
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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Oh my! A list of 10 reasons! Thanks a bunch. By the way, I’m currently doing ADTP in INTEC just like you did but different in the sense that I’m doing for two years so I’ll be applying as a transfer student. That said, will I still be put into the pre-business program? Would be a waste of credits :/

Ahh fellow ATU people, hello there 🙋🏻‍♀️ So are you currently in your first or second year in INTEC? Also, how many of you guys are there (ADTP) now?
And yes, regardless of freshman/transfer students, you’d still be considered as a pre-business student. But your credits won’t be wasted because they’ll still transfer over. It just means that you’ll have only one chance to apply to WSB (freshmen have two chances to apply before they reach the max credit limit, but transfer students will already have the credits from outside so that kind of limits it a bit).
Being a pre-business student also doesn’t mean that you can’t take business classes. You can still enroll and take business classes and all, but you just won’t be officially enrolled into the business degree until your WSB is accepted. I’ve had friends who applied as a transfer and got in, and some who came in as freshmen and got in their second year. So it kind of all depends on the individual la jugak.
Hope this helps! ☺️
(Hint: if there’s quite a number of you, do propose to your lecturers or the OSSP/HEP to call in some ADP alumni *cough cough me cough cough* if you guys wanna hear more about life as a student in the States.
Extra hint: I’ll be back in Malaysia in January onwards so I would most probably drop by to see Ms Asma and Sir Ikhwan and all so if there is enough demand from you/the students, we can probably get them to plan something)

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Heyyy, I’m considering a few universities to apply and I have UW-Madison on the list. Applying for Information System, BBA. As an alumni yourself, do you have any takeaways for me to consider? Like what makes UW-Madison a good choice. Thanks so much! :)

Hi there! :)
Well... When I was there, I used to say that having the chance to meet me is a good enough reason to attend UW-Madison, soooo... lol I can't use that anymore :D
But seriously speaking...
If you're looking to get a BBA degree from the Wisconsin School of Business (WSB), just know that if you apply to the university, most business degree students will be accepted as a 'pre-business' student. That means that most people are not directly admitted into the WSB, unless you apply for direct admissions into the WSB (very limited and competitive).
That's alright though, no not much to worry there since it's a normal thing and most people go through it (I did as well). It's just that you have to be aware that there will be another set of application to get into the WSB (more info: https://wsb.wisc.edu/programs-degrees/undergraduate-bba/admissions/uw-madison-students).
Other than that, some things to consider (both pros and cons):
1) WSB has a lot of event and activities with organizations and companies. Networking sessions, mock interviews, career fairs, info sessions, etc. There's A LOT. Like a LOT a LOT. So you'll have plenty of opportunities to learn about various organizations and companies and see if there are opportunities for your career as well.
2) I like the academic and career advisors at the university. Not just the pre-business/business advisors, but in general as well. Since I did my BBA but proceeded to pursue a career in education, I consulted other advisors outside WSB as well for advice and help. They're really super helpful and are willing to guide and listen to you.
3) I'm going to be a little bit bias but I enjoy College Library and all the other libraries as well. There are a lot of resources you can use, and College Library's open 24/5, so if you like to study at night, you can do that too. Inter-library loans are free as well (or they used to be at least, not sure about now), so if you want a book that the university doesn't have, you can request that they borrow it from a different library for you (and I've done this before too!).
4) College Library has board games, movies, PS4/Xbox games and consoles to check out, along with camera, video cameras/GoPro, laptops/iPads to check out - not all universities have this (my UK university doesn't).
5) It's a pretty town surrounded by lakes. You have opportunities to go to de-stress and cycle to parks or around the lakes if you want.
6) If you're a Malaysian (I'm assuming you are?), we have Dawn and other 'Mums' who will look after you and share their American cultures with you (Thanksgiving, etc).
7) Housing can be a bit expensive if you're like me (prefer a single room or a studio), but if you don't mind sharing a room, you can save a lot of money.
8) It's bloody freaking cold. Like ice cold. The wind hurts your face.
9) It's near enough to Milwaukee or Chicago if you need a city break.
10) It's UW-Madison, 'nuff said. :D

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How did you apply for internship at MACEE? Are there any special requirements to apply internship there?

