
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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Assalamualaikum sis. Is there any woman wearing 'tudung labuh' in USA? :3

Wa'alaikumsalam. Yes. :)

Hey i'm so confused right now. Im waiting for the MARA results and the bursary deadline is on 18th may. Idk should i accept the bursary or not because i really want MARA . Takut kalau dah accept bursary tak boleh backout pulak. I need your opinion pleaseee :(

Hey :)
I can't recall the process for Bursary, but I think you can try reading the agreement / rules and all before you 'accept' it, 'cause if I'm not mistaken, when I was doing it last time, you can say if you want to accept or decline the bursary offer, and then you have a certain time to tell them about the preparatory program that you want to do (A-Levels, IB, Asasi, Matriks, etc). That being said, you have to apply on your own and all. So I don't know if you can 'accept' the bursary for now, and decline it if you get MARA.
The best option is to call them and ask them about it for a more solid and concrete answer, just so you don't do anything that breach the agreements or terms of the bursary.
Good luck :)

welcome back sis syaza nazura!(warm wishes from malaysian) and have a nice trip :) you did well in your finals (i know). miss you so much. (broken eng(maybe?). sorry. hope you can correct it) thank you.

Awww, hihi :') Finals tak habis lagi actually, just my first paper (Calculus 3). I have two more papers on Thursday the 15th (Macroeconomics and Introduction to the Qur'an), so yeah. Pray for the last two papers, eh? :D Can't wait to be back home, I'd be on a plane back to Malaysia in a week!! :D
*I hope you did well in your finals (I know you did) - this is probably what you wanted to say, in a more grammatically correct way :)

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mana sesuai untuk perempuan kejuruteraan awam @ kejuruteraan teknologi????

Dua-dua okay je, depends on which one you like better la :)

I noticed that you said you can afford to study overseas w/o scholarship. So why did you take a financial aid from MARA? Isn't financial aid supposed to aid the less fortunate?

If you look in the US education system, there's different kinds of financial aid, namely 'Need-based' and 'Merit-based'. Most of the scholarships given in Malaysia are on a 'Merit-based' system, which is why you see all the 'Minimum 6/7/8/9 A's in SPM' requirements. There are, however, scholarships or loans given based on individual's needs and merits, such as the YPPB and others (where they limit the applicants to those with household income below a certain amount).
Yes, my parents would be able to finance my studies abroad even without a scholarship or a loan, but I didn't want to burden them financially. I have two younger brothers that would need looking after for, and if I am eligible and is offered a loan/scholarship, why would I turn it down, especially if it's for a major and a country that I want to go to? I wanted to do something because of what I achieved, I wanted to be responsible for myself and my studies. I didn't want to go private 'cause being under MARA gives me the extra motivation and push to work harder in my studies, as to achieve grades that are higher than their requirements.
There's actually a lot of people who can afford to finance their own studies using their parents' money, but yet they still take up scholarships / loans. This is a private and personal decision, so it's really hard to explain each of the reasons behind this decision.
Hope this answers your question. :)

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Assalamualaikum, (will wait for your answer ^_^) Did you apply for your uni masa ADFP ke atau lepas tu? Ada admission fee kan? How much? And oh apply for MARA scholarship selepas ADFP sebelum tahu uni USA mana kan? hope you understand >.<. Thank you

Yes, I applied for my universities during ADFP, sebab I tak nak ambil gap year (aka cuti setahun lepas ADFP before masuk university). Application fees berbeza mengikut universities, roughly between $75 - $150 per university. I applied for MARA after SPM results, meaning I masuk ADFP tu pun dah memang under MARA.
Hope this helps :)

Contoh la kan, kalau i dapat kolej mara seremban pastu boleh tak nak tukar ke kolej mara banting?

Kalau under MARA, susah sikit nak mintak tukar tempat.

Akk, kalau sya apply tuk gi luar ngara lepas matrik agak2 umur bape baru fly? 20 kah?

Depends buat setahun ke dua tahun la matriks tu. Ada yang boleh setahun, and ada yang dua (if tak silap lah. Kalau salah, sorry. Taktau sangat pasal matrik ni). Kalau setahun habis dah, cepat sikit la boleh sambung degree kat luar negara

Hey i stumbled upon your blog and was wondering, did u manage to get a scholarship for your undergraduate program? If yes, may i know what scholarship is that?

Hi, yes, I'm under MARA. :)

muet pnye certificate just untuk 2 tahun je. klau ielts pnye lak cmne? untuk brape tahun certificate dye?

Results boleh guna untuk dua tahun ke if tak silap.

