
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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Prefer orang panggil syaza or nazu?

Syaza, sebab Syaza maksudnya keharuman. Nazu tu, hmm, taktahu ada maksud tak. (Well, nazura maksudnya Pemimpin yang disegani la)

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Want to make more friends? Try this: Tell us what you like and find people with the same interests. Try this: + add more interests + add your interests

would you rather go on a humanitarian mission to Palestine or Syria?

I wouldn't mind going to both. Probably Palestine, though :)

Kenapa x boleh bukak 94fs.net? Blog amalina rahman apa url dia?

94fs.net dah tutup. And blog Ama, well, dia tak nak orang tahu. Sorry

Any tips regarding a skype interview? Or maybe based on your experience before this

Emm, I never had a Skype interview, so I can't say much. What I can say based on the workshop I had with AIESEC last year and some general tips would be:
1) Make sure you dress appropriately. Even if it's just a Skype interview, dress professionally and look good.
2) Speak clearly and slowly, make sure the other side can hear and understand you.
3) Good internet connection. If possible, use a broadband / stable internet connection. Avoid free wifi at public places.
4) Make sure you're in a quiet room. Avoid Starbucks or any noisy places.
5) Make sure your background is not cluttered (ie with paintings, pictures, mess). This would distract the people interviewing you as they can't focus on looking at you.
6) Switch off your phone.
7) Make sure the lighting's good. Don't do it in a dark and dim place.
8) Send a thank you message / email after the interview.
9) Ace the interview.

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Sape yang tubuhkan 94Force and macam mana boleh tertubuhnya 94Force ni?

94fs asalnya ditubuhkan pada bulan September 2011, dengan nama Kongres 1994's oleh Akmal Hakim with a group of his friends. Kumpulan penulis bertambah, and at the end of 2012 (kot?) ditukarkan menjadi 94fs :)

bila nak datang Milwaukee ?

Nak ajak ke? Sediakan tempat tinggal and makanan, insyaAllah boleh je :D Let me know the date and time :D

Kalau kaya yak boleh scholar kalau kurang kaya boleh scholar? Mara punya mcm tu kei? Ada org cakap

Takde kaitan pun.

akak pkai macbook tak? if yes. do u think macbook is better than other brand laptop?

Tak pakai Macbook. I pakai Lenovo Ultrabook je.

Homesick tak? What do you do kalau homesick?

1. Call / Skype mak / ayah
2. Kacau abang kat Twitter / Whatsapp
3. Tidur
4. Pandang calendar, menghitung hari nak balik Malaysia.

Kalau kita ambik ib utk medic ka. Maksudnya masa ib tu dh blaja utk medic ke? Ke semua sama je subjek ib ikut laa apa pun kos kita pilih.

"IB ada 6 group of subjects: Mother Language (such as Malay A), Second Language (such as English B), Social Science (such as Business and Management, Economics, History), Natural Science (such as Physics, Biology, Chemistry), Mathematics and Virtual Arts. Kalau kolej tu tak tawarkan Virtual Arts, boleh ambil another subject from Social Science or Natural Science." -Raja Iskandar, IB student at MCKK
So kiranya takdelah belajar specifically subjects for Medic masa pre-university program, tak kira la IB ke, A-Levels ke, ADP ke. Semua masih still general la.

assalam akak.. akak boleh tak try listkan the skillsets yg kita orang kna ada b4 masuk u? nanti boleh kami asah skill kami sementara tunggu res.ult

Err, I'm not the right person to ask, plus the fact that there is no 'one set of skills' that a student needs to have. But some of the things you can do is:
1) Belajar cara research. Google Scholar, article databases.
2) Time management. Cuti ni jangan tidur pukul 4 pagi and bangun lepas Zohor. [padahal aku sekarang pun tidur lewat je tapi ignore that part]
3) Note-taking. Either through laptop/tablet or pakai notebook, belajar cara nak tulis nota during lecture dengan laju dan efisien.
4) Reading skills. Belajar membaca dengan laju, and belajar pick up the main points and arguments in a long article.
5) English. Polish your English.
6) Writing skills. Polish your writing skills, especially academic writing [research papers, etc]
7) Listening skills. "You need to be able to pick up everything the professor says, especially if you're planning on going abroad to study." - Syafiqa Shafei.
Err can't think of any more at the moment, but there's a lot that you can do to improve yourself. :)

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Liked by: anas

Habistu apa maksud orang yang cakap "aku belum belajar major lagi pun" ? Saya kurang faham

Sebab dia belum diterima secara 'sahnya' dalam major dia, ataupun dia belum 'declare' lagi major dia.
Sebagai contoh, this is how things are in UW-Madison.
You datang as a freshman or as a transfer, and you get the freedom to choose your own courses every semester. Memang you yang fully make the decision on what to take. But if masa freshman you dah set on doing a specific major, you need to declare the major.
You kena pergi the department / school / college that the major is located in. Like, for Economics, kena refer to Department of Economics in the College of Letters and Sciences. Kalau nak Accounting, kena go through the Business School. For Engineering majors pun sama, kena go through the School of Engineering.
Some of the schools / colleges are easy to declare a major, lagi2 for Letters and Sciences. Just jumpa academic advisor, ask her/him how to declare a major, isi borang and submit. Done. But for certain majors, susah sikit nak fully declare a major.
Like, for me, aku nak buat Actuarial Science. And kena go through Business School. Untuk digelar a student in the Business School, aku kena fulfill requirement [Microecons, Intro to Psych, English and Calculus]. Bila dah fulfill, kena apply to the Business School. And application to Business School only opens once a year, in March.
But even if I'm not in the Business School lagi, I can still take courses that would help me to fulfill the requirement to graduate with a major in Act Sci. I still boleh ambil Accounting courses, Macroecons semua. Just I tak completely declare my major as Act Sci lagi. And I still tak ambil lagi courses Actuarial Science sebab I belum fulfill my pre-requisites to take the courses (I need Calc 3 to take the lowest Act Sci course, which I am doing at the moment)

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