Hi there!
There isn’t any specific requirements to intern at MACEE, mainly because I don’t think they have a set internship program (like other big corporate companies, etc).
So I essentially emailed them my resume & a cover letter, stating what I’m currently studying and interested to pursue as a career, and asking if it would be possible to do an internship with them.
It’s like cold emailing (you can read more about that) and you can use it to reach out to smaller companies and organizations who may not have a structured internship programs or take in interns on a regular basis.
But you’ll have to do your research and see how you fit in with their organization, & think about what you’d want to learn and can provide to them. Since it’s most probably an unstructed internship, find some good projects that you’d like to take on so that you actually learn something from it.
Hope that helps!

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Am I the only one who has 2 crushes at the same time?

Nope. That's normal. Crushes are normal. Just don't act on them if you're not supposed to.

Has anyone ever said something to you that set you on a path to prove them wrong?

Well, I got rejected from various scholarship bodies and universities. So I did what I wanted to do anyway, just to prove that I was right in choosing my path and that I deserved to be where I am.

What are the reasons to be happy?

That you’re alive and have an internet connection to send this question. Some people don’t have the luxury of internet, and some may not live to see today.

did you continue your masters study with a scholarship? If yes, from which body/organisation?

Hi! Unfortunately, I did not get any scholarships, aside from a partial scholarship from my university in the form of a partial tuition fee waiver (so instead of paying £14,000, I only pay £10,000). Other that that, it’s all thanks to my parents for supporting my studies ☺️

Hi kak, what advice do you have for a first-year undergrad who's starting to doubt on their major? I thought I made the right choice but i don't know anymore :(

Hi there!
Thank you for your question ❤️
First of all - usually, the first year is still too early to tell if you like a particular program, mainly because in the first year, you’re taking a lot of introductory classes. Like, for me, I realized that I didn’t want to pursue Actuarial Science after the end of my second year, and taking advanced Actuarial Science classes during my third & fourth year really confirmed my decision that yes, I wanted to leave Actuarial Science behind.
Secondly, talk to an advisor at your university. Either an academic or career advisor, or both. Talking to them can help you to figure out your strengths and weaknesses, what you want to accomplish in the future, and what programs or majors might be more suitable for you.
You can also talk to your professors or lecturers about it. They’d know more about the program and can help you to find ways to grasp it better.
Sometimes you can have doubts but it doesn’t mean that you’re not meant for it. People have doubts when they’re starting new things, or because they’re afraid of trying and failing. So figure out if your doubts are there because of fear, or because you’re legit not interested or committed to the program.
Hope this helps ☺️💪🏻

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What are some of the most unusual or interesting things you do to amuse yourself when you're bored?

Apparently, answering mundane Ask.fm questions 🤷🏻‍♀️

What do you think about parents who presents their childrens on the Internet (Facebook, Instagram, ...)?

If they do it without exposing private and confidential information (i.e. kids’ schools or nurseries, etc), then let them be.

What's the best news you could hear right now?

“Congratulations, you’ve got the job! And guess what, we’re going to sponsor you a visa as well!”

oh nooo :( p/s: just in case this will make you feel better, I've still bookmarked the link on ask fm where you answered my questions about my struggle during my degree years!!!

Aww, thank you! ❤️❤️ Hope my answer(s) somehow make it better! 😘💪🏻
oh nooo 

ps just in case this will make you feel better Ive still bookmarked
+1 answer in: “Hi syaza. what are you up to? im gonna start studying while working soon. as im pre reading my notes, ughh I could feel that its so hard to digest one page of journal article like I used to. Probably my mind has been resting quite a while LOL. and my self discipline sucks too. I know (to be cont.)”

What is a fun fact that you would like to share for no apparent reason what so ever?

Euoi is a valid Scrabble word.


Language: English