang. Wiwiwiwi.
Meetings macam sumpah best gila. And sebab kiteorang selalu meeting malam, habis memang after 11:00pm. So bila nak balik Akasia (meeting memang kat Cemara), selalu cakap kat pak guard / akak guard yang kiteorang nak singgah Rafi beli air / makanan sebab lapar, and selalunya dyorang OK je. Hihihi.
Pastu masa jaga MDS, pehhh, syok. Haha. Plus ada PM yang non-JPKCA, so macam lagi ramai orang baru yang aku kenal semua. Best buli bebudak tu semua dengan game yang entah pape tu. Stay up malam plan nak buat apa the next day, bangun awal sebab kena prepare. Drive kereta (masa tu aku dah bawak kereta pergi INTEC) sebab nak rush bawak makanan la, bawak budak pergi klinik la, bawak budak pergi buat passport la, etc. Syok la.

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Assalamualaikum. This thing has been bugging me since day one. For we malays, do we have middle name?? I've registered for the SAT so its been bothering me whether my second name should be fill at the middle name part or not. Since i (and you as well) have two name. Thank you :)

Waalaikumsalam. No matter how many names you have (1,2,3,...), for Malay names, your name(s) and bin/binti/b./bt/bte will ALWAYS be the first name, and your father's name will be your last / family name.
First name: Syaza Nazura binti
Last/family name: Noor Azmi
First name: Aiman Ardani bin
Last/family name: Omar.

Masa sis jadi jpkca dulu ada ajk2 apa?

Tak ingatlah semua off by heart (dah terlupa), tapi yang ingat kiteorang ada:
AJK Multimedia
AJK Sukan
AJK Kerohanian
AJK Kebudayaan
AJK Akademik (eh, ye ke ada?)
Ahahaha sorry tak ingat sangat laa ._.

akak,macam mana nk book tiket flight??? ^^ hehe

I am not even going to entertain this question, even if it's just a joke.

hi, if i'm doing adfp in intec right now, am i considered in high school or college? for illinois they asked if I am currently in high school and/or have not earned a high school diploma yet OR I have graduated from high school, or have a GED, and have never attended another college or university

You are a high school graduate, and currently in a post-high school institution.

Assalamualaikum kak syaza. Yang transcript tu, if my school tak guna system gpa, takpe kan if takde? ke kena ada jugak?? Will it affect my application or something? Thank you so much :)

Wa'alaikumsalam. Tak kisah pun. Asalkan letak the letter grades (A, B, C, etc) and the scores (either individual scores for the subjects or in a table, kira macam scale untuk grading tu).

how to send toefl scores to uni? is it via order score reports on the toefl website?

Score reports through ETS, yes.

Assalamualaikum kak syaza. I had just entered university last november. I feel like my spirits and motivation to learn had died. I feel burned out. I was an achiever receiving straight A's for UPSR, PMR and SPM. I was top of my class every year. I used to love studying and the feeling of satisfactio

Seems like you're going through what a lot of people went through normally.
When you were in primary school, everyone would be like, "Score 5A's for UPSR if you want to get to a good boarding school!"
And in high school, everyone would be like, "You HAVE to get straight A's for PMR and SPM, or you'll jeopardize your future!"
Now that you're out of school, what's next?
This is where your heart comes in.
In school, when you study just for the sake of getting straight A's in all the examinations and to gain the 'success' that people say you should, well, what's in it for you, really? It's like you're studying for someone else, not for you.
When you put in so much emphasis into the A's that one gets, not the real education that he receives, how do you expect him to feel about the whole 'learning' process?
Education is NOT about the A's you get after you work your ass off for it.
It's about what you actually take out of it.
If you've just entered university and you feel burned out already, well, better think about why you're there in the first place.
Are you there because your parents want you to be there?
Are you there because that's what society expects you to do?
Are you there because your friends are there?
Or are you there because you want to be there?
If you're there because you know you want to be there, there shouldn't be any problem. If there is, then perhaps deep down inside of you, you know you don't really want to be there. Or that you don't really know what you want out of life.
And, trust me, it's okay to feel that way. It's okay to make mistakes and start all over. It's okay to try and fail, and try and fail, and try and fail again. There's completely nothing wrong with that.
Just take a moment to think. Reflect on yourself, your goals and dreams and aspirations. Think about what you want to achieve in life. And keep your head up high and move on.
University's life is not easy, no matter how many A's you scored in school(s). You just have to hold on and be strong. :)

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