
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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apa beza its dgn it's? dan boleh bagi contoh ayat? sorry soalan darjah 3

It's -> It is or it has.
Its -> Showing possession, ownership.
It's (it is) cold outside.
"How's your History class so far?" "It's (it has) been great!"
The cat kept on licking its kittens.
The United States should really mind its own business instead of meddling into other countries' affairs.
"Ever heard about this one ghost story in Akasia? I don't know if it's (it is) true or not, but someone said she heard its wailing at midnight. It was scary!"
Liked by: Siti Maryam azizzzzz

Are you the kind of person who wants to be the big fish in a little pond or the little fish in the big pond?

A big fish, please and thank you.

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kalau ambil asasi sains fizikal, lepas tu boleh tak smbung degree course islamic banking?

Tak tahu. Tengok ePanduan UPU untuk post-STPM level and cari course Islamic Banking. And tengok syarat dia, nak kena ambil apa.

Saya akan menduduki SPM tahun ni...addmath saya asyik gagal ja . Ada tak teknik belajar addmath yg baik, selain drpd buat banyak latihan... I hope god bless you if you can help me :) sumpah saya akan jd rajin lepas ni...

There's no other way to do it. Ingat tanpa latihan boleh mahir apa-apa ke?
Tanya cikgu kalau tak faham topik tu.
Rajinkan diri buat latihan.
Belajar dengan kawan dalam study group.
Review topik yang dah belajar and buat latihan.
Biasakan diri dengan cara menjawab soalan.
Biasakan diri jawab contoh soalan tahun2 lepas.

What is your most unusual nighttime or morning ritual?

Does rolling on the bed and playing Minion Rush counts as unusual?

Salam, I am a little worried about the expenses to prepare for my arrival in the States. Will MARA actually give you allowance before your departure? Like your clothing allowance, living allowance and such. Or do they reimburse you once you arrive? Thank you so much!

Wa'alaikumsalam. Yes, they'd give you 6 months allowances in advance, with your first year allowance for clothing, accommodation, books and other things.


Adik aku SSAS, ex aku SSAS, abang angkat aku SSAS, cousin aku ex SSAS. Aku okay je ah dengan dyorang.
SDAR, another kawan baik aku from there gak. Aku suka ah kalau budak basket dyorang dtg KTJ for friendly.
MRSM, hmm tak berapa kenal ramai sangat budak MRSM ni. Ada la kenal a few people, like housemates aku dulu, housemates si dia sekarang, even si dia pun from MRSM. Kawan baik aku kat KTJ pun ada a few from MRSM. :)

STF? :D hahahah tetibe

Tak ada kawan rapat from STF except those yang aku jumpa kat INTEC masa InPro and Karisma masa basketball. And cikgu aku kat KTJ. Tu je la, and dyorang cool je.

Akak lg lama kt ktj ke ssp? Sbnrny sy tk fhm sgt mcm mana akk boleh pindah ke ktj hihi

January 2007 - November 2009 : SSP
January 2010 - July 2012 : KTJ
Kira lah yang mana lagi lama ye. Apa nak difahamkannya, pindah je la lepas habis PMR tu

Mana yg you rasa lg ok? SASER, ASIS, MCKK, STAR? :D jgn marah ni saje je tanye :D

Personally, aku ada dua kawan baik from ASIS, and dua from Koleq. Dari STAR and SASER lak, kawan ada la, just probably not as close as I am with my friends from Koleq and ASIS. Takleh nak buat judgment apa2 sebab sangat subjektif, harap maklum.
(Mana pergi SDAR and SSAS?)

Salam, akak how did u change the blogspot domain to .com domain? You pay for it or u change it manually or else??

Waalaikumsalam. Bought it through netkl.org


Language: English