
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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Assalamualaikum kak. Nak tanya ni, for the academic transcript yg translate punya, the subject must be in order with the original ones ke? Or tak kisah susun the subject mana2 pun?

Waalaikumsalam. Tak kisah pun order macam mana.

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How about when you're staying in the UK? Are the people there nice too? I always see posts on tumblr & twitter like, people are giving the Muslims women who are wearing headscarf a weird look everywhere they go :(

Well, when I was in the UK back in 2005/2006, I haven't yet started wearing my headscarf at all times, so that part doesn't really affect me (if it does happen, that is). I know my mother never had anything against her, people were OK about it and all. My teachers and friends were like fine with me having go to for prayers and all, and my brother and I were given special passes by the school so that we could go back home during lunch time to pray (during winter times, when it gets dark early and all). And I know my brother was given special permission to go out every other Friday afternoons as well for Friday prayers.
Please don't make it a habit to really believe everything you see on social media. Sure, there might be a couple of a**holes here and there, but the majority of the people in the UK/US or even anywhere else around the world are really open and nice. They will respect your belief and faith, as long as you respect theirs. Weird looks and stares are normal, accept it. People may not be used to it, but it's not much of a problem anyway. :)

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bru abes main COD:Ghosts ek? best game tu? xna main multiplayer?

Ehehehehe. Kiteorang tak connect lagi xBox Live, so no internet kalau nak main multiplayer. Wiwiwiwi.

Is it hard studying in the US? I mean, the people around you... kan US people ni tak berapa okay sangat dengan Muslims :/ (p/s: I've always wanted to study overseas but I'm kinda afraid. I mean, what if the suddenly attack you just because you're wearing a headscarf :( heh )

Please don't believe all the things you watch and hear through the media. Americans are not that bad, y'know? They're really nice and understanding. Heck, my Psychology professor even allowed me to come half an hour late to our final exam, just because I told him that I need to pray Maghrib first.
At work, my supervisor and co-workers are super flexible and wouldn't mind me going to the staff room to pray halfway between my shifts. My other friends and all, they never even attacked me. No, not even the strangers I meet. Instead, they're really interested in the headscarf, and how Muslims live and all.

Is Bank Negara a good choice for a scholarship?

Depending on the course you want to take, yes. There's no one 'good' scholarship out there, y'know?

Assalamualaikum. Id like to ask, what is the difference between early decision and regular decision? Which one do you think is better??

Early Decision (or ED) is binding. You can only apply to one university for ED. You normally apply a couple of months earlier than the regular decision (RD) deadlines (normally ED deadline is by November). Once you are admitted to the university, you will HAVE to attend it, no matter what.
For RD, you can apply to as many universities as you want, and you can choose whichever to attend to based on the offers that you get.
As for which is better between RD and ED, well, it depends on you.
ED is better for you if:
1) Your results is already good enough.
2) You have a high SAT and TOEFL score (or at least meets the minimum requirement for the university).
3) You have done your research on colleges and know that you REALLY REALLY REALLY want to go to that ONE university no matter what.
Link: http://professionals.collegeboard.com/guidance/applications/early

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My Full name is Micheal Wong Chin Xian. I filled it according to the TOEFL online form. I wrote my first name as Micheal. My middle name is Chin Xian and my family name as Wong. When I printed out the result it came out as Micheal Chin Xian Wong. Will this be acceptable ?

I should think that should be fine. I'm not that familiar with Chinese names and all, but you can probably pass with it. Maybe you can try asking someone in this group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/408588825903195/?fref=ts). Sorry :(

I registered my name wrongly in my TOEFL registration :( my family name is moved to the last name. Soo now my name doesnt match with my malaysian IC. Is there anything I can do? :(

Technically your family name should be your last name. How was it registered as?

Means my chances of a getting scholarship is pretty low then? :( I'll be finishing my diploma soon so I've been searching for the scholarships that I might be able to get.

It might be pretty hard since there will be a lot of competition, but it's worth a try. If Allah has written it for you, you'll make it through.

