
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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akak, kalau telor keluar dulu, sape yg mengeramkan die?

Evolution my dear. Bila binatang yang dulu2 tu evolve jadi the 'chicken' we know now. So dulu tak panggil ayam, tapi as time pass, jadila 'ayam' macam now.

Camner nak buat website macam Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr etc?..Tlg, pleaseee

Nak buat website ke nak buat account kat website2 tu? Kalau nak buat website, maaf wrong person to ask. Kalau nak buat akaun, just pergi website2 tu la :)

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Appearance Justin Bieber skrg lebih baik ke lebih teruk? ><

Taktahu. Dah lama tak nampak gambar dia ke apa. (Tak ambil tahu pasal Bieber, sorry)

dalam anime One Piece, watak mana paling awak suke ? knape ? hehehe

Maaf, tak layan sangat One Piece :/

kak syaza !! pening nie.. mane dulu yg first ? telur atau ibu ayam ?? ibu ayam atau telur ?? hewheehe :3

The eggs came first :)

kak syaza..kakak saya die nk jdik admin batch ninety-force.. mcm mane tu ?

Admin batch Ninety-Force as in nak menulis untuk http://94fs.net/? Just send us an email at kongres1994@gmail.com, along with a resume (just bagi reasons kenapa nak join, and kalau ada blog sekali, boleh linkkan) for us to check :)

dpd pemerhatian akak nie pmnat Arsenal btol x ? haha dan sempena persaraan boss Man United . describe Sir Alex Ferguson in 20 words pleasee..hehehe

Sir Alex Ferguson;
A legendary manager that brought Man Utd countless glory and triumph over the years with his expertise and visionary ideas.
Cukup 20 tak? :)

hai kak syaza, u are a very ambitious women.. u r good looking too.. untung spe jd boyfriend akak ;)

Ermm. Thanks, I guess? :3

Hai Kak Syaza! To be honest,you're my idol :) I wrote your name on my study table! and nak jadi macam kak syaza :) Because you're so talented and pandai in academics. So lucky. Nak dapat great results in SPM mcm kak syaza. 9A+ Doakan untuk saya yang terbaik kak syaza :) xx

Emm, thank you? InsyaAllah, moga2 Allah permudahkan segalanya :) Semua yang ada, semuanya rezeki dari Allah, Alhamdulillah. :)

salam, akak sy dpt tawaran drpd uia dlm asasi perubatan n a-level kt IIS under busary. bg akak, yg mne lebih baik? harap dpt mmbantu. :)

It depends on you, if you nak belajar dalam negara or luar negara. Kalau you rasa you tak nak take the risk of going overseas, buat asasi je la. Tapi if you are adventurous enough and nak rasakan something yang lain, go for A-Levels. Either way, you'd have to work hard. Buat solat istikharah, minta petunjuk. Moga2 Allah terangkan hati awak untuk memilih :)

akak SPM just around the corner,im scare if i didnt pass it well...its totally difficult..takot laaa x dpt msk u

Chill, take a deep breath. You still have time to catch up, don't worry too much. Just focus on your studies, and you'd be just fine. And IF you didn't pass it well, it doesn't matter much. Your SPM results is just a piece of paper. You can still find opportunities to succeed in the future <3

Hi Syaza! I just want to say that I love reading your Silent Confession. It is really a good blog. So, keep on blogging when you are in the States. Future Badger? Trust me, my parents always say that UWisc is always a good university. I am glad you will be studying there soon. :)

Hi :) InsyaAllah, I'll try to keep on blogging as much as I could :') Aww, thank you. :D

salam, saya batch ninety-force jgk ! currently study in egypt.. nk petua tasi malas skett..hehehehe

Cuba fikir macam ni: "If I put this thing off for tomorrow, and waste my time now, would I look back in the future and think, if only I didn't put it off, I would have done better?"

Akak. Bagi akak klu nk jd doktor, baik study kt dlm ngara ke oversea?

Dua2 sama je, asalkan belajar leklok sudah :) Takde beza sangat, just in terms of exposure and experience je. Kalau ada rezeki, belajar kat overseas. Tapi kalau local pun apa kurangnya not bad. Uni kat Malaysia pun boleh tahan bagus :)

Nice Answer Syaza Nazura. All the best for your future :D

Thank you :') You too, all the best for your future :*

I'm just wondering.. what make you so strong? What makes you so motivated to keep on moving forward...

YOLO. You only live once, so why let other people ruin it for you? Why let others decide what's best for you? Why let the small mistakes and failures keep you from standing back up and running to your dreams? :)

akak, ade tak kawan akak or sape2 yang akak kenal, amik course pre russian MIAT under mara. lagi satu, apa opinion akak ttg pre russian MIAT ni?? really need help:(

Pre-Russian akak taktau, cuba tanya best friend akak ni, dia kat MIAT. Twitter: WMAli_


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