
Syaza Nazura

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Hi syaza. what are you up to? im gonna start studying while working soon. as im pre reading my notes, ughh I could feel that its so hard to digest one page of journal article like I used to. Probably my mind has been resting quite a while LOL. and my self discipline sucks too. I know (to be cont.)

See answer below.
p/s thank you for the question. Questions like these are why I kept my Ask.fm account open, even when I feel like deleting it. <3
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(cont.) I know its kinda mind over matter things. thus I want to change. I need too. I've been waiting to do this for so long. so, do you have any apps that you use when youre studying or any routine that you do to stay focus and have self discipline? (i.e. subscribes, listening podcasts, read)

Hi there! :)
I'm doing good, not up to anything much except jobhunting here and there. I'm also considering rewriting my master's dissertation as a journal article but currently waiting for that inspiration and motivation to kick in lol.
I don't particularly use any specific apps to help me 'focus' and all, except perhaps using Chrome's extension (StayFocusd) to help me limit how many hours I spend on my browser on certain websites (social media, etc). It also ocassionally helps me to block some websites for a set number of hours / days (i.e. when I'm nearing deadlines and really really really need to focus).
Grammarly also helps when you're writing papers and assignments, though too bad I actually downloaded it AFTER I finished my master's lol. It would have been much much easier to use it while doing my master's, but meh.
Some of the newsletters I subscribe to: PositiveTom (for a dose of motivation, inspiration, and stuff), DailySkimm (to help me keep up with what's going on in the world), Aiman Azlan's newsletter, Robert Glazer's Friday Forward (found this through LinkedIn), and FutureCrunch (to hear about all the good news happening worldwide).
One thing that kind of helps (but then I abandoned it) was having a Google spreadsheet of all the articles/book chapters/websites, etc that I read for my dissertation. I wrote down the title, the authors, the year, the journal (everything in APA-ready format so I can copy & paste for my reference page) along with a snippet of the main ideas and arguments that I could use. I did this for the first ~10 or so, and then I forgot about the whole spreadsheet and never used it lol.
I also followed quite a few academic-related Instagram accounts (like academeology, academicmami, diversityinacademia, and scholarculture) so I can get some inspiration and motivation from other people on the academic journey. I even got my #100DaysofDissertation motivation from the people at academeology, so they're a great source of inspiration. And some of them also do sharing sessions for people in the academic field, etc so you can learn from each other as well. I also started following more academic-people on Twitter as well for the same reasons.
One thing that would definitely help is to start small. Set small little goals to accomplish every day (@ELindstromPhD on Twitter calls this their '3 bear minimum goals') and work on finishing those. The goals can be small - read a journal article, sending an email, work on a proposal, etc). Start small, and once you're back on track, increase it and set bigger goals. :)
Not sure if this helps, but, yeah. I wish you all the best! :) Remember, you are stronger than you think, and you'll make it through. Just believe in yourself and push through. :)

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What's your today midnight thoughts ?

(It’s 4am but heck who cares)
Why did God send me to this place? Out of everywhere I could go, why here?

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why do nice people choose the wrong people to date?

Because the “right person” don’t come with a label that says “the right person”.

Is it possible to be in love with two people at the same time?

That depends on the context of the question.
If you’re talking about the general “love” feeling - love for parents, friends and all, yes, you can definitely love more than one person at the same time.
If you’re specifically talking about being “in love” and all that intimate relationship kind of love, then no. If you really loved the first person, you wouldn’t have loved another person after that. You might have crushes on other people after you’ve fallen in love - crushes are normal, but you have to know your boundaries to not act on those crushes. You have to work constantly on your “love” - it requires a lot of commitment and hard work and communication.

What's something that you've read recently that you've liked?

Because people are obsessed with making everything about them.
“I did this, look!”
“Oh, but I’ve done this one and it’s better than yours.”
We somehow always feel the need to one-up everyone else and compete for the spotlight. Sometimes it’s just nice and good to let other people shine and take center stage & enjoy their achievements.
Whats something that youve read recently that youve liked
Liked by: ysia

What are you looking forward to this year?

There’s ~3.5 months left. I’m mainly excited for my Master’s graduation (13 Nov), my trip to Norway at the end of the year and hopefully getting a job 🤞🏻
Liked by: ysia

Hi, how is your mood?

Hello ☺️ I’m good today because I just got my certificate (even though graduation’s not until a month from now 😂).
Hi how is your mood
Liked by: Sabell ysia

What are some small things that make you happy?✨

Eating Chicken Rice & drinking Iced Milo ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

hi syaza. have been following you since you're doing acturial sc up til you've done with Master. im intrigued to know what actually interest you to study about education. what makes you curious about it. what makes you passionate about it? p/s: Congratulations for your excellent result x

Hi there!
Thank youuu so much ❤️❤️ Am glad to get this phase of my life done and over with 😂
Well, regarding my jump from Actuarial Science -> Higher Education, I wrote a little about it here (
I kind of knew since my 3rd year of university that I didn’t want to pursue a career in Actuarial Science. I was actually contemplating on switching my major to Human Resources & Management, but that would involve a lot of procedures with MARA and I was too lazy to go ahead with it. I did ended up taking up a Certificate in Education & Educational Services alongside my BBA, so I guess that’s alright.
I guess it’s more of how I realized that I would very much love to have a career where I can work with students on a daily basis. I enjoy talking and engaging with students and helping them achieve their goals, and realized that I can actually make a career out of doing something that I enjoy.
Me pursuing my MA Education was more of a personal thing because I wanted to learn more about how I could help students (i.e. this is why I chose the Mentoring & Coaching module as my elective module). It may not be actually needed for what I want to do (work in Higher Education / universities), so it’s more of a personal challenge to improve my understanding and doing something for myself for once in my life 😂
Don’t know if that answers your question, but, yeah, I just enjoy working with people, students specifically, and this line allows me to do so. :)
It’s like what Aida Riko (Kuroko No Basuke) says - Nothing beats cultivating talent ☺️💪🏻

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What are your favorite nighttime activities? (Late night drives, bonfires, walks, etc.)

Movies, late night drives through the countryside, hanging out at mamaks, snacking. Oh, and sleeping.

If you could travel the world with only one person who would you take?

My mum. She’s a fun travel buddy (& she’ll pay for everything lol)

If someone wants to talk to you , what are the steps they should proceed to reach your acceptance of giving them a portion of your time to listen to ?

If that someone is a complete stranger, perhaps giving a quick introduction on who they are and what they want to talk about.

if you were married how different will your life be?

Well, I’m already married, so... I guess the difference is now I have two families to consider when making plans, and that my life is not just about me, but about someone else as well.


Language: English