
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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hi kak syaza emm boleh cerita pengalaman ambik ielts?ambik tutorial class tak?kalau score paling bagus berapa ek?

Err... Masuk kelas IELTS kat kolej tiga kali, then ambil IELTS?
Sorry la, sebab I started my A-Levels in January 2012, and ambil IELTS awal March 2012, sempat masuk 3 kali je kot kelas IELTS (seminggu dua missed sebab cikgu takde), so macam ada practice speaking test tu dua kali and writing sekali and that's all.
Score paling tinggi, errr, tak tahu. The highest that I know of is 8.5. Tapi rasanya 9 pun ada kot, tak sure la.

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How about driving kat sana.i mean US.lesen malaysia boleh ke dipakai di luar negara?certain negara ke mcm mana?

Depends on state mana. Some states bagi drive with Malaysian license for the first year. Then kena ambil driving test dyorang la for a driving permit.

apa beza test toefl dgn ielts?mana lebih senang?both boleh guna worldwide ke?

Takde beza sangat pun.
TOEFL ada paper based and internet based. IELTS paper based. Both ada empat komponen (reading listening writing speaking). Both senang je, tak susah mana pun. IELTS more to UK and Aussie/NZ, TOEFL more to US. But both are accepted worldwide, yes.

kalau pasal phone.pakai no US ke?pastu selalu contact family pakai apa?pakai no US line ke prepaid?Apa procedure ek.

Yes, pakai no. US la of course. Normally text family members and friends through Whatsapp. Call either Skype / Viber. Utilize yang mana guna internet dulu la.
I use AT&T Prepaid (GoPhone, 2GB of data monthly, unlimited call and texts to local numbers as well as unlimited text messages to certain countries such as Ireland, UK, Mexico, etc - sadly, Malaysia's not included). My plan is $60 monthly.
Most people opt for a family share plan. Get a group of 5 or more people, go on a mobile share plan, get 10GB of data or more and share among the people in the plan. Macam ni murah sikit la, you can get cheaper prices as more people are in the plan. Tapi one thing aku tak suka about ni is that, well, postpaid kan, kadang-kadang ada hidden charges sini sana, and like kalau sorang tak bayar, who's going to pay for her/him? Sebab for my prepaid plan, memang every month I pay exactly $60 (well, technically 63 something sebab ada tax if refill online but who cares).
So it's up to you la. Survey la dulu. Certain areas AT&T teruk. Some area Verizon coverage bagus gila. Some places T-Mobile is better. Tengok which place you're going and the plans that they offer la.

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apa nak buat kalau kita takut lupa diri

Selalu muhasabah diri, remind yourself everyday of who you are and why you are here (in this world).

akak kat us camna receive duit?from mara..parents?kena buat apa ek kalau study overseas

MARA bagi check every month / bank-in kan allowance every month:)
"Kena buat apa ek kalau study overseas?" - Meaning?

Did you get my question on MARA's appealing? In any case, we're asked to write justification reasons in essay form not exceeding 200 words. Can I have your opinion on what we should write, the language tone and etc? Thanks in advance. Really thanks.

Yes, I've received it. Will answer it when I'm on my laptop, I've been out the whole day and didn't have any data, sorry

As what i know, you got offer to do economics in the first place. So, why did you choose to accept the offer since you were into act science?

Long story short, I followed my guts and my heart.
Yes, I wanted to do Actuarial Science, but I also enjoyed studying Economics. One of the reasons I decided to go ahead with MARA's offer on Economics was because A-Levels was seriously boring (for me), and I hated it. I wanted to start fresh, and MARA's offer will give me that fresh start that I wanted (of course, there are also other personal reasons behind this decision).
But, yeah, I mostly just followed my guts on that one. It's not as if Actuarial Science and Economics are that much different anyway. If I was offered something completely opposite like Arts or Engineering, or even Medic, well, I would force myself to stick with A-Levels no matter how boring it gets. :)

Hello pretty Im about to take IBT Its my first time I just need you to advice me how to get high score Note that im good in english Thank you

If your English's pretty good, then you're all set to go. TOEFL iBT isn't that hard, as long as you answer what they ask for, don't make silly mistakes and speak carefully and clearly during the speaking test, you're good.

x.saya apply mara taun ni tapi x dapat.jadi saya go on with local uni.so,bole apply utk taun depan kan?ade x member akak bwat mcm ni?