Oh my that really does help kak! Thank you! But you know, I'll still ask you a lot of questions though, maybe not in the near future cause I know that you need to spend time for your finals. I'll wish you success instead of luck, (because luck is for loser, and I'm not a loser-Aizan Fahri) :3 haha

Ahaha. Alright. Glad it helps, and thank youu! :)

kak, klau nak ambik a-level dan plan tuk p overseas,brpa pointer kena lepas ek tu p oversea tu? dan klau x boleh ambik degree kt luar ngara coz x lepas final exam,still boleh smbung degree kt dlm ngra mcm tu?

Technically A-Levels tak pakai pointer sebenarnya. Most universities on average nak 3A's la, some may request 3A*, some maybe A*AA, depends on universitiea mana and depends on course apa. Kadang2 ada jugak yang mintak lower like AAB or something. Kalau under scholarship, biasanya lagi tinggi la requirements tu.
A-Levels jarang diterima di IPTA. Kalau tak fly pun, kena sambung kat IPTS la

hi kak :) nak tanya ni, kalau further dalam economics boleh kerja apa eh? luas tak peluang pekerjaan dia?

Banyak gila pekerjaan, jangan risau. Kena pandai cari peluang and jangan memilih sangat je.

How do you learn best: by listening, watching, reading or doing?

Doing. I hate reading textbooks the most -.-

Assalamualaikum, May I ask, which one's a better country to study English? My friend kept pestering me about this. Urgh haha. And oh, is it okay to enter overseas uni for undergraduate studies a year after that person finished their one year pre-uni? Again, thanks.

Studying English depends on which English you would want to learn though. Like, American English or British English. But I don't see much difference in both (other than the fact Malaysia uses British English). I wouldn't know which is better though, sorry.
There's no one right way to 'enter a university', you know? Some people take a gap year before starting college, others took two or three years, even, to go and, well, do whatever they want (ie discover themselves, take a trip around the world, work, volunteer program, etc). You don't actually HAVE to enter university IMMEDIATELY after high school & pre-university, and you certainly don't HAVE to enter it in the first year of university.
As for your question, you have a couple of options. After finishing your one year pre-uni program, you can either:
1) Straight away enter university for a three/four year degree program (six for medicine though)
2) Take a gap year (or a few months off) to 'learn more about yourself' or to travel, or to volunteer or whatsoever.
3) Enter a local university, take some classes, and apply to a university abroad as a transfer student (1 year here, two/three years abroad or two years here, one/two year(s) abroad, etc).
4) Do your undergraduate locally and study for Master's abroad.
Hope this helps!

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Hi, I hope this is an appropriate questions to ask. If it is not, I'm so sorry and please don't hesitate to delete this question. :) According to your blog, you have managed to pass a few interviews but you also had fail some of them. (C)

Answered below :)

(C) So I want to ask, in your opinion, what are the factors that have contributed to your failure? You so muchm like a really amazing person, so I just want to know what are the mistakes that even someone like you can make. Thank you :)

Sorry for the late reply, it's been a busy weekend. As for your question, I kind of narrowed it down to a few reasons:
1) Family background (or, as my friends love to put it, 'overqualified', which I think is a little bit over the line)
2) Passion and talents, probably yes. But a lack of knowledge in the required fields (like, really deep knowledge and understanding of the field or something like that)
3) Allah's fate. He Knows better about where I should be, not where I want to be.
4) They want to give more opportunities to other people, maybe?
5) My ever-changing passion and interests, probably make some feel like I may not be serious (?. I don't know, I'm just guessing, 'cause this is what some people commented on me)
6) Some people perceived me as an arrogant and overly-confidence person, which may not be a quite trait to have.
I don't know. Frankly I just accept it as 'fate', knowing that Allah Knows best. Being good and talented does not mean that you will be able to get everything you want out of life. Sometimes, Allah won't give you everything that you want, just to see you move on and improve yourself to be better, before finally giving you what you need in life.
So, yes.
"The strong don't win. The winners are the strong ones." (Tsutomu Iwamura, Seiho basketball team captain, Kuroko No Baske)

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Kak syaza, I have a dilemma rn. I got a scholarship offer from the U that I applied. However, the ranking for the U is not that high. Thinking bout the scholarship, man it sure offers a lot. But the U is not very well known. it's a private college. So I'm torn between ranking & scholarship :(

It depends on what major you're doing and which college that is. I mean, if your major is really really good at that college, then by all means, go ahead. But, if it's a so-so college for your major, then you're better off at another college that is more well-versed in your program of choice.
Don't just go for the scholarship, but don't just go for ranking as well. Going to a top 10 university in the world does not mean a thing if your major is not good in that university (i.e. going to MIT to study English literature, or going to John Hopkins for journalism or something like that).


Language: English