
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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Biasanya kalau a level uk kt intec 2 tahun. Kt uk berapa tahun? Kalau fast track pulak?

Masuk degree kat UK mostly 3 tahun (unless kau buat Medicine ke apa2 yang lama lagi la). A-Levels between one year to two years. So even if fast track A-Levels (setahun) or normal (dua tahun), masih tiga tahun di UK.

I am doing A level. Anything i should do to warm up before starting college ?

Try doing your Additional Mathematics paper - WITHOUT using a calculator. :) 'Cause you'd be doing some Maths papers without a calculator (if you're going to take Maths, that is).
You can try flipping through some of the past papers to see what kind of topics you'd be studying about (if you already know what subjects you are taking). Just search up Edexcel or Cambridge past year papers and you'll find tons of them online.
If not, brush up on your reading and note-taking skills :)

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do u like korean? (haha) or anything related to with?

I'm okay with my Korean friends, but I'm not into Kpop or Kdrama or anything like that.

When im trying to watch a english movie etc without substitle, im really cant catch up what they're actually talk abt -.- laju gila cakap. Kt us & uk mcm tu jugak ke? Alahai

Haha, yes, sometimes. But, you see, that's the beauty of phrases like, "Err, excuse me?" or "I didn't catch that, can you repeat that again?" :P

Akak alevel kt intec shah alam ke?

Nope. A-Levels kat Kolej Tuanku Ja'afar, Mantin. Kat INTEC buat ADFP :)

After reading yr blog & others, slowly i can build up my confident to go intec. Thank you *nangis*

You'll be just fine, trust me :) Good luck! :) May God eases your journey, it's only the beginning of a long and successful path in your life, insyaAllah :)

Its been 6 months since I studied and I am about to start my college soon. Is there any way to warm up for college? Im afraid my brain might be rusty already hehe

What are you taking in college? Asasi? A-Levels? IB? ADFP? Any other pre-university programs?

Kalau jpa terus terminate, kita boleh terus guna a level result utk apply degree kt local u? Tapi kena guna duit sendiri lah kan. Bukan biasiswa lagi


Dpt biasiswa jpa mara. Selalunya jpa mara ni terminate terus ke? Takutnya kalau tk lepas :( buat kecewa mak bapak je hm

Kalau MARA, MARA hantar buat local. Macam kawan2 aku kat AUSMAT yang tak lepas haritu, ada yang dihantar kat Uniten, ada kat UTP.

If tak lepas intec, kita belajar mana nnt? So tamatlah kita punya biasiswa eh?

Depends if you're under a scholarship or not. If yes, ikut scholar la dia nak terminate or hantar somewhere else.

If i failed my pre cal,do u think it is possible for me to take cal 1 for the upcoming sem? or should i see my acedemic advisor?

Nope. You'll have to repeat it again.

Do you think it is acceptable to judge people who are using apple product or branded item as rich?

Judging people in the first place is a bad habit to do, and I'm against that, no matter what the reason is. Judging other people based on what they wear, what they use, what they watch on TV, what they do during holidays, what they listen to on the radio, what they study, and anything else is just plain unacceptable.
Liked by: Manish Jaiswal

Have you ever applied to Petronas?

Yep. Was called to go to the Educamp thingy for Accounting (I think), so I didn't go.

Salam. Kak Syaza, I just discovered your blog and I'm glad that I found it. You're my new inspiration! I'm going to take my spm in few months time, i want to ace like you. But i think i'm running out of time. Can you give me some advices or please, marah me like im your junior. Thanks kak ❤️

