
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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hello sister..nice to see you there..saya Muslimah..dr Malaysia..minat bace akak punye blog!..tapi senanye..cmne akk dpt g sane ye?biasiswa or else?sendiri?..thank you..:D

Hello :) Pinjaman MARA :)

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Do you hang out a lot with american white people??? O.O Or do you just stick with Malaysians?

I hang around with a bunch of people, all three types - white American people, international students and Malaysians. :)

kalau depends, ada tak kawan2 akak bagitau tak best kalau fly 1st year or 2nd year? sorry banyak soalan

And again, it depends. Ada yang suka ACTP, ada yang prefer ADFP. :)

do Americans celebrate christmas like they do in movies? lots of presents, party hard/wild, snowball fight everywhere, children singing christmas songs in front of every house, santa claus flying in the sky, etc.?

Presents, yes.
Snowball fights, not sure.
Santa claus, no.
Children singing, how should I know, I live on campus -.-
Wild parties, all the time.

So akak rasa between ACTP and ADFP, which one is better?

It depends on individual la, you can't really say which is better 'cause everyone is different :)

I know Actuary is a tough program but can you give me some words to built my spirit back again about this course. :(

"La Tahzan, Innallaha ma'ana." [Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ei1a203c2mMsyazanazura’s Video 105531797586 ei1a203c2mMsyazanazura’s Video 105531797586 ei1a203c2mM]
Don't do it because you are forced to do it, but instead, do it because YOU WANT TO DO IT. If your heart is really in it, you'd keep on going no matter what.
Stay strong :)
Liked by: Haniiii

can you help me?im SPM leavers...deeply in my heart i really dont have ambition....can you help me?im just follow the rules of life....i realized that my life have nothing and zero...

Take some time off, stop contacting the whole world, sit down by yourself and think. Think about what makes you happy, what makes you feel sad. It's easier to take a piece of paper and write everything down. Write the time sin your life that you feel excited, sad and mad. It'd take some time, but you'd find your passion soon, insyaAllah :)

kak nazu, nak tny. kalau sekolah luar bandar, then sekolah tu tak aktif sukan sgt, layak ke dpt tawaran mane2? thanks :)

Layak je. Jangan risau sangat sekolah bandar ke luar bandar, kalau diri sendiri rajin and pandai ambil peluang, insyaAllah ok je :)

Hi! Im just puzzled abt sth. Org ckp ADFP and ACTP sama je kan? Selalu dgr ada orang cakap ADFP untung sbb 1 yr je. Then degree 3 yrs. Kalau ACTP kena buat 2 yrs and deg 3 yrs. So tell me apa yg SAMA nye? Or is ADFP punya degree 4 yrs - which makes both total 5 yrs?

ADFP setahun in Malaysia, then masuk university as a freshman, meaning you have four years to graduate. ACTP, dua tahun in Malaysia, masuk university as a transfer student, meaning ada 3 years left of university life.

I just finished with my spm. So basically I planned to take actuarial science in usa and I want a scholorship. Could suggest me on what I should be doing now? Tq

1) Read up about things that interest you.
2) Polish up your English. Like, seriously, SAT's freakishly hard.
3) Learn more about yourself. Who you are, why you want to go to the States, what makes you you, those kind of stuff.
4) Pray to God, ask for His help :)
Good luck!

camne nak beli buku kat amazon.com? pernah try sekali but they said 'sorry, our services are not provide at your region' something like that..

So that would mean that that particular product can't be posted internationally. You should try and see if they ship internationally, 'cause there are some products that are just locally shipped.
[though, I should think books would be shipped internationally as well, hmm]

why in your caption you wrote there nineteen and forever young?are u serious u are forever young?do u not believe that we will old?dont u believe hereafter?

I'd be forever young in my heart, no matter how old I am physically. I'd always be a kid in the heart. :)


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