
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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thankyou kak syazaaaaa. Yr effiort is much appreciated :) Stay cool and may Allah bless and grant you happiness as well as blessings ^.~

Awww, thank youu :') And the same to you too, insyaAllah! :)

orait then em do you know any of yr friends in geoscience field?

Try looking up Wan Hidayah Zuhri, Salsabila Nazari or Syazana Rashid up on Facebook. I'm not sure if their major is fully 'Geoscience', but they're doing something similar to that, so they can help you out.

kak syaza, apa tu Duke of Edinburgh International Award? Bronze? Silver? Gold Award?? bole kasi link apa2 ke yg bole saya baca kalau kak syaza dah malas (sebab org dah tanye byk kali) ..thanks. ps: saya taknak google sbb nak tau ape yg kak syaza paham hehe *alasan*

Hi :)
Basically Duke of Edinburgh International Award (DoE for short) ni is basically a program to help youth improve themselves and gain the said awards (Bronze, Silver, Gold) by completing a set of requirements.
There's four requirements to fulfill: Community Service, Special Skills, Physical Activity and Adventurous Journey.
Community Service (CS) - pretty much like volunteering programs or activities, or anything that you do that helps the community (without payment).
Special Skills (SS) - basically just anything that helps you learn something new, like singing lessons, piano classes, sewing skills, etc. (anything that is not sports-related).
Physical Activity (PA) - sports-related.
Adventurous Journey (AJ) - camping.
To gain the Bronze Award, you'll need to fulfill 6 months of CS, SS and PA, and a 2-day 1-night AJ, with at least one hour weekly for CS, SS and PA.
For Silver Award, it's also 6 months of CS, SS and PA (one hour weekly for each) and a 3-day 2-night AJ.
For Gold Award, it's 12 months of CS, SS and PA (one hour weekly for each) and a 4-day 5-night AJ. Gold Award participants also have to complete a 5-day 4-night Residential Project (staying over at a place that is not familiar to you, and helping out there. Sample projects are like homestay project, or staying over in a village and helping out to build a school, etc).
So, yeah, that's basically it. :)

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kak syaza,I don't really know youu but I love you and how you handle all of my questionsss :) somehow I'm thinking of doing a volunteering project and to cooperate with you.Its my dream,of making this volunteering project a real one.

Ahahaha, sure thing. Hit me up on Facebook or shoot me an email. :D
Liked by: BBA

kalaj geoscience kerja geologist kan? Other thn that...? Sorry im asking fr yr opinion.

I think you're better off asking someone in that field. And jangan limitkan yourself to a career or two. Kalau diri sendiri tu flexible and willing to learn, you can work in any place that you find interesting and fits well with what you have.

I mean,the degree of hardness?

Everything in this world is hard. Even if you took the Arts stream during SPM and learnt Economics and Accounting, that does not determine that taking up Economics or Accounting for your degree would be easy. The same thing goes to Science stream students. Even if you take Add Maths, Biology, Physics and Chemistry during SPM, that does not mean you'll find Engineering or Medicine easy.
It's all on how you look at things. If you've already have a mindset that Economics will be harder for you because you used to be a Science stream student, well, that's pretty much going to determine how well you do. As long as you work hard for it, and if you really do enjoy it, it won't be hard.
Liked by: frey BBA

but for those who are used to science stream,and pursued to economics for her degree?

That's normal. You're not forced to take science majors in universities if you don't want to.

akak, apply university kat US bulan brape eh? and berapa lama mase yg kite kene tunggu untuk tahu result university tu eh? thank you. :)

Most US universities' deadlines are either January 1st, February 1st or March 1st (for Fall intake). So tengok la bila deadline for your chosen universities. And tengok juga, that university offer rolling admissions ke tak (as in, the earlier you apply, the earlier you get your results). Some universities buat rolling admissions, kalau apply awal, in two weeks dapat tahu results. Some universities tak, so even if you apply a month before deadline or a day before deadline, you still akan dapat tahu results a couple of weeks after the deadline.
Results keluar depend on universities. Some, like I mentioned, guna rolling admissions, dalam dua minggu macam tu (after dia dah receive semua application materials, SAT scores, TOEFL scores, dossiers, etc) boleh tahu. Some kena tunggu sebulan dua. Some tiga bulan. It depends.

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Apa beza edexcel dengan cambridge a-level?

Takde beza sangat pun, just different examination bodies. But silibus mostly nak dekat sama.

What do you think about the things you want,but you cant/you dont have it?

Allah Knows best. :)
"But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not." [2:216]
Liked by: BBA

salam.akak ad kwn yg buat persediaan course graphic design kt intec x??

Wa'alaikumsalam. Sorry, aku jenis yang tak ingat sangat setiap orang buat major apa. Tapi ada je budak graphic design, cuma maybe aku tak boleh nak sebut one by one sebab aku tak rapat sangat dengan budak non-science. (tak rapat as in aku kenal dyorang tapi selalu lupa dyorang major apa)

Wahh sama lah. Saya pon sorg pompuan je. Tapi dpt mara jpa pergi uk. Hm jauh dgn family. Sebelum ni tak pernah duduk asrama. Paling lama pergi camp pon 5 hari je kot. Hahaha. Pity me. Takut sgt kalau tk boleh survive kt sana :(

You'll be just fine, insyaAllah. Train from now la. Lama-lama nanti, kahwin pun kena jauh dengan family. Takkan nak duduk bawah ketiak mak ayah forever, kan kan? :)

Sometimes I think that you're flawless.

All praises and thanks to God the Almighty for hiding all my flaws :')

Boleh tahu kawan akak yg belajar kt uk amik course akaun tu? Saya dlm video akak masa bulan march haritu ke bila tah. Lupa :( yg saya igt akak bincang pasal soalan for spm leavers

Haha saufy dah lama tak on ask.fm.... Any other names?

Most of my friends aren't really active on Ask.fm. Youre better off contacting them through Fb or Twitter :)

I'm currently waiting for MARA's second intake results. I just wanna know, do you remember around when did they give out the results for those who got the second intake, in your year?

Early July :)
Liked by: animalia

Every month berapa je duit scholar yg tinggal lepas bayar housing semua? I dengar tinggal sikit je nanti

Depends on how much your rent is la. Masa I first year, I duduk on campus, so my on-campus housing fees tu my parents yang bayarkan. In return, I takleh mintak duit lebih from my parents. Nak travel ke nak beli barang ke apa semua guna duit MARA tu completely la.


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