Wa'alaikumsalam. Aww, thank you:'D
And no worries, you still have a long way to go before SPM. Trust me, I wasn't even ready for my SPM even after sitting for my trials in August/September, so you're good to go for now. Just remember that although SPM Is important, it is not the sole reason for living. :)
As for acing SPM, well, start preparing from now. Depending on what subject combinations you're taking, make sure you're doing ample practice for the subjects that you are weaker in. Spend more time (double, if possible) on the subjects that you are weak. Even if you hate the subjects, force yourself to start liking it (if not loving it), because it will be so much harder to learn and understand a subject that you hate.
Remember that you are not studying for the sake of getting straight A's in SPM, but instead studying for the sake of learning new things that you can use in your future life. Lots of students make the mistakes of memorizing facts for SPM, but forgetting them after SPM ended. THIS IS A BAD HABIT THAT NEEDS TO BE STOPPED.
The knowledge that you learn in high school, the skills that you develop, all of these will be useful in your future live. Make sure that you actually understand the topics that you learn, instead of just memorizing it word by word. Memorizing things and spitting it out during exams is a risky thing to do, as you will be more stressed out if you missed out a word or two in the phrase. But if you understand it, you'll have a better chance of using it in the exam.
And, remember, studying is important, yes, but so is resting your body. Have ample sleep, and never pull an all-nighter, especially during exams week (though I do this sometimes, but this is bad bad bad). Eat well, rest well, sleep well, and play well. Exercise regularly, it helps keep your mind and body fresh and ready to learn. :)
All the best for your trials and SPM later on! :) <3

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Any tips on how to improve our speaking skills? :)

I hope some of the answers I give below helps :)

Assalamualaikum, Kak Syaza! :) I was googling about MARA-JPA and INTEC and that's how I found your blog. Very inspiring. Your English is soooooo good so I want to ask, how to improve my English? I can definitely write but I don't speak that well. Plus, I only got 2A for my GCE-O. Thanks very much.

Wa'alaikumsalam. Ahaha, thank you :') You're being too kind with the compliment. My English is still average at the moment, and I'm still trying to improve it myself.
There's countless ways to improve one's English, and you don't have to do them all. Just find a few that works for you and stick to them. Some of the most common ways are:
1) Watching English movies and dramas without subtitles. This helps to improve your listening skills.
2) Reading English novels / books / magazines / newspapers. Start small, with teenagers' novels and all, and move on to bigger and harder materials (adult novels, non-fictions, etc). I started with the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew, as well as Enid Blyton's books, before moving on to novels by Cecelia Ahern and other YA writers.
3) Write. Either a blog, a journal / diary, or even on Facebook / Twitter. Practice your written English by using it often. One of my favorite ways to do so is to blog, of course. To make it interesting, try finding a penpal from a different country (search 'find a penpal' on Google and you'll have tons of website popping up). Like, personally I have an email penpal in Germany that I would occasionally exchange emails with and share random stories and all.
4) Speak English. Practice using it with your family and friends. Don't worry if there are people who thinks you are being arrogant and snobbish, just ignore them. And don't worry if you're speaking broken English or if your grammar's all over the place. As long as you keep on trying to speak in English, it'll help to build your confidence. Improve bit by bit, and you'll be better.
5) Learn root words, prefixes and suffixes. This will help you to guess the meaning of harder words. Say, you haven't heard of what 'hydrophobic' means. But, you know that 'hydro' refers to water, and that 'phobic' comes from 'phobia', which means fear of something. So from knowing these, you can guess that hydrophobic means something like fear of water or repelling water of some sort.
6) Listening to English songs. This will definitely help to improve your listening skills since the words are almost always hard to understand (we had to do this for one of our classes in INTEC, and man that was super hard).
7) Always bring a notebook with you, and whenever you learn a new word / phrase, write it down for future references.
8) Learn idioms, common phrases and slang words. UrbanDictionary helps :)
Good luck! :)

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hi sis:) i just blogwalking and found yr blog. its kinda addictive to read yr blog. i want to read it more,more and more! bcs yr english is so adorable :'D ! keep blogging :)

Hi :) Ahahaha, thank you. Though, I don't understand the 'adorable' part (I don't know how one's English can be adorable), hahaha. Anyhow, thanks! InsyaAllah I'll keep blogging :)


Language: English