
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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Name 10 important persons in your life :)

Mum, Dad & my three brothers.
Aiman Ardani, the apple of my eye.
Faghira Afrina, the best friend since 2001.
Ahmad Fairuz Afif, the super annoying Friendster friend.
Adilah Soleh, the love-and-fashion advisor.
I'm sorry, I can only mention these nine people right now. To be honest, there's a lot of people who are important to me, like Ali, Nazran, Faiz, Syasya, Ikha and all, 'cause I treasure every single one of my friends. Every single one of them is important to me, no matter what.

What are you doing today?

I spent my day (well, spending it) in Taylor's Lakeside Campus, volunteering with USAPPS half-day workshop. And I'm heading to KLIA tonight to pick up my brother :)

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Kak syaza x join salam perantauan dlm newspaper tuh ke?

Nopez. Salam Perantauan dalam Silent Confessions je.

You bila nak buat contest #kadrayagiveaway? :)

Emm. Kad raya tu, just bagi alamat je. Kalau ada extra, insyaAllah boleh je bagi:)

HI! Yeah so I'm Anon 2. And thanks for.. you know "facilitating" this on your page lol. I'll message anon 1 on fb, nama facebook sama kan ?

Okay, hello Anon 1, meet Anon 2. Lolz. Hahahah. Go find each other on Ask.fm / Fb and, well, talk things over. Hikhik. :3

Eh I happen to know someone who's under MADPP, my primary school classmate. But how to contact the anon below? Oh well :(

Hello Anon A, meet Anon B. :)
*I feel like cupid. Hahahahaha*

If you could own any building in the world, which one would it be?

The biggest library in the world.

if you have time, mind visiting me at my tumblr herfragileconstellations.blogspot.com

I think you meant 'herfragileconstellations.tumblr.com', Najihah :) And I'm not much of a fan of Tumblr, but sure, I'll drop by sometime :)

what is your dream?when u will achieve it?

In this physical world, one of my dreams is to start a foundation. And when? Well, Wallahualam. :)

kakak, any idea about what is MARA American Degree Preparation Program (MADPP)?

Hello :) Sorry, I don't know anything about that :/

manja in eng apa?

If it's 'memanjakan' someone, then it's 'spoiling or pampering someone'.
If it's 'manja' as in sorang tu manja gila, then it's probably a pampered or spoilt person.
Liked by: Sara Shatrolli

syaza..in the states..what is the culture if I were to show my appreciation to the person..do we give them gifts or thank you note is enough?

It depends, I guess? I know that my co-workers at the library will sometimes buy chocolates or bake cookies for anyone who can take up their shifts whenever they needed to go or do something else. Sometimes a thank you note is enough. It depends on how well your relationship/friendship is with that person.

hi kak syaza! haha actually dah lama nak tanyaaa . akak mmg prefer to use kau-aku eh dgn junior? hehehe

Err sebenarnya dengan semua orang macam nak guna aku-kau je. Kalau guna akak/awak/saya/kita semua, rasa macam awkward and macam, errr, okay ._.
Takat dua tiga tahun je beza, apa kisah, aku-kau je la. Hahaha. Tapi if nak sangat panggil akak tu, panggil je laaaa, takleh nak buat apa la kalau korang sendiri yang nak. Lolz. Tapi memang tak kisah la if juniors nak guna aku-kau je. (actually lagi diprefer ni daripada akak2 ni, more intimate gitu haha)

predeparture kan, kena buat ape actually?

Duduk dengar talk, angguk-angguk kepala, mata melilau pusing cari sesiapa yang pergi sama uni dengan kau, dapat duit (most of the time), kira2 duit make sure cukup, tulis contact MARA / JPA / sponsor kat sana, dengar more talks and stuff.

Kak syaza,macam mana nk dapatkan kesedaran untuk siapkan hw??Saya rasa malas sangat2.Tambah2 bulan puasa.Saya cuma rasa nak study yg perlu membaca dan menghafal saja.

Pandang homework tu, and tanya diri sendiri: "Kalau aku tak buat ni, siapa nak buatkan untuk aku?"
p/s: Rajinnya kau (read: awak) nak baca dan menghafal. Aku (read: akak) lagi prefer buat homework. Tak suka membaca. ._.


Language: English