
Syaza Nazura

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a story that best describes this saying - 'When life throws you lemons, make lemonade

A true one or a made up one? If you're asking me for my real life story, I'd write about the time I was forced to leave SSP and move to KTJ. For two whole years I was stuck in a place I could not call home, surrounded by people who, most of them, were strangers to me. I hated it tremendously, but that did not stop me from achieving that 9A+ to prove that I could still succeed even when I was away from SSP.

apa beza course perakunan, kewangan dan ekonomi?

Economics is the big picture. Finance is a subset of Economics. Accounting is a subset of Finance. Fhm tak? :)

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apa scholar yang tawarkan actuarial science?

YPBB, Bank Negara, Maxis, Maybank, Yayasan Khazanah. Mostly corporate or Bank scholarships akan ada Actuarial Science :)

macam mana atasi masalah keyakinan diri.

Allah dah jadikan semua manusia dengan kelebihan dan kelemahan yang tersendiri. Kalau swak tak yakin dengan diri awak sendiri, macam mana awlk nak orang lain yakin dengan awak? Just think of it like this: Kalau orang lain boleh, kenapa awak tak bokeh? Apa bezanya awak dengan dyorang? Semua manusia sama. Yang pandai semuanya bermula dengan kebodohan. Yang kaya bermula dengan kemiskinan. Yang yakin bermula dengan ketidak-yakinan (is there such a word?)
If you want something, you gotta start somewhere. Ignore what others say about you. As long as you don't disturb their life, go on and chase your dreams :)

macam mana pathway nak amik actuarial science?

Locally or Internationally? Kalau local, ada je a few unis yang offer bachelors actuarial science. Amek asasi sains dulu la. If nak belajar overseas, apply scholar. Ambil either A Levels or ADP then fly off to your counry of choice.

ape bidang kerje utk actuarial science ?

Like I said, Insurance companies, banks, companies lain semua need at least one actuary.

akak time spm amik subjek ape and sekarang tgh amik course ape?

Akak ambil science tulen. Bio Chem Physics Add Maths. Now taking Actuarial science.

macam mana cara akak belajar?

Emmm. Entahlah, akak pun taktahu nak jawab mcm mana. I guess akak bljr dgn music kot. Ikut mood jugak la. Akak tkkan belajar kalau perut lapar, kalau ngantuk, kalau penat. Sbb nanti takkan masuk gak. Study smart, ikut bila badan rasa okay, otak rasa okay,, fikiran tenang and lapang. Jgn bljr masa tension. Buang masa je. :)

acturial science tu macam mana?

Emm. It's about numbers, statistics and probability. How to use Maths to calculate risks in life, insurance policy, pension schemes and all.

kak,kalau kite time spm ambil sains tulen, tapi bile nak further study, kite nak ambil account. Boleh ke? susah x nak adapt?

Boleh je. Sbb nanti macam ulang balik apa yang budak2 belajar masa spm. So tak susah nak adapt.

Kak, mcm mana nak terer english?

Emm, kena selalu practice la. Rajinkan membaca or menulis in English. :)

kak,kalau nk biasiswa MARA mmg kena interview eh?mmg kena atleast A-?ke ada je yg dapat biasiswa walaupun BI B+?

Rasanya ada je. Tak sure la. Tapi yes, ada interview. :)

Where do you see yourself five years from now?

Still in the States, continuing my Masters, insyaAllah.

what achievements did you acquire throughtout your whole life? (that is acceptable for college lol) :)

Emm. Achievements in what sense? I received Bronze and Silver awards for my Duke of Edinburgh Award (International Youth Award), I got 9A+ for my SPM in 2011, I kinda played a lot of basketball in my high school years, got accepted into NST's and The Star's young journalist programs , and I attended WE Model United Nations in Beijing last July.

what is your ambition ?

To be someone who can give something back to thebcommunity. A qualified actuary, part time novelist or writer. :)

congrats for the offers that you have received lately. semoga Allah permudahkan segala urusan. :)

Thank you. InsyaAllah, doakan results and CGPA lepas untuk fly bulan 8 ni :). :)

how much did u get for ur SAT? did u also take SAT 2?

I got 1940 for my SAT 1. And yes, I took SAT2. Physics 640, Maths Level 2 710.


Language: English