
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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it is 2018 already and x sangka ada lagi orang guna ask fm instead of sarahah and sayatme.just saying not condemn okay

Says the person sending this shoutout 🤔
Just saying 🙃
it is 2018 already and  x sangka ada lagi orang guna ask fm instead of sarahah

Whoaaa, harsh joke. Bad day?

Nah. Boring day, tbh. You just didn’t specify what kind of jokes you’re looking for, so I went for the easiest.
Whoaaa harsh joke Bad day

What's the necessity to work while you are studying?

Working while studying depends on each person's situation.
1) Financial-reason.
Not everyone is capable of funding their tertiary education, so some people work part-time to support themselves, pay their tuition fees, or get some extra pocket money.
2) Class requirements.
Some people may have to work as a part of their academic requirements to graduate or as part of a class structure / requirement.
3) Experience.
Most people work for the experience. To gain new skills, or utilize what they know in a real world job - research assistant, teaching assistant, office work, etc.
4) Time.
Sometimes you may have a lot of extra time outside of class and you don't want it to go to waste - so you work. You get paid, you get experience, and you get to spend your time productively (at least).

Guys! Wish me luck for job hunting tomorrow! Mohon bagi kata kata semangat sikit :")

Good luck!
Some things to consider:
1) Be confident, in the way you walk, talk, dress and how you present yourself to future employers.
2) Tailor your resume/CV to the different employers. See what is in each job description and focus on your skillsets that meet their requirements.
3) Be yourself. Be honest if you don’t know anything and show that you are willing to learn.
4) Ask questions - about the position, about benefits, about company culture, about the interviewers’ experiences. Show your interest and curiosity to learn more about them. Interviews are a two-way street, for employers to get to know you and for you to get to know your future employers.
5) Be punctual!
All the best!
Guys Wish me luck for job hunting tomorrow Mohon bagi kata kata semangat sikit
Liked by: alif hizriq

Between love (marriage) and enjoying life, what would you choose?

I’d choose both.
For me, enjoying life is having someone with me to share the joy, the happiness, the adventures, the sadness, the ups and downs, and everything that life has to offer.
To be married and in love means that I have a friend for live, someone I can be with and talk to and experience new things in the world. Someone I can travel with, learn new things with/from, argue and debate with, laugh and cry with, and just enjoy life with.
So I choose to have both, because I can.
Liked by: Nur

Degree life is very tough 😭

Working life is tougher.
But life is general is bloody hard. You’ll make it through. 💪🏻

Who is your best friend for the moment and why?

First and forever best friend, Faghira, because despite not being in touch for months at a time, whenever we do talk or catch up, it doesn't feel like we haven't talked in ages.

Ask your best friend/s 5 facts about you and then post their answer(s)

From Syasya Goh:
1) Cakap banyak gila tapi dalam banyak gila tu 70% benda berfaedah la.
2) Suka bising2 tapi bising coz she cares a lot.
4) Suka gila fresh orange dekat his one kedai mamak (Rafi)
5) Very loyal (meow) kbye
From @SyazwanZafarulla
1) selalu nk tidur awal tp end up tidur lmbt
2) kawan yang boleh diharap di masa senang dan susah. Senang nak clear off schedule bila2 aku kata nak turun kl
From Nadine:
1. suka makan nasi ayam to a scary degree
2. doesn't like showy/show-offy things
3. the kind of person-friend you can expect to snap you out of your bullshit
4. but is not as garang as she might let other people think she is (I am the garang friend hahaha)
5. kadang-kadang selfless tak ingat dunia (see: anything involving SSP)
From WM Ali:
1) Harry Potter geek that
2) is a fan of Arsenal
3) makes kad raya every year
4) but can be a little annoying, and most importantly
5) loves Aiman Ardani

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If someone wants to talk to you , what are the steps they should proceed to reach your acceptance of giving them a portion of your time to listen to ?

Be concise and straight to the point. No need to beat around the bushes too much. Give as much information as I would need in order to understand your situation.
For example, SPM leavers talking to me. You don't just go "Akak, apa saya patut buat eh?" or "Akak, course apa yang akak rasa saya patut sambung?" when I literally know zilch about you, who you are, your SPM results, your academi backgrounds, your interests, your strengths, etc.

Aku wonder..org pompuan yg sllu kuar rumah ni, dorang ckp cmne kat mak bila nk kuar?

Ma, keluar jap ye.


Language: English