
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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what is your opinion about fifa world cup

I'm disappointed Holland couldn't make it to the finals. But they did their best, and I'm proud of them. :)

akk , if applying for mara to go abroad the Uni are compulsary to be the top uni is it ?

As long as the university is in MARA's approved list, then you're fine.

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kak syaza. i'm a jpa student. and i failed to pass cutoff point for second semester. now idk what to do. if you were in my shoes, what would you do? (basically i need motivational words)

"Allah does not charge a soul except [with that within] its capacity." [2:286]
Everything that has happened, happens for a reason. Failing once or twice in your life doesn't mean you're going to fail every single time in the future. It just shows that you need to work harder, to put a little bit more effort, and to push yourself a little bit more.
Don't fret too much. If JPA gives you guys another chance (like my friends were given last time), then make sure you work harder and give it your best shot. Find out where you're weak in, and get help from friends and lecturers.
And if the second chance come, and you still couldn't make it through (Nauzubillah, I hope you make it through!), well, just remember that Allah Knows best, and perhaps this road you're on, maybe it's not meant for you.
Just remember, anything happens, you can never give up. Life is a climb, and whenever you fall, you will need to get back up on your feet and climb on. :)

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Liked by: IpMan

Assalamualaikum kak..sijil akademik tu ape? upsr, pmr & spm je ke? ke sijil-sijil lain? thanks kak..

Waalaikumsalam. Nama pun sijil akademik, everything berkaitan dengan akademik la. UPSR, PMR, SPM, exam pertengahan tahun, exam percubaan, results SAT/TOEFL/IELTS/MUET dan semuanya yang berkaitan dengan akademik la.

Assalamualaikum wbt (: Wahai manusia, ku ingin meminta pertolongan dari mu. Tidak susah mana pun, marilah kita sama sama mendoakan kepada saudara saudara kita di Gaza. Moga Allah merahmati kamu (: #FreePalestine #FreeGaza #StopWarGaza #WeLovePalestine #AllUnitedForFreePalestine #SaveGazaSaveTheWorld

Waalaikumsalam. InsyaAllah. :)

Hi SIS ! i'm here to ask you a question about what are things that you consider when it's time to choose a novel( english novel). TQ :)

Hello :)
As for me, I go for the short synopsis they have at the back. If it sounds interesting to me, I'll consider buying it. Sometimes, I also go for the authors that I know (John Green, Cecelia Ahern, etc), or I'll go for the New York Times bestseller books, 'cause these books are (most of the time) really really good. :)

Akak kenal x mana-mana ex-asasi yang dapat fly overseas? Because i didn't get rayuan mara but i REALLY wanna go overseas for my degree.

Kalau takde rezeki for MARA, buat je la dulu asasi here in Malaysia. Then sambung degree sini for a year, pastu transfer je la. Getting MARA/JPA/any scholarship post-SPM is not the only way to study abroad.

How many people from Malaysia are in your university in your batch?

Approximately 15? I think? I don't know. A lot of the non-MARA scholars are here (Chinese & Indians), and I get confused as to which year they transfer in.

Hi! Kat common app ni saya perasan boleh apply UK universities. Boleh ke student adfp apply? (Kalau dapat green light dari penaja?) Thank you!

Kalau dapat greenlight penaja, go on ahead.

assalamualaikum kak,mara ada tak intake ke 3 dan seterusnya? haritu saya buat rayuan mara but still tak dapat. thank you if reply.

Wa'alaikumsalam. Macam takde je rasanya. Wallahualam.

Why you are not coming to intec last monday for mds? I was looking for you at there :(

Aww, sorry. I had my dentist appointment last Monday, so I had to go to Damansara. I might be coming to INTEC this coming week, just for a while though.

Wahh banyak jugak eh sis join time dekat intec dulu. Is it true yg our penglibatan semua penting time nk apply U overseas nanti?

Tak penting sangat kuantiti tu, kualiti yang penting.

Hai sis! Nk tanya ni, time u kat intec dulu ada join any club tak? Cause i really dont know which club should i join :/

Hello :) Masa I kat INTEC dulu, I was in JPKCA. And I was the photographer for ATUSA's yearbook, the MEMENTO. And I played for INTEC's girls basketball team in KARiSMA 2012. Tu je la kot that I joined. :)

jadi malaysia dibawah british education system lah ye?

Sistem education Malaysia ada iras2 sistem education British, yes. Belajar Sejarah kan dulu? Masa British datang jajah Tanah Melayu, ni la sisa2 peninggalannya. Haha.

IB Results to be announced this sunday. Super stoked mcm gila. Doakan kejayaan aku tau makcik!! (ps: weyh bila nak jumpa? alang2 tgh cuti ni)

Good luck broooo! You'll be fine, I know you will. InsyaAllah everything will be okay. Pasal jumpa tu, whatsapp weh.

kalau nak pegi oversea, die tgk tak result trial spm

Kalau nak apply scholarship, most probably yes. Kalau pergi privately, tak sangat.

kalau x pass medical check up, x boleh pegi oversea ke?

Duh. Kalau ada medical problem, susah ah nak pergi. Kalau sakit kat sana, siapa nak tanggung? Mahal kot ._.


Language: English