Errr itu tak tahu. Sorry.

You think...I should retake my sat or toefl if I'm applyin for transfer student?

It depends on which universities you want to apply to. If your chosen universities put an emphasis on SAT (like Ivy Leagues and the top universities tend to do), then yes, even for transfer students, it would mean a lot to get higher scores. But if the universities you apply to do not put that much of an emphasis on SAT but instead focus on your CGPA and other activities, then there's no need to retake it.
As for TOEFL, as long as you pass the minimum requirement to apply to the universities (normally around 79-90) as an international student, you're all set to go. It's just to see if you have the minimum English language to study in the US, so you're all good with a score of 90-ish, or even 80-ish (though, if you're a sponsored student, you probably would need higher than 100 to meet your sponsor's requirement).

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Ada tak budak diploma who achieved excellent result then applied Mara/JPA scholarships to further studies in overseas ? Actually , budak diploma boleh fly jugak ke kalau result gempak ? Example , diploma in Accountancy .

Truthfully, aku tak tahu. Kawan-kawan aku sekarang pun, kalau yang buat Diploma pun, masih belum habis. And aku tak kenal sangat kalau seniors yang buat diploma so I wouldn't know much about the prospects of ex-Diploma students studying abroad.
Kalau nak tahu in general, boleh refer to my previous answer here: http://ask.fm/syazanazura/answer/112195755602
Thanks :)

ada tak akak kenal sape-sape yg dapat scholarship jpa-mara buat sains kat UK?

Buat Sains apa? Pure Science? Most of my friends masih lagi di INTEC, tak fly lagi.

kak nazu.. what do you know about science and technology? career prospect ok tak?

Don't know much in detail, but anything related to science and technology will have a good future, insyaAllah. Dude, apa-apa yang kau pakai sekarang uses technology kot. Of course la career prospects bagus, but IF kau betul-betul minat and work hard.

tahun ni apply mara,bole try utk taun dpan kan?rase mcm bazir umur pulak kan?ade x member akak bwat mcm ni?

Tak faham soalan apa tu ._. Sorry

Salam. Do u think I should retake sat if I scored 1500++ on my first test??? Oh im applyin for transfer student. Hope you can give me some suggestions

Waalaikumsalam. Depending on where you wanna go. I would say probably go retake it if you can :)
Liked by: Michael Warming

Hi! akak, kalau yang kteorg ni tak dapat mara awal-awal lagi, meaning, tak dapat interview, then kte buat rayuan, ada possibility dapat tak?

Hi. Err taktahu la. Sebab korang punya appeal process lain so tak sure la.

akak, bkk appeal time tahun akak selepas first intake dah masuk eh?

Nope. Bila results keluar terus ada proses appeal online. Macam akak, dapat tahu results semua and masuk INTEC seminggu lambat. So miss orientation je tapi yang lain sama je.

Have you ever had a friend who got the mara loan without having to go to the interview? Or did go through the interview but not with the same session as you guys? I feel like im losing hope in attaing at least a loan heh :(

Rilek. Not getting the MARA loan is not the end of the world. Allah just wants to show you that your best road and future is somewhere else. Perhaps He wants you to learn and improve before He gives you what you want. :)

slm.sy bru dpt offer dri mara for graphic design kt intec.tp sy apply utk medic.xke jauh 2????ad advice x boleh bg??sy bdk science,so mmg clueless la psl graphic design ni.help me please!!tq

Kalau dah tahu diri memang clueless and tak minat graphic design, tak payah la accept tawaran tu.
Memang tawaran MARA kadang2 susah nak dapat and you feel like you're forced to accept it sebab nanti orang lain cakap, "Lah baik tak payah apply sebab rugi je. Ambil peluang orang lain je!". Tapi kalau diri sendiri tahu memang dah tak minat and tak suka graphic design, I suggest tak payah la ambil.
Unless deep down inside kau suka benda2 macam tu and willing to take a risk and try. Tapi kau sorang je yang kenal diri kau macam mana so boleh nilai la which path you should take.
Good luck :)

mcm mane akak tahu yang mara dh bkk appeal dlu ? mara announce kat website dye or kene pergi pejabat mara ?

Kiteorang punya dulu appeal semua online je so memang dia bagitahu if tak dapat boleh terus buat rayuan.


Language: English