By the meaning of must be active in sports and co-curricular activities in order to apply for scholarships, how many certificates do we at least need to have in hand just to be safe?

The number of "certificates" do not necessarily mean that one is "active" in sports and co-curricular activities. As long as you can talk about the things/activities that you join, and talk about what you learn out of them, you'll be fine.

And if the minimum requirement for scholarships is 3.50 CGPA, is it still possible for me to have the chance if my CGPA is above 3.00 but below 3.50?

Normally, not so. A lot of people with a CGPA > 3.50 will be applying, so if you get < 3.50, they might not even look at your application. (Some online applications might even have a system that automatically reject those below a certain CGPA).

Assalamualaikum sis. I already asked the university about my question. They said we can take the subject test on january because usually they will receive it in time, but there is no guarantee. So now im in dilemma whether i should continue applying to that university or not. What do you think? :)

Would you rather:
1) Fail getting an admission, knowing that you tried your best and did all that you can.
2) Fail getting an admission because you were afraid or worried about what may happen.
I'd go for number 1. Sure, it may cost a little bit more money, but I can earn back the money that I spend. Regret, however, will be hard to forget, and a few months from now, you might come across someone who will be going to that university and you'd be thinking, "Oh, damn, I should've just applied to that university and tried my luck anyway. At least then I'll have a chance of getting in like they do."
It's your call.

Salam akak syaza. Saya student adfp in Intec. tetiba rasa macam down and putus asa. ada tips nak study betul betul tak? :(

"Bila kamu tak tahan lelahnya belajar, maka kamu akan menanggung peritnya kebodohan." [Imam Syafie]
1. Baru ADFP / pre-uni dah rasa nak putus asa. Masuk uni nanti macam mana? Nak putus ada every day sebab tak tahan dengan bebanan kerja yang bertimbun gila tu?
2. Betulkan niat belajar tu. Adakah kau belajar semata-mata nak 'fly' and cakap 'Oh, saya pelajar kat US/UK/Australia/etc' ? Ataupun kau belajar untuk ilmu yang boleh kau dapat?
3. Fikir pasal mak ayah kau. Sanggup ke nak bazirkan penat lelah mereka membesarkan kau and give up begitu sahaja?
4. Setkan aim kau. Nak score berapa. Nak masuk uni mana. Nak capai apa dalam hidup. Tulis and tampal kat meja belajar. Read it out loud every single day.
5. Watlek dah ah. Tak payah stresskan diri sendiri more than you need to.

kak kalau apply ke Wisconsin bisa tak perlu sertakan TOEFL/IELTS tak buat non-native applicantnye? Aku tak cukup duit ambil TOEFL ataupun IELTS -_-

Kena ada

Kak rekomendasi Univ-univ yang tek perlu TOEFL/IELTS apa je? Wsconsin masuk tak???

Most universities abroad will require some sort of a language proficiency test. For US universities, you will need TOEFL, IELTS (not recommended) OR SAT.

kak,saya ad exam lpas cuti ni, tapi ntahla. bila saya bukak buku ja, ngantuk. kalau tak ngantuk, saya baca, tp rasa mcm x masuk jaa. macam mana ni eh??

Baca doa before mula belajar. Off handphone. Tutup MP3 and iPod. Larikan diri dari segala distraction. Tenangkan minda dan pernafasan sebelum start belajar.
Liked by: Alya Nabila

hey kak syaza! apa perbezaan antara counsellor recommendation letter dengan counsellor statement?

About the same. Cuma recommendation letter more of like a letter to promote your strengths and talents and skills and all that (kira macam nak promote you la), but the statement is a general statement of your personality and academic strengths and stuff.
Tapi mostly sama je both.

Apa harapan Arsenal untuk season ni ?

Kalau ada rezeki, insyaAllah.
(sorry, simpan soalan ni lama, bajet nak bagi detailed thoughts and all, tapi macam taktahu nak cakap apa lagi sebab bukannya tahap pro gila pasal football and all the details and statistics and all. Masih belajar lagi :D )


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