
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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selama nie? oh,da byk pengalaman la nie eh? any guy ? huk3 :)

=.=' Takdelah banyak. Cuma mak ayah aku memang jenis yang suka tanya pasal kawan-kawan aku, even budak kelas kalau dyorang singgah rumah ke apa. Any guy? Hmm, that's for me to know, and for you to find out. :)

mcm ramai secret admirer je.. bess x rmai secret admirer?

Erk. Ramai ke? Rasa macam takde je. -.-' Ada ramai-ramai pun bukannya ada benefits, so, yeah. :3

oh. kalau mmg dia yg ko minat n dia tnjukkn semangat utk minang ko dr plbgai aspek mcm kewangan, agama, n mcm2 lg. but parents ko tolak jgk . cmne ?

One thing about parents aku, dyorang tak picky sangat sebenarnya. Selama ni, kalau dyorang tahu aku minat kat any guy, first thing dyorang akan tanya is pasal family guy tu. And dyorang nak jumpa. Most of the time parents aku okay je dengan semua kawan aku, tak kisah la siapa pun. So kalau dyorang tetiba tolak tu, mesti ada reasons yg kukuh untuk dyorang buat cenggitu. So kenalah discuss leklok. Tanya kenapa.

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What do you expect in 2013?

University applications & offers, insyaAllah. A new beginning in the States. A better and improved me in every single way possible: a better daughter, a better sister, a better friend, and, of course, a better servant of Allah.

oh bgos2.. sekufu yg mmg digariskn dlm islam. kalau ada org dtg minang skang nk buat ape ?

Errr. Itu aku serahkan kat mak and ayah. Tengok dyorang cakap apa. As the only daughter, aku ikut je apa dyorang cakap. :)
Liked by: syazwan zafarulla

oh. x demand sngt kelihatan disitu . dr aspek kekayaan dan taraf pendidikan mcm mana ?

Tak kisah. Serious aku tak kisah pun. Sebab kadang2 if berjaya dalam pendidikan tapi in real life situation or work macam hampeh tak guna jugak. Asal boleh support a family, I'm good.
Rezeki Allah yang kasi. If we trust in Allah, insyaAllah, all will turn out well.

What was the most important event of 2012?

"If you truly love someone, you wouldn't ask them to do things that would drag them to hell." :')
December 29th, 2012.

nak kawin umo bpe ? strict x pemilihan calon ? hahaha

Bila sampai jodoh, kahwinlah. Tak kisah pun umur berapa sebenarnya. But since aku seorang je anak perempuan dalam family ni, rasanya, mak akan 'lepaskan' aku bila aku dah habis study (habis degree insyaAllah 23 tahun nanti) and dah start kerja.
Pemilihan calon? Aku sebenarnya tak kisah sangat pasal calon. Asalkan dia 'pass' ayah & abang aku, cukuplah. Aku percaya kat the men in my family, dyorang tak akan bagi lelaki sembarangan kahwin dengan aku. Some of their criteria tu include : pandai imamkan solat, akhlak okay and hormat orang tua (ayah). Abang aku pulak cakap: "No smoker and no rempit, kalau tak abang halau keluar rumah."
So, yeah. :) Kalau dari part aku, asalkan dia boleh buat aku gelak when he needs to, and pandai ambil hati aku, aku okay je. :)

kenapa garu kepala ? ur mom masak ke ?

Garu kepala sebab nak cuba ingat balik. Rasa macam dah lama je dinner tadi, tak ingat. A'ah. Mak masak.

dulu sekolah mana?

Sekolah rendah : SK Taman Bukit Maluri, SK Taman Desa, SK Taman Desa 2
Sekolah menengah : King's Wood School, Sekolah Seri Puteri, Kolej Tuanku Ja'afar

bf-boyfriend ? bakal suami ? secret admire ? n seangkatan dengannye

Rasanya benda tu tak perlu nak diberitahu, kan? :)

how do you excel in biology? with its annoyingly strict marking schemes, it's hard for me to get an A.. please help

Is this for SPM-level? Or post-SPM? 'Cause if it's for post-SPM, I'm sorry, I don't know. For SPM, just read, understand and memorize. :)

apa sumbangan kamu kepada islam ? xkisah dalam apa2 medium.

Allah lebih mengetahui. Saya tak berhak nak cakap apa-apa. :)

apa kamu tahu berkenaan ilmu comparative religions

Sedikit sebanyak daripada bacaan dan novel Islamik, tapi tak mendalam sangat.

eh ? then why do some universities like LSE prefer Further Maths for Economics and not for accounting? Well in IB, also they stated they wanted a band 7 in maths HL (PS: Maths HL is WEALLY tough). Your mum's a chartered accountant? But isn't there a lot of accountants already:? How's the competition

Err. Can't answer that, but I'll try. I recall one of my A-Levels senior stating that certain universities prefer students to take up Further Maths over Accounting for A-Levels subject. I don't know the reason why, and I never thought of asking, 'cause it didn't affect me anyhow. But I guess it's because Accounting is relatively easy to catch up with in university. (one of my senior's in UK now, studying Accounting, but she never took accounting during A-Levels. She took Maths, Further Maths, Econs and Physics)
Yeah, my mum's a chartered accountant. And about the competition on Accountants, I'd have to apologize, I have absolutely no idea. (never crossed my mind to search about that)
*this is the problem if you're asking about UK universities to a US-bound student, or even about IB to an ADFP student*

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Which is a better major? Accounting or Finance or Economics or Actuarial Science? The one that requires mathematics and have good job prospects. as in slightly above average salary as a fresh grad? Btw I'm also not sure if I like accounting. It's normal. I hate memorising subjects like Bio too.

Well, I can't actually say which is the 'better' major, as it all depends on you. For Actuarial Science, the path to become a qualified actuary is hard. A lot of students are taking up Actuarial Science now, but most of them stopped halfway and quit. But once you become a qualify actuary, the salary is, well, $$$$$$$.
About Accounting or Finance, truthfully I say, I have absolutely no idea. But what I can is that you can go a long way with Accounting. (okay, I'm actually referring to a close and personal example: My mum) If you take up Economics, you can apply for basically anything related to Economics, so the job scope is wider for you. But it does not require A LOT of mathematics, although you'd need a certain about of it.
*I'm writing this out without any research or anything, so I might be a bit wrong*

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My friend used to ask me, "Do you like Economics?" Then I said, "Not yet." Haha.. So, Syaza, how on Earth can I have an interest in studying A-Level Economics since I don't want to 'meng-anaktiri-kan' this subject? Please give me an advice.

Trust me, when I was taking SPM, I used to HATE Economics. I never would have thought I would actually enjoy studying Economics. But I did. When I took A-Levels, I was torn apart between Economics and Chemistry. I ended up taking Economics. At first, it was a bit hard to cope since I didn't have any interest or any basic to the subject. But I had my friends around me. My Economics teacher made it interesting for me. One of my best friend, who's currently taking Economics, suggested me to read the Economist, something that I try to do on a regular basis (I'm a subscriber now).
I guess what you can try to do is read up a little bit about things related to Economics. Not just what you're going to learn in A-Levels, but something else. The papers, magazines, stuff like that. Try to get involved or engaged in Economics-related stuff. Talk to friends, teachers, seniors.
Oh, and if all the above don't work out and you are still not interested in the subject, don't forget to ask Allah for help. Ask Him to open your heart to start liking the subject. :)

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How about KTJ?

What about KTJ? If you're asking me of what I think of KTJ, then, well, KTJ's a nice school. Not that bad, I guess, although it wasn't exactly to my liking. But it's alright. You get great friends and great experience